The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 36 Transplanting Superpower Factor

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The little mouse is the silver-line rat mutant animal that was caught by Zheng Yonghao before, but now three days later, its appearance has changed greatly compared with that time.

First of all, it is the color of fur. Originally, it only had a silver line on its back. At this time, it was already bright silver. At first glance, it looked like it was drenched with silver paint.

Secondly, it is in its state. It can't be seen that it was agile before. It is motionless in the bottle. Only the slightly undulating chest and abdomen prove that it is still alive.


Zheng Yonghao pulled out the cork.

If it was three days ago, the silver thread mouse would have jumped out immediately.

At its speed, unless Zheng Yonghao is ready in advance, there is a great possibility that it will slip away and cannot be recovered.

But now the cork has been pulled out, but it still doesn't move.

While the cork was pulled out, a pungent smell of alcohol permeated the room.

However, no matter how you look at it, there is no ** in the bottle. For a moment, I'm afraid that no one can tell where the smell comes from.

Of course, if someone else is here, they will definitely be confused.

But Zheng Yonghao won't, because all this is exactly what he did.

He poured the bottle over, as if the dead silver rat had slipped from it.

The source of the smell of alcohol became clear at this moment, and it was fling from the silver rat.

Looking at the silver thread mouse, Zheng Yonghao's face smiled.

As a mutant with weak combat effectiveness but extremely high value, the silver thread mouse has always been one of the favorite prey of human survivors.

It's just that their speed is too fast, and it is extremely difficult to intercept and arrest them.

Even if they are successfully captured, their own speed power can also create imperceptible high-frequency motions and destroy what traps them.

Unless you kill the silver thread mouse while catching it, as long as you don't pay attention or even pay attention, you may become empty-handed in an instant.

However, it is also impossible to kill it, because the silver-line rat is expensive because of its superpower factor, and the superpower factor can only survive for 12 hours after the death of the mother.

Once more than 12 hours, the expensive superpower factor will lose its function, which is still the same as the result of not catching the silver thread mouse at all.

This creates a situation that makes the hunters speechless. If they catch the silver rat but don't kill it, this thing may give you a magic escape show.

But if you kill it immediately after catching the silver thread mouse, it is limited to only 12 hours to find a suitable buyer and complete the transaction... This is also almost impossible.

It is for this reason that Zheng Yonghao rarely saw transactions about silver-line mice before his rebirth, and only saw silver-line mice with his own eyes once.

But now he is really grateful to that person, who taught him how to control the silver rat.

The answer is - wine!

I'm afraid that few people can imagine that the silver-line rat mutant beast that eats almost everything in heaven and earth will be an alcoholic but pouring down with wine!

Just take the high-degree liquor and pour it into the silver thread mouse, and it will immediately lose consciousness and fall asleep.

And Zheng Yonghao also got a very important piece of information from that person. While alcohol paralyzes the consciousness of the silver rat, it will not paralyze its physical function!

On the contrary, although the silver thread mouse filled with wine will fall asleep, its speed power in its body will always remain at the limit.

This extreme state will shorten the life of the silver thread mouse, but it will also make it grow many times faster than normal.

If you inject a venom extracted from the violent and poisonous frog into the silver rat at this time, it can also double its growth rate again!

So it would have took two and a half years to grow the second silver-line mouse, which will only take three days. The speed power in its body, which was originally at a low level, will also be forcibly promoted to another level in these three days.

That is to say, if the superpower factor in the silver rat is transplanted to someone at this time, and that person withstands terrible rejection and subsequent effects, he will directly have a higher level of speed power!

What is this concept?

It is common to know that the superpower factor transplanted from mutant beasts will not be promoted. What is the level of mutant beasts? People who receive transplants can only be at what level.

may be low, but never high, and it is almost impossible to make progress.

has accepted the transplant. The stronger the ability, the better. A level difference is. Of course, the higher the better.

Zheng Yonghao's contact with that person was not long ago, and he was able to get this secret because he inadvertently helped the other party a big favor.

But even if the relationship is not deep, he also knows that that person is a rich master, relying on this simple but unthinkable trick.

If you catch a young age, you will catch someone else as an adult. If you sell one, you will sell ten... This is all wealth, and this is the gap!

Zheng Yonghao didn't think much when he didn't catch the silver thread mouse, and when he successfully captured the silver thread mouse, he immediately thought of this magical method.

So he did not kill the silver rat immediately, but knocked it out and brought it back, and then began to concoct according to law.

Although he does not have liquor in his hand, he will never lack alcohol in the laboratory.

He doesn't have the venom of the violent frog, but there is nothing like the supernuclear power in his body!

He just integrated the supernuclear power into part of the blood, then released a drop of that blood and injected it into the body of the silver rat, and then waited for three consecutive days.

As a result, his experiment was successful and unprecedentedly successful, and the effect was so good that he did not expect it.

The special effect of alcohol on the silver thread mouse, coupled with the powerful explosive power of supernuclear power, has pulled the silver thread mouse to an incredible level.

All his hair turned into a bright silver rat... Zheng Yonghao, not to mention that he has never seen it, he has never heard of it at all.

He even had a strong impulse to wait for the silver rat to wake up and see how fast it is now!

Will the expansion speed really turn into a silver light? He really wants to have a look.

Of course, he just thought about it.

Not to mention that this little thing is drunk to death, even if he really wakes up, he dares not try.

The original speed was so horrible, but now it seems that it has been transformed into a complete body. He is really afraid that he will never catch it back after trying.


Zheng Yonghao adjusted his breathing and calmed down. While looking at the silver rat, his eyes gradually became cold.

Normally, the superpower factor of the mutant beast needs to be transplanted in two steps, one is extraction and the other is implantation.

The former is mainly technical complexity, because ordinary people do not have the conditions and technology to extract superpower factors, and only people from large bases will have the ability in the future.

The latter is a real danger. The implanted person will have a strong rejection reaction. After that, even if they survive the rejection reaction, they may not be able to control the new ability in the body.

Once you fail, the result will be death, and there is no other possibility.

But when it comes to Zheng Yonghao, the most complicated first step is the simplest.

Because he is known as the strongest S energy mutant, because he has a unique supernuclear power absorption ability!

Others can only absorb specially extracted superpower factors, which cannot contain impurities in even one cell.

But he can directly plant the brain marrow fluid with silver thread mouse superpower factor into his subcutaneous tissue, and then rely on supernuclear power to absorb it little by little, and even those extra parts can become his nutrients.

On this point, he had seen a piece of information before his rebirth, and the experience of the foreign S energy mutant has proved the feasibility of this practice.

The only drawback is that the superpower factor contained in the brain fluid is only a part of the mutant beast. Although it is the largest part, it is still a little worse in quantity.

But the victory is simple, and it is a method that can only be used by S energy mutants, which can no longer be forced.

As for the process and danger of absorbing superpower factors, Zheng Yonghao can only make his own judgment.

After thinking these days, he feels that there is still danger, but it should not be fatal.

The characteristics of supernuclear energy can minimize the rejection reaction. As long as he can control the new ability after absorption and not let the new ability explode in his body, he can successfully complete this first ability transplant.

"Let's start!"

Feel the movement of the silver thread mouse in his hand that was about to wake up, Zheng Yonghao's eyes flashed without hesitation.

He has practiced the whole process countless times in his heart, but this is just another repetition after countless times.

From wielding a dagger to drawing a silver light, to taking out the brain fluid of the silver thread mouse and burying it in the arm, and finally tightening the wound with the already prepared gauze, the whole process was almost completed in an in an flash.

After that, he closed his eyes and sat there motionless...

For the next two consecutive days, Zheng Yonghao did not step out of the door.

Qin Ming and others were notified by him in advance. Although they felt strange, they were not worried about him.

Only Qin Xue sneaked over to listen to the noise every once in a while, and then secretly blushed and left gently after hearing Zheng Yonghao's breathing.

On the third day, Zheng Yonghao still did not move, and Qin Ming went out with Zhang Detao once.

It is said to be companionship, but in fact it is protection, which is also the order left by Zheng Yonghao before locking himself up.

Of course, it is precisely because of Zhang Detao, a great master that Tao Ying and Qin Xue can rest assured to let Qin Ming go out.

On the fourth day, Qin Ming, who was restable, went out again, and this time he finally brought back a special message, which was written on A1 paper.

The notice describes the current situation in a few words, hoping that the survivors will recognize the reality, because the social system no longer exists.

Later, it was said that they were a self-help group composed of university teachers and students. They received the exact news that a survivor base had been established in Jinzhou, and they also planned to form a convoy to migrate there within a week.

Finally, he said that if he intends to join them, he will rush to the planetarium of the Affiliated Middle School of Normal University on October 3rd to discuss specific matters.

Seeing this notice, Qin Ming, who had experienced many hopes and disappointments, did not immediately enter a state of excitement, but thought of Zheng Yonghao.

Zheng Yonghao said that the library was unsafe and needed to be transferred. They didn't believe it. As a result, they saw what the danger looked like the next day.

Zheng Yonghao also told them not to open the door casually, but they still didn't listen. As a result, they opened the door and immediately led the wolf into the room.

Zheng Yonghao also said that there was something wrong with the broadcasting of the School of Architecture. They thought it was impossible, but in the end they met a group of inhuman scum.

Zheng Yonghao recently said that they did not need to take the initiative to do anything. Naturally, someone would organize a team and contact them. This time, they were skeptical, and as a result, someone really issued a notice.

It turns out that everything Zheng Yonghao said is right, just like the spokesperson of truth.

So when they have to make a decision this time, the first thing they want to hear is what Zheng Yonghao said.

It's just that he... still doesn't seem to show any signs of coming out.


Just as Qin Ming and the others subconsciously looked over the compartment, the door suddenly opened.