The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 18 Next Plan

Zheng Yonghao heard clearly what they were saying and couldn't help shaking his head secretly.

There are some things that they don't understand.

is like the induction of energy values between mutants. Under normal circumstances, it will only be felt when the gap between the two is very large.

For example, Qin Xue's energy value is 205, and the upper limit she can sense should be about 400, which may be more or less, but the gap is not too big.

At any time, this is almost a fixed method for estimating the power gap between mutants, but it is an exception here in Zheng Yonghao.

His physical evolution comes from S energy, and the performance of his power is in the control of energy.

If he doesn't take the initiative to say this power, no one can see it, let alone know that he can change his energy value to a certain extent.

Of course, this change in energy value is actually fake. He himself is still as much as he is, but in the eyes of others, it is only the value he shows.

In the life before his rebirth, the foreign supernuclear mutant used this method a lot.

Others think that he may only have a few hundred energy values, so they are very relieved to plot evil or directly intercept.

But in fact, his energy value is thousands, and the final result can be imagined.

Now Zheng Yonghao doesn't need a negative person, and it is meaningless to show a low energy value, so the energy value he shows is the opposite.

It was originally 351, but now he has built an illusion of up to 600, which is also the highest value he can virtualize now.

Such an energy value has far exceeded the range that Qin Xue could sense, so there is a doubt that can't be seen.


Zheng Yonghao came back and put a package in front of Qin Ming and the others.

Ha sausage, compressed bread, bottled water... are all the food in his plastic bag.

Qin Ming and others raised their heads doubtfully and were a little stunned.

"These foods are now yours, and it's up to you to decide how to arrange them."

Zheng Yonghao's expressionless explanation, but this explanation is obviously not enough.

Tao Ying and Qin Ming looked at each other, turned their heads and said the same thing tacitly: "What do you want us to do?"

After a few days of contact, the people who are together will understand no matter how silent they are.

They have seen that Zheng Yonghao is simply not a normal human being. I'm afraid it's more appropriate to say that he is a robot.

And whatever he does has an obvious purpose, and now he suddenly takes out food... Obviously, it is no exception.

Zheng Yonghao shook his head and sat down opposite them.

In their impression, this is the first time Zheng Yonghao has officially sat opposite them.

And this sudden formal made them feel a little nervous.

Zheng Yonghao said, "The point is not what I want you to do, but what you want to do!"

"We ourselves, this... what does this mean?"

Qin Ming scratched his head, Tao Ying frowned, and Qin Xue held Tao Ying's arm tightly, as if they didn't understand why Zheng Yonghao asked.

But in fact, Zheng Yonghao's unusual active speech has made them aware of something, but they have not dared to say it.

Zheng Yonghao said, "Plan! What are your plans for the future?

"Our plan..."

Qin Ming thought for a moment and said, "There is no other plan. You definitely can't get out outside. You have to wait for rescue."

Tao Ying nodded, and she had the same idea.

Now, no one can be sure that there is any safe place except the laboratory where they hide, and they don't even know where anyone is alive.

What they can think of, it is the best way to wait quietly for rescue at this moment.

However, Zheng Yonghao shook his head and said, "It's useless. You can't wait!"

"What? How can it be!"

Maybe he didn't want his only hope to be denied. Qin Ming shouted and almost jumped up, but he pulled the wound and fell down again.

Tao Ying and Qin Xue quickly helped him. Qin Ming waved his hand to indicate that he was fine, and his eyes were fixed on Zheng Yonghao.

He respects Zheng Yonghao very much, and even admires Zheng Yonghao's super strength. He is even more grateful to Zheng Yonghao for waking up his sister, but it does not mean that he is a person who is not independent.

Especially when he already has only one expectation in his heart, even Zheng Yonghao can't be the one who breaks hope.


Aware that he was too excited, Qin Ming apologized, but did not hide his thoughts.

Qin Ming said, "The government still has police and even the army. They must know that such a big thing has happened, and they will certainly be prepared. Maybe they are outside now and ready to pick us up!"

"Yes." Tao Ying finally said, "My father is from the army. They have corresponding plans for various major events. We can wait for their rescue."

Zheng Yonghao glanced at Tao Ying with an accident.

He felt that this girl was a little special, with extraordinary character and physical fitness, but he really didn't expect that she came from a military family.

This is not to blame Zheng Yonghao's lack of imagination. Most of his memory is after the catastrophe, so he will feel surprised by many things that ordinary people can easily think of now.

"If it's really like what you said, don't you think their rescue speed is a little too slow? I know what you're trying to say. It means that they may be preparing for rescue, right?

Tao Yinghe was interrupted without opening her mouth and immediately fell silent.

Not only because what Zheng Yonghao said was exactly what she thought, but also because she herself knew that the reason for preparing was not credible.

Such a big thing can even exceed the general state of war. How can the speed of troops and rescuers be possible and dare to delay!

Zheng Yonghao said, "Since the first appearance of zombies that day, it has been exactly a week now. If there had been a rescue, they would have appeared long ago. But the actual situation is that the rescue has not come so far, and we haven't even received the broadcast or anything, which is enough to explain the problem.

Hearing Zheng Yonghao's words, Tao Ying and Qin Ming's faces became more and more ugly.

They don't want to admit that they don't want to accept it, but they have to agree that Zheng Yonghao's statement is reasonable.

They don't know how others are doing, but they have their own mobile phones.

When it first happened, no one realized how serious it was. Most people's mobile phones ran out of power at the first time and then became the most useless waste.

However, Tao Ying has become an exception. She has been educated accordingly to know how important it is to keep communication tools unobstructed in the event of a disaster, and has always been careful to maintain the power of her mobile phone.

Up to now, she still has an unused spare battery.

She only told Qin Ming about this matter. How did Zheng Yonghao know?

Tao Ying didn't understand, but did not ask.

She saw too many mysteries on Zheng Yonghao. She really wanted to ask them one by one. Even if the other party was willing to answer, I'm afraid she couldn't finish it at dark.

"What do you want us to do?"

Qin Ming still remembers Zheng Yonghao's previous sentence, "From now on, I have the final say". In addition, without Zheng Yonghao's leadership, they could not have rushed through the siege of zombies alive at all. Now it is natural to ask Zheng Yonghao what he means.

Zheng Yonghao said, "My idea is very simple, waiting, but I can't wait completely passively!"

Qin Ming frowned and didn't know whether it hurt or didn't understand what Zheng Yonghao meant.

If you say waiting for rescue, isn't it the same as his idea, but what does it mean by not waiting passively?

Zheng Yonghao pointed to the other end of the laboratory and said, "You are students of the sports academy. You should know what this place is for, right?"

Qin Ming and Tao Ying nodded. Of course, they knew what it was for.

Only Qin Xue was puzzled and followed Zheng Yonghao's hand, with curiosity in her eyes.

Those are all kinds of strange instruments, which are exactly what Zheng Yonghao has been checking before.

Of course, in terms of shape alone, those instruments are more like fitness, and this laboratory is actually more like a gym.

"Do you want us to train with these things?"

Qin Ming said a little hesitant, and he couldn't believe it himself.

When is it now? It's enough to keep physical strength and wait for rescue. Who is still in the mood to exercise?

Although they were also exercising the day before, they had a goal, and they were only familiar with the use of weapons to increase the success rate and safety of the transfer.

Now they have successfully transferred. The laboratory with thick security doors is very safe. The water source here is also an independent water source drawn from the roof water tower. Do they need to train again?

This is the real idea in Qin Ming's heart, but thinking that Zheng Yonghao did not stop exercising before before, and the food that had just been thrown in front of them, Qin Ming made the judgment that Zheng Yonghao wanted to train them.


The answer given by Zheng Yonghao was resolute, and their eyes trembled without any emotion.

did not give them time to consider. Zheng Yonghao said, "This time I'm not asking you again. You can do nothing to wait for rescue, or you can train with me and observe the next situation changes. It's entirely up to you to decide how to choose!"

Zheng Yonghao got up and left after saying this, although he knew that if he explained more specifically, Qin Ming and Tao Ying would definitely make a more rational choice.

But he doesn't intend to explain. When the end of the world comes, many things can only be judged by himself.

And he can't tell them how he knows what will happen in the future, as if he said that there will be no rescue for the time being, but he can't tell them how he knows that the army and the government are overwhelmed.

Rebirth may become the biggest secret of his life.

Even if he wants to share it one day, it must be the person he can fully trust.

But now, they are not, or even never, never!

"Can I... me too?"

The crisp voice came from behind, and it turned out to be Qin Xue.

Zheng Yonghao stopped, turned around and looked at each other.