The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 42 Negotiation

Really, I didn't expect anything? Zhong Ning was a little suspicious. Zheng Yonghao denied it, and she could only let it go first.

After all, no matter how smart and capable people are, it is impossible to think that tens of thousands of horrible corpses will be caused by one person... This kind of thing has broken through to the sky for imagination...

Zhong Ning said, "Fortunately, we found it early and returned in time, otherwise the consequences would be really unimaginable."

Zheng Yonghao nodded to show his understanding.

There may be tens of thousands of corpses. If they really plunge in, the whole army will be destroyed, and even the bodies will not be found at that time.

However, judging from the fact that they could retreat at that time, their group was well organized, and at least they knew that the senders in front of them explored the way and scouted the enemy.

Zhong Ning's face is a little gloomy. Obviously, such a result has made her a little unacceptable until now. She said, "The south side is blocked by the corpses. We want to go back to the main city first and then take a detour on the Second Ring Road. And at that time, our car and gasoline were not enough, and we just wanted to go to the main city to replenish it.

"The result is that as I just said, I don't know who blew up the Hunhe Bridge to the main urban area. We still didn't give up and ventured to go to the other two bridges. We lost a car and more than a dozen people halfway, but in the end, we got the same result. The two bridges of rich people and youth were also blown up.

Several people sighed, and Zheng Yonghao asked, "When did this happen?"

Zhong Ning rubbed his temples and said, "About a week ago, I'm sorry, I'm a little vague about the concept of time now."

"Well, it's understandable." Zheng Yonghao said.

"hehe." Zhong Ning smiled and may have said a few words to find that Zheng Yonghao and others were not too difficult to communicate, and she was also a little more relaxed than before.

Zhong Ning said, "When we came back, we were very angry and wanted to catch the person who destroyed the bridge. Although we also know that the person who blew up the bridge may have escaped, we are still unwilling to start the investigation. This is actually the reason for the misunderstanding we had before.

"I would have been angry when I encounter this kind of thing. Maybe I want to catch the destroyer more strongly than you, but how do you know it's just a misunderstanding?"

Zheng Yonghao asked his doubts. He asked Zhang Detao to take action to show his strength, but Gao Peng immediately said a "misunderstanding" at that time, but obviously he was not completely scared by Zhang Detao's combat effectiveness, but he really knew that it was just a misunderstanding.

Zhong Ning glanced at the person next to him, and the man immediately handed over a small thing. Zhong Ning said, "That's why we found it at the broken bridge this morning."

Zheng Yonghao saw that Zhong Ning held a small recording pen in his hand.

As Zhong Ning pressed the play button, a gasping voice immediately echoed in the room: "We are heading south. When we passed through here, we found that there were too many zombies in the city, and I'm afraid there must be millions. In order to prevent these zombies from rushing out of the city, we blew up three bridges across the Hun River. If anyone sees our message, please remember not to try to repair the bridge! Again, please remember not to try to repair the bridge!"

At the end of the recording, everyone was silent.

I thought it was some unscrupulous thugs who blew up the bridge, but it turned out to be good intentions.

The reason why the catastrophe is a catastrophe is that it does not directly kill people but causes life to mutate, so it kills itself!

This creates a situation different from natural disasters. The more people there are, the more dangerous it is, and the fewer places are likely to be safer.

It's like there are only ten people in one place, seven of whom have become zombies, so the threat faced by the remaining three is seven, and they are likely to be able to escape smoothly.

But if 10,000 people gather in one place, seven thousand people will become zombies, and the rest will be 3,000 to 7,000. The survivors who can escape may only be hundreds, dozens... or even less!

10,000, what about 100,000? What about millions?

The small space on the other side of the city is crowded with more than eight million people. Even if the most conservative estimate is made, the number of zombies over there is bound to exceed one million.

How many survivors can there be? I'm afraid that even if there are survivors, the whole city has completely fallen.

Once so many zombies cross the natural barrier of the Hun River and flood into the Hunnan New Area, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

There is no need for all the zombies to come, just some of them are enough to calm everything down and let the survivors of the university town feel the end of the world again.


Zhong Ning and those people have heard the recording for a long time, and now their mood is still stable.

Qin Ming and Tao Ying looked at each other in con'sinuation, and they could see each other's nervousness and a kind of happiness for the rest of their lives after the disaster.

They all heard it, leaving the same sound as the original broadcast. The date was calculated exactly a week ago.

It should be the same group of soldiers. They were unable to save more people when they left, but they still thought of a way to blow up the bridge to stop the zombies.

If they hadn't blown up the bridge at that time, perhaps a large number of zombies in the main urban area would have gone south and invaded them.

However, those soldiers would not have thought that another group of zombies would gather on the southern ring highway and, together with the bridge they blew up, would put the survivors of the university town in a dilemma.

But they are not surprised by this kind of unexpected thing.

"That's the thing. After we got the news, we began to discuss the solution, but we forgot to inform the people outside." Zhong Ning explained.

"What's the result of your discussion?"

has got a reasonable explanation from the other party, and Zheng Yonghao was not pretentious and directly asked the other party about his next plan.

Zhong Ning shook his head and pointed his finger on the map and said, "We have tentatively discussed that we can only go west along the river on the Beijing-Shenzhen Expressway, make a long circle, and then enter through another entrance. But there are all villages over there, and the road conditions are very bad and the situation is unknown. We are not fully sure now.

In fact, when she pointed to the map, Zheng Yonghao had already guessed what she meant.

The high-speed entrance to the south is recently, but there are a large number of zombies.

The north bridge has been blown up. Not to mention that they know that they can't repair it, even if they can let the zombies rush out, they actually don't have the ability to repair the bridge.

It seems that Zheng Yonghao scoffed at him when he first heard that they were going to arrest the suspects of the bridge. Because blowing up a well-designed bridge requires no less technology than building a bridge.

Besides, everything is chaotic now, and it is difficult to find something to eat. Except for those who escaped from the military, ordinary people can't get enough explosives at all.

"Do you want to gather more survivors and wait until you are more powerful and more confident?"

Zheng Yonghao spoke plainly, making people unable to see what he was thinking.

Zhong Ning was slightly surprised, but still nodded and said, "Yes, and we are going to gather more people, but also more gasoline and food."

"Oh? If there is anything you can say, I think you can say it directly."

Zheng Yonghao raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhong Ning with a smile.

The smile is very natural, but Zhong Ning is quite unnatural.

From the beginning of the meeting, the person in front of him has not shown surprise and uneasiness.

If it's just like this, it can be said that he has a good psychological quality. But what's wrong with his indifferent smile? Is it just because of self-confidence or has he seen through his thoughts?

Zhong Ning was heartbroken, but no matter how he thought about it, he felt that it was impossible to be seen through.

In fact, they had begun to discuss countermeasures when they found that they could not enter the city. The recording they got today just strengthened their original idea.

Except for the five of them, no second survivor knows what they are going to do. How can this newcomer in front of him see through it?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Zhong Ning looked at Zheng Yonghao and said, "Okay! In that case, I will say it directly. We will continue to recruit survivors, but we will not take everyone away without any requirements. As we just said, we need manpower, but there are hundreds of survivors outside, and the number is actually enough. What we really need is food, gasoline and more vehicles.

"So we put forward some requirements. If we want to join our team and walk with us, we must help us collect some resources, which can be food or gasoline. And if we can find a car that can be used normally, just find it and don't need to drive it back, we will also allow this person to join.

"hehe." Zheng Yonghao smiled and said, "You mean we need to provide you with resources before we can go with you?"

When Zheng Yonghao asked, before Zhong Ning answered, Qin Ming and his eyes lit up.

They certainly won't provide food to others, but gasoline - they collected three and a half barrels a week ago!

Zhang Detao carried back two buckets alone, and the remaining one and a half were brought back by others.

You don't need to ask the other party what the specific requirements are. Their gasoline is definitely enough.

If the normal road conditions were normal before, their gasoline would be enough to supply several cars to arrive in Jinzhou.

Even if the situation is different now and the road conditions are bad and they still need to take a long detour, they are 100% sure that their gasoline is more than enough.

Next, it seemed that as long as Zhong Ning nodded, they could exchange their identity with gasoline and then join the large army to leave here. Qin Ming was also full of expectations, but he saw Zhong Ning shaking his head.

Zhong Ning shook his head and said, "No, others need to provide gasoline or food, but you don't need it."


Zheng Yonghao looked at Zhong Ning, making the corners of Zhong Ning's mouth shake unnaturally twice, and the feeling that seemed to be seen through came again...

Zhong Ning coughed dryly and said, "There are some things you may not know, but I can tell you. In fact, the five of us are different from other survivors here. According to the news we heard from a broadcast that only appeared once, our five cases are called mutants, which are far stronger than ordinary people.

While talking, Zhong Ning kept staring into Zheng Yonghao's eyes, wanting to see the other party's surprised expression.

But the result - she didn't see anything, and Zheng Yonghao still looked calm that made her feel awkward.

Zhong Ning is really confused now. Otherwise, if she takes a closer look at others, she will find that Qin Ming and others frown at all, not surprised at all, but laughter.

mutants? Never heard of it? They really don't know much... There is no more...

Zhong Ning tried to look at Zheng Yonghao with her most sincere eyes and said, "Your two friends are mutants who are stronger than ordinary people like us. It is also because of their relationship that Gao Peng specially invites you to come up.

"Similarly, we can relax our requirements for you because you are friends. As long as they work with us to protect the safety of the convoy, I will allow you and two other friends to join the convoy at no cost.

Zhong Ning felt that her words were very infectious, and she believed that Zheng Yonghao would agree immediately.

Because at this time, it is too dangerous to go out to look for food or collect gasoline. Even mutants like them will lose their lives if they are not careful... You should know that they are not five organizers, but six!

However, the scene she expected did not happen. Zheng Yonghao just looked at her calmly and then said softly, "Is it over?"

"Uh! That's it." Zhong Ning felt something was wrong.

"Now that your terms are over, it's my terms."

Zheng Yonghao smiled and opened his mouth, and Zhong Ning and the others were all stunned.

Obviously, they have the ability to organize the team, and it is obvious that the other party wants them. Why is the other party still raising the conditions now?

Without waiting for their reaction, Zheng Yonghao has stretched out a finger and said, "First, we want a car that belongs to us. No one is allowed to approach this car without our consent!"


It's embarrassing! I didn't pay attention to the word count prompt. The number of words in this chapter is so embarrassing that I can't go up and down...