The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 28 Giant Variants

The comprehensive building of the sports hospital has always been the place with the largest number of teachers and students before the catastrophe.

So after the catastrophe, it also became the most miserable place with the most zombies.


Zheng Yonghao adjusted his breathing and stepped in.

Because there were zombies everywhere before, there was almost no place in the complex that was intact.

There is no need to push the door at all. There is no glass on it.

Occasionally, there are sharp fragments hanging, and it is only reflected in the dark night and desolate scenery.

Zheng Yonghao did not pay attention to these and did not have any emotion.

If it is true, ten years of memory is more broken than today's destruction, and more desolate than today's desolation. He can't bear it for a long time.

Ignoring is often a means of self-protection.

Luckily, he doesn't need to look for a map.

The circuit map of the whole comprehensive building is hung on the wall of the entrance on the first floor, the location of the safety exit, and the location of the stairwell, including the two underground floors.

And the first thing he wants to go is underground!

People often hide things in two ways, private!

First of all, it should be kept secret, and secondly, the location is special so that people can't find it as much as possible.

The upper floor of the comprehensive building is full of classrooms and offices, which is obviously not a suitable place to hide things.

Compared with it, the basement used to store things is much more suitable.

can be covered by other items, and it is not that anyone can come in and make trouble. It is most suitable for doing some obscrupt things.

So Zheng Yonghao went directly to the second basement and killed an unlucky zombie stuck by the railing on the way.

"There are 36 rooms in total. It seems that we need to speed up!"

Zheng Yonghao came out of the first room and didn't look good.

He originally thought that it was impossible to put too many things here even if it was used as a warehouse. After all, any school would have a special warehouse, but he was wrong.

I don't know if the management of the sports hospital is too chaotic. Such a room is actually full and has not been classified.

No matter what or category it is, it's all stuffed in, just like a garbage dump!

It's so chaotic, how can he find it?

He can make his spiritual power cover the whole room, but his spiritual power can't distinguish specific objects and patterns!

And there are not only individual rooms. He has now checked two rooms, all of which are such disorderly and chaotic, which seems very troublesome.

The third room, the same.

The fourth room, a little cleaner, relaxed his tense heart a little.

The fifth...

The sixth...

Half an hour passed, Zheng Yonghao frowned and walked out of the seventh room. He found that he didn't have enough time.

Now that the outside has been completely shrouded in night, it is even darker here.

Although his eyesight is extraordinary, if there is no light at all, he still can't see anything.

Even if he can use the lighter in his pocket for a while and look for one or two more rooms, how much hope can he find?

He just didn't calculate that the two floors under the comprehensive building would be regarded as a real warehouse.

"Find two more. If not, come back at dawn!"

He still decided to try his luck again. If he finds nature, it's best. In fact, it's nothing if he can't find it.

Although the zombies who left will come back, it is impossible to be as many as before.

You should know that zombies don't have the concept of home. It's just some instincts, and any movement can attract them.

After his disturbance, it's good that one-third of the zombies can finally return to the comprehensive building.

And once it is dawn, it should be difficult for these zombies to pose a threat to him.

The eighth room, nothing.

In the ninth room, I also couldn't find the potential potion, but Zheng Yonghao found something that should not have appeared here - that was a pistol!

It is incredible that a pistol will appear on the second basement floor of the comprehensive building of the sports hospital.

Even Zheng Yonghao has thought of a lot before, such as the hidden biological research institute, such as those disguised as school security guards... has made him a lot of psychological preparation, even if he is pointed at with a gun, he will not be surprised.

However, it will never include a masterless pistol. It's too abnormal to casually put it in an ordinary room!

Zheng Yonghao checked that this is a domestic*, which should use 9mm bullets, but now the gun is empty.

People who will use this kind of gun are generally from the military, which is closer to his speculation about potential drugs.

But what about people?

If this pistol is owned by a soldier, there is no reason for him to leave the weapon aside unless there is some emergency.

Is it a zombie? Or...

Zheng Yonghao doesn't know the answer and can only make some guesses, but he should be inseparable.

Unless there are special circumstances, no one will casually throw away the weapon.

But now, it's cheaper for Zheng Yonghao. He really needs a gun.

As for the bullets, he also knows where to get them.

He even felt that he might not need to go to the place he knew, and there might be something unexpected hidden now.

surprisingly, Zheng Yonghao did not leave the room this time, but groped and knocked in the corners.



Zheng Yonghao's hand suddenly hung in mid-air, narrowing his eyes as if he was thinking about something.

At this moment, a muffled sound suddenly came from his feet, and Zheng Yonghao's face changed dramatically in an instant!

"It's not good!"

He shouted softly and jumped back with his feet in the air.

Just as he jumped away, the floor where he originally stood seemed to suddenly explode and turned into countless fragments splashing in all directions.

Those fragments are extremely thin, far less than the thickness of the normal floor.

What was more frightful was that a figure rushed out of the explosion and fell in front of Zheng Yonghao without saying a word.

Zheng Yonghao could only protect his arms in front of him in an emergency, and then felt a huge force hitting him.

That's right! Not a hit, but a hit!

It's like a person opening his arms to welcome the warm wind, but a train rushed in front of him!

Zheng Yonghao retreated rapidly, and his feet rubbed against the ground and sneered.

A bad smell suddenly came out, and his sole had been scorched and deformed!

195! A powerful mutant?"

Zheng Yonghao, who finally stopped, was extremely surprised, not because of the physical energy value detected by his spiritual power, nor because of the terrible power shown by the other party.

But because of the other party's face... He has clearly seen it!


Ah! I want to die...

There are only two chapters today, and the second chapter is only... 2000 words, ashamed.