The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 44 Agreement Reached

Zhong Ning was stunned, and the immediate result was completely different from what they had imagined before.

As the saying goes, the authorities are fascinated by the bystanders. Hong Lei may not have figured out what happened, but they saw it clearly on one side.

When Hong Lei stepped, Zheng Yonghao did not move.

When Hong Lei punched, Zheng Yonghao did not move.

But just as Hong Lei's fist burst out all his strength and was about to hit Zheng Yonghao, Zheng Yonghao suddenly slipped sideways.

is such a simple action. It seems that as long as Hong Lei casually changes the direction of his punch, even if he just shakes to the side, he can overturn Zheng Yonghao to the ground.

But as a result, Hong Lei continued to swing his fist like a fool, and because of his body's forward thrust, Zheng Yonghao flashed directly behind him, and then reached out and patted him gently on the back.

Is it simple? Simple!

Zheng Yonghao's movement was very small, but he slipped sideways and then walked horizontally. He only took action once and his strength was not fast. They all saw it clearly.

But is it really simple? Absolutely not simple!

It is because they all see it clearly that they know what terrible skills are behind this simple action.

The most important thing is to grasp the timing. Even if Zheng Yonghao's side action is slightly ahead of schedule, the experienced Hong Lei can quickly react, change his moves or stop to launch another attack.

But Zheng Yonghao's timing of making an action happened to be when Hong Lei had completely burst into strength and his moves could not be changed and could not be stopped. The first opportunity was suddenly in his hands!

So he was just an incredibly simple slip, and let Hong Lei take the initiative to send his defenseless back to him.

After the effect of inertia, the deviation of the center of gravity of one punch, and Zheng Yonghao's gentle push... Under the triple superposition, Hong Lei almost smashed himself to the ground!

Is it wrong? No injustice at all!

Hong Lei stood up and stared at Zheng Yonghao, gasping like an angry bull, but did not attack again.

He didn't understand when he punched and fell down, but he understood when he lay on the ground.

The other party can calmly wait for the opportunity, and can really seize an opportunity to launch a counterattack that is unlikely to be used in his view.

This heart and determination, including the experience reflected in the enemy, made him understand that he had lost unjustly.

It's just that he still can't figure out what kind of experience he needs to develop such a terrible experience and reaction to the enemy?

He, who used to be a master of fighting, knows very well that this is not something that can be obtained by simple training. The only thing that can train people to this extent is the kind of real battles and life and death for many years!

But looking at Zheng Yonghao, he can't connect the years of cruel fighting with this young man who looks less than 20 years old. He is really puzzled.

Hong Lei is indeed a happy person. Although his face is ugly and there are a lot of puzzles in his heart, he still said in a urn, "I lost!" As I said before, I accept your request!"

Hong Lei's voice fell, and Qin Ming's faces were full of unspeakable joy. Zheng Yonghao just smiled and nodded to Hong Lei.

He is not surprised at all. This is what the current era is like. Just like what he said to Hong Lei before, strength determines everything.

He showed his strength worthy of the respect of the other party, and he could get the price worthy of the other party.

However, some people could not accept this result. Zhao Xinyu's face stiffened and said urgently, "Brother Hong! You just fell and didn't get hurt! If there is a real fight, you must have won!"

Although the remaining three of them, Zhong Ning and Gao Peng didn't say anything, they thought was similar to Zhao Xinyu's.

They all admitted that Zheng Yonghao's reaction speed and execution were extremely powerful, but they still didn't think he was better than Hong Lei.

Hong Lei just fell down, but it can also be regarded as an accident and has no impact on the battle.

They take it for granted that it is impossible to really defeat Hong Lei without Zheng Yonghao's physical condition.

As long as he fights again, Hong Lei, who is no longer careless, will definitely be able to completely crush the other party. He should not admit defeat so directly, so they have not opened his mouth.

"Do you really think so?" Hong Lei glanced at Zhao Xinyu. Obviously, the other party was talking to him, but there was no intention of happiness in his eyes. He didn't even know why, and he seemed to look down on this person.

"Yes...yes!" Zhao Xinyu's face was a little red, and no one knew what he was thinking, but he just said, "I don't think you need to admit defeat, Brother Hong. He was lucky just now, otherwise he would not be your opponent at all."

"Would you like to come?"

When Hong Lei threw out such a sentence, Zhao Xinyu suddenly froze.

He really wanted to shout "I'll come and I'll do it", but he couldn't say it in the end.

It's not that he is afraid that he can't defeat Zheng Yonghao. Although he has just admitted defeat, he still thinks Zheng Yonghao is nothing great.

The body is not good, the attack and defense are poor, and experience and reaction alone are useless!

But he really dares not go up, because Hong Lei has conceded defeat. Isn't that hitting Hong Lei in the face when he defeats Zheng Yonghao again...


Hong Lei snorted coldly, looked at Zhao Xinyu and said, "I don't want to talk nonsense!" You just need to think about why I admitted defeat if Brother Zheng hadn't been bare-handed just now!"

At this time, Hong Lei has changed the name of Zheng Yonghao to Brother Zheng, which is very meaningful compared with the previous name.

Zhong Ning and others looked at each other in con sight, and their faces changed.

Indeed, Zheng Yonghao didn't hurt Hong Lei just now, because he just pushed and had nothing in his hand.

But what if he has a weapon in his hand? How about holding a dagger? Will Hong Lei still be unharmed now?

Thinking about this, Zhong Ning immediately understood why Hong Lei admitted defeat!

Zheng Yonghao took a look at Hong Lei unexpectedly, and his evaluation of this person was much higher.

The other party is right. His move just now is indeed not used with bare hands, let alone famous.

In his previous life, he struggled to survive in the end of the world as an ordinary survivor, and every day faced a life-and-death crisis that people in peacetime could not imagine.

Reaction speed, execution ability, grasp of opportunities, judgment of the enemy... These are all things he must master to survive.

His move to deal with Hong Lei just now was a trick used to deal with a mutant zombie many years later.

That kind of mutant zombie is completely different from the original slow fool zombie. It has an extremely terrible speed, and it is always a sudden ambush. I don't know how many people have been killed by them without any response.

It is almost ineffective to prepare in advance to deal with such zombies. They are too fast and too alert.

The only way is to flash to the side or rear to launch a deadly attack when Zheng Yonghao's actions will not be changed, just like Zheng Yonghao against Hong Lei. Push him out of his palm, turn it into a clenched blade, and then pierce the other party's spine fiercely!

Of course, there is another difference. At that time, Zheng Yonghao had to use enhanced drugs to do the same thing, but now he doesn't even need to use speed powers, and his super physical quality has made him comfortable.

The change of Hong Lei's attitude also made Zhong Ning's eyes on Zheng Yonghao become solemn.

Until now, they finally put Zheng Yonghao in a position similar to them.

Zheng Yonghao saw that the time was almost ready and said softly, "I think we can talk about cooperation now."

"Cooperation?" Zhong Ning showed a doubtful look.

"Yes, cooperation. I don't think you will promise me those conditions for no reason. Zheng Yonghao said.


Zhong Ning was stunned and had a feeling of being fooled in a trance, but he still asked seriously, "How to cooperate?"

This is the meaning of showing strength. If Zheng Yonghao is really just an ordinary survivor, he won't even get the opportunity to explain.


Normal dialogue is the beginning of cooperation. When the two sides sat down again, an agreement was quickly reached.

Zheng Yonghao finally did not put forward the fourth requirement, but the previous three requirements have not changed. He still needs his own car, his own control and his own resources to be independent.

The price was that they helped escort the convoy, and Zheng Yonghao assured that he could avoid most of the dangers and reach the Jinzhou base smoothly.

Of course, the success here does not mean that there is no mistake. There will never be an absolute word for unpredictable changes in the world, but to do your best.

From this point of view, Zhong Ning and others are undoubtedly at a loss, because Zheng Yonghao's promise is said and cannot be confirmed at all.

But they still agreed, both Zheng Yonghao's unexpected strength and Zhang Detao and Qin Xue's improvisation.

The former raised a grand piano weighing more than 200 kilograms with one hand in front of everyone. The latter smiled mischievously, gently shaking the stick in his hand, turning the hot boiled water in the teacup into a bunch of bright ice flowers...

Until Zheng Yonghao and the others left, the ice flowers on the table also shattered, and the dull Zhong Ning and others woke up like a dream.

"Are we going to promise them? What if they run away? Zhao Xinyu looked at the others and complained.


Zhong Ning only said two words and was unwilling to explain.

Her eyes have been falling on the cold fog on the table, which looks extremely solemn.


As soon as Zhao Xinyu opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Hong Lei's cold hum: "Humph! You have seen it now, so what if you don't agree? If they can't leave alone, do you think they need to discuss it with us?

The person Zhao Xinyu dares not offend is Hong Lei. How dare he argue about anything now?

Hong Lei twisted a pair of thick eyebrows and said thoughtfully, "And... I don't think Zheng Yonghao's real strength is still his real strength!"

"No way? His physical energy value is only 91, and his ability to react like that is already the limit, right? Zhong Ning was surprised.

Hong Lei looked up and looked at her, but soon looked out of the window.

There you can see that Zheng Yonghao is walking out.

But no matter which one looks relaxed, there is no trembling appearance of ordinary survivors at all.


The first update will arrive, the second update will be uploaded at 10 o'clock, and then tomorrow's update will start at 0 o'clock.