The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 55 High-speed Attack

The industrial park is very large, but there are not many places worth searching for.

An hour later, Zheng Yonghao and others have inspected three buildings, but unfortunately they have not found anything valuable.

"It should have been taken away by the people in front."

Qin Xue refers to the military team that passed by before, and Zheng Yonghao nodded and agreed.

Judging from the battle traces from here, the team has enough firepower and is strong enough to almost wipe out the zombies in the park. I'm afraid that any resources can have been searched for a long time.

According to the agreement, their search time limit is one and a half hours.

After an hour and a half, they will continue to go on the road whether they find available resources or not.

The last half hour passed quickly, Zheng Yonghao shook his head, and they still got nothing.

Of course, I can't say that there is really nothing. At least Qin Xue is very happy now, because she found a tablet with 90% power...

Out of the factory, Zhong Ning and others have been waiting there.

Looking at the appearance, they also have nothing to gain.

Of course, if they have found something and sent it to the car in advance, then Zheng Yonghao doesn't know.

However, think about it, it should not be that the two sides have an agreement that whoever finds everything is themselves, and there is no need to hide it.

"Alas, it seems that Brother Zheng has nothing to gain here!" Hong Lei, with a loud voice, opened his mouth first, with a sigh in his voice, but it didn't seem to be fake at all.

"Yes, the people in front of me are so clean that there is nothing left. What about you?"

Out of courtesy, Zheng Yonghao responded that Zhong Ning both shook their heads and were obviously disappointed with such a result.

"Forget it, if you don't have it! It's important for us to hurry up!" Zhong Ning said.


Everyone agreed that the team set off again.

And this time, the No. 4 car is much more lively than before, because of the new toy found by Qin Xue.

This tablet is still new, and there is nothing on it except the software that was forced to install at the factory.

But that's it, which still makes Qin Ming and the three of them very happy.

There are also games in the factory software. Although it is the simplest stand-alone game, it is the kind that they have played a few years ago.

But now is not what it used to be. In silence and depression, a little fun can be infinitely amplified.

Several people laughed from time to time, and even the female driver Wang Miao couldn't help looking back quietly.

"Sister Wang, I'll drive. Take a break." Seeing Wang Miao's thoughts, Zheng Yonghao said with great understanding.

"It's not very good... You hired me as a driver."

Wang Miao was embarrassed and was finally forcibly replaced by Zheng Yonghao in the name of his employer.

Soon, the three-person group became a small group of four. Wang Miao's "skilled" game skills made several young people high-end. For a while, it seemed that they were no longer in the cruel end of the world.

Unfortunately, happiness and relaxation are always short-lived in this era, too short to be accepted.

Not long after the motorcade started on the highway, news came from the patrol car that nearly 100 small corpses appeared in front of them.

Near hundred! There is not much to say, but not much to say.

If you have encountered such a number of corpses before, the convoy will immediately choose to take a detour.

It's not that you can't rush through, but that you are likely to lose even if you rush through.

But now on the highway, there is no fork in the left and right, and you can't make a detour.

If you can't go around, do you want to return it? Zheng Yonghao's choice is not to retreat.

Zhong Ning's proposal to retreat was also only Zhao Xinyu, five to one, and decided to immediately order - force!

As soon as Wang Miao came back to replace Zheng Yonghao, the team had fully accelerated.

Obviously, the driver could not be replaced at this time. However, when Wang Miao looked at Zheng Yonghao worriedly, he found that there was no nervous expression on his face.

This surprised Wang Miao. Even her "old driver" with ten years of driving experience sweated in the palms of her hands when she rushed to the corpses for the first time. How could her young employer drive so calmly?

Especially at this time, the speed of the bus has been raised, but the body is still stable. The zombies can be seen in front of him, but Zheng Yonghao's attention is not distracted at all, and he can still accurately avoid even a small pothole.

Wang Miao was really surprised. If she hadn't seen Zheng Yonghao driving with her own eyes, she would have thought that the person driving now was an experienced driver than her...

In surprise, Wang Miao suddenly saw the tail of the light truck in front of him!

"It's not good!"

Experished, she was shocked. She had judged that the car would immediately slip horizontally, and it would be extremely difficult to avoid those who followed them at high speed!

The actual situation is also as her judgment. The light truck in front of her suddenly slipped and slowed down, and the rear car crashed into them like a wall...

"Quick, turn right..."

Wang Miao was shocked, afraid of Zheng Yonghao's manipulation mistakes in panic, and hurriedly issued a voice to remind him.

However, just half of her words were shouted, and she found that the light truck that scared her into a cold sweat had disappeared.

The car overturned?

This is Wang Miao's first reaction, but then he saw the S-shaped light truck in the rearview mirror...

"So the car didn't overturn, but did we accelerate and dodged?"

Wang Miao was stunned, but Zheng Yonghao was looking at it.

Now she has understood what just happened. Zheng Yonghao did not slow down and avoid it at the critical moment, but also increased the accelerator and rushed over from the side of the light truck.

But how did he do it?

rushed from the side of a slippery and swaying vehicle, and it hasn't been scratched a little... It would be difficult for her.

Wang Miao thought about it and found that if it were in Zheng Yonghao's position, it would not be difficult but extremely difficult...

Even, first of all, she won't choose this way!

"This guy..."

Wang Miao was speechless and said to himself that he would not have learned to drive when he came out of his mother's womb. Otherwise, how could he have such a fast reaction speed and calm mentality?

The people who could be selected as drivers by the convoy were unusual. The light truck that slipped because the zombies were involved in the wheels finally stopped and caught up with it.

When the corpses were finally left far behind, Zhong Ning's voice finally came from the radio.

"Patrol car, is everyone all right?" Zhong Ning asked.

"This is the patrol car, reply No. 1, all vehicles are intact, all vehicles are intact." Someone answered in the patrol car.

"Good!" While Zhong Ning shouted well, he hammered something heavily and could be heard clearly through the radio.

Obviously, she was able to rush through the corpses unharmed, making the tense female leader excited.

She was happy, but some people also shirred their fists, but they were not excited, but simply fierce.

"Fuck! These bastards!"

Zhao Xinyu hammered the car window with fierce eyes.

He didn't agree to rush there before, but he was not afraid of any loss, but he hoped that the team could retreat to the industrial park and rest there for the night.

As for the reason...

"Head, there is no need to breathe. The right place for the terrain is not only an industrial park, but also a service area!" The armed guard sitting next to Zhao Xinyu said.

"Service area?" Zhao Xinyu narrowed his eyes and soon understood what the little follower meant.

"Yes, service area!" Zhao Xinyu said, "That woman will definitely choose the service area as the overnight place, and the parking lot in the service area is large enough that she will definitely arrange it into the formation we need. At that time... hum!"

"Hey." The little follower also laughed and seemed to be very proud.

Their voices were not loud, and there were gun guards around them, and the other passengers in the car did not hear it.

Or even if they hear it, they won't understand what Zhao Xinyu means, but if Zheng Yonghao is here, they will definitely understand.

They clearly plan to do something during the night of the convoy, and this matter is to use the formation of the convoy.

As long as you think about what the formation the team has arranged before is, their purpose will be clear at a glance.


The formation arranged by the team is connected to form a barrier at the beginning and end, but while guarding against the periphery, it also makes the circle a closed space.

If someone secretly arranges the shooter at this time, then everyone's life will be in their mind.

However, Zheng Yonghao is not here, and there is nothing like a listener in the car. Except for Zhao Xinyu and others, no one knows their intentions and conspiracy.

A day seems to be extremely long in a boring and intense journey, but it will eventually pass.

As Zhao Xinyu and others expected, Zhong Ning asked the motorcade to speed up and make sure to rush to the next high-speed service area before dark and rest there for the night.

Listening to Zhong Ning's voice, Zhao Xinyu narrowed his eyes and sneered.

From this moment on, he just needs to look at the sky and count the time, and then suddenly start when everything is ready.

At that time, this team will be his finale.

Those food, those resources, and the women in the convoy will all belong to him Zhao Xinyu...


A loud sound suddenly came, and Zhao Xinyu, who was dreaming, was immediately shocked.

Looking at his little follower, they were all virtuous and stared at the front.

He also looked up immediately.

Through the car window, you can immediately see the firelight and smoke rising not far ahead!

"This is...explosion!"

Zhao Xinyu was stunned. He didn't know what was going on.

The action I prepared hasn't started yet. Now the time is not right!

Besides, the best weapon he has is the submachine gun. Where did the bomb come from?

People on other vehicles naturally don't know how Zhao Xinyu is confused.

At this moment, they are all the same shocks and accidents.

In the No. 4 car.

Now the driver has changed back to Wang Miao. At this time, he suddenly stepped on the brakes, and the harsh sound of the tire went straight to everyone's eardrums.

However, no one cares about this.

Zheng Yonghao, who was in the co-pilot position, stood up and said a word with a solemn face: "RPG!"