The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 66 If not, it's in vain!

After Hu Wende said this, there was no sound. Obviously, he had turned off the walkie-talkie.

"It's all..."

Zheng Yonghao frowned, but it was only for a moment.

He called Zhong Ning again and soon learned the beginning and end of the matter from Zhong Ning.

With his long containment here and even killing the invisible killer that worries Hu Wende the most, the other side has been progressing smoothly.

However, the excitement brought by this smoothness was extinguished at the moment they successfully rushed into the hostage room.

Nearly 100 people who were detained in different rooms were once iron-boned men and bloody and sweaty warriors.

But now, they are all dead!

Judging from the state of their bodies, most of them have left the chaotic world on the day they were caught.

The cause of death was all beaten to death.

One by one, their eyes were wide open, and their anger was frozen on their faces.

It can even remind people that they are still scolding and roaring at the last moment of their lives in the world!

But compared with the rest, maybe - they are still lucky.

The time when others die sooner or later, several people have almost survived to the arrival of the crowd, but it is only a short time.

Their bodies have shown a state of decay, * dry and cracked.

It can be imagined that even if they were still alive in the previous time, they did not get even a little food and drinking water.

The most excessive is still on three of them. Their flesh is incomplete, and their white bones have been exposed on their thighs.

The injury has existed for at least two days, but their death is today!

Cut meat from living people, and even see bones!

What on earth is such a crazy thing to do? Seeing the cauldron hanging in another room, everyone understood!

But it is because they understand that they hate, are more angry, and want to kill more!

Hu Wende stabbed the knife into the heart of the leading prisoner as soon as he saw this scene, and stabbed it again before the knife was fully pulled out.

One knife after another, the bleeding is not only the other party's heart that no longer beats, but also Hu Wende's broken arm again.

When Guo Xiaohu finally hugged Hu Wende tightly and tried to calm him down, the prisoner's chest had almost been twisted into a pool of meat mud!

After that, Hu Wende politely invited Zhong Ning and others to go back.

His words are very simple. Now, it's their own business.

As for the conditions of agreeing to Zheng Yonghao, if they still have the opportunity to provide it, they will naturally not have any prejury.

And if they no longer have the opportunity to provide it, then he believes that with Zheng Yonghao's ability, he will get more than proposed!

Later, it was the sentence Zheng Yonghao heard when he turned on the walkie-talkie.

At this time, Hu Wende has led a group of brothers to kill every corner they can go and kill every enemy they can see.

No more mercy, let alone any more alive!

After listening to Zhong Ning's words, Zheng Yonghao was dumb for a moment.

He understood what Hu Wende's words meant.

That means that if they are alive, all the fugitives must be dead, and the agreement will be as usual.

But if they also die, they will definitely give the biggest blow to the fugitives. At that time, Zheng Yonghao can collect the interests of the fisherman without any scruples.

He believes that it must be easy to eliminate some fugitives who can't even be regarded as defeated by Zheng Yonghao.

And he asked Zheng Yonghao, Zhong Ning and others to withdraw because they had reported their death.

Kill the other party, or kill yourself... There is no second possibility!

"Gone the order!" Zheng Yonghao suddenly opened his mouth and said to Zhong Ning and others through the walkie-talkie: "Everyone attacks the fugitives with all their strength to assist Hu Wende!" Including the backup team, there is no need to interrupt the support now!"


As soon as Zhong Ning opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Zheng Yonghao.

"There is nothing. I don't need people who are afraid of death. If someone must leave, you can leave the weapon behind. And I don't want to see such a person in the team. You just need to tell them what I said. Some things must be done and some righteousness must be adhered to. If not, it will be in vain!"

Zheng Yonghao's voice was deafening. It was not until the voice fell for a while that Zhong Ning reacted.

And her answer was just a word - "Yes!"

Put down the walkie-talkie, and Zheng Yonghao's eyes shone with a cold light.

Since his rebirth, he has been demanding himself with absolute reason.

Because in the early days of his previous life, this is how he came to survive in the sea of corpses.

But the previous night, the chat with Qin Xue on the iron bridge woke him up a lot.

Now he is no longer the struggling survivor. He can make himself be careful of reason, but he can't leave regrets because of reason and can't make himself regret.

Although he died because of the betrayal of his companions, he did not forget that many people used themselves to support his life.

Hu Wende, who was extremely angry and did not hesitate to avenge his brother, was reminding him of the people he met in his previous life.

They are very similar, all for brothers and friends.

No matter how they will become in the future, at least at this moment, they are admirable, the same!



Another explosion!

The heavy firepower that was carefully used by Hu Wende before, but now there is no more stingy and cherishing.

I don't care about life anymore. Who cares about weapons?

There are only his soldiers left in his team.

Even Zhong Ning and others were driven away by him. How could he be willing to involve the ordinary survivors who rushed with them?

They were also scolded by Hu Wende.

Only in this way can he fight back with these soldiers without hesitation!

At this time, there were more than 20 bodies of fugitives in front of them.

The garage guarded by these people finally opened the door to them undefense.

No one speaks and no one is noisy.

Even if they already knew that there were vehicles and equipment in it, no one showed excitement.

My brother died, and some people left in the battle just now, but they are still alive.

And hatred - not yet!

Everyone, including Hu Wende, just silently sorted out the equipment and checked the weapons.

Those vehicles, there are fugitives, and they can take them out of here, but they don't even look at them.

A soldier in charge of reconnaissance was reporting the situation to Hu Wende. His eyes were awe-sighted and occasionally nodded. In the end, he suddenly raised his head and stared in one direction.

Just now, he received the news that the fugitives had rushed out of Huojiazhai Middle School and were gathering at another place.

It seems to concentrate all forces and sweep them out of the battlefield.

As Hu Wende stood up and walked out, the people who were still in order in anger immediately stood behind him.

Hu Wende turned around and looked at the crowd.

He saw more than 20 men with traces of smoke on their faces. Some people still had blood flowing on their faces, but no one hesitated.

Hu Wende didn't say a word, just glanced at everyone's face.

At this glance, he has remembered everyone's appearance.

After that, he just nodded his head and then walked out.

It's time for them to continue an uninterrupted battle, from three days ago to today, and let it end completely today.

The beginning of the battle seems to have happened naturally. No one knows who fired the first shot, and no one will ask this question.

In the face of several times more bloodthirsty fugitives who have been gathered and are several times more than them, they just calmly stare at everyone and then send bullets into each other's bodies.

For a moment, the bullets roared.

After the gunpowder was ignited, the shock roared, and the bullet hit the bunker with a terrible and cracking sound.

There are also the infilth and abusive words of the fugitives, and even the harsh howls that can't hide the sound of gunfire.

These are in sharp contrast to Hu Wende's quietness, and there is another clearer contrast. Only more than 20 people have faintly suppressed hundreds of fugitives.

This is not the suppression of firepower, and the firepower of the fugitives is still more fierce.

But this is a victory, and those who are not afraid of death can never be overwhelmed by life-threatening fugitives.


A soldier with an injured left arm squeezed a silent roar from his teeth. He had handed the rifle to his right hand, put his chest against the butt, and continued to pour revenge bullets on the fugitives.


Hu Wende also gritted his teeth, but his broken arm was smoother than the bunker in front of him. A gunshot sent the bullet accurately into the enemy's eyebrows.

However, gradually, the disadvantage in the number of people was revealed.

Even if everyone on his side can kill at least three enemies, it still can't offset the huge advantage of the other party in terms of personnel.

"Maybe...that's it!"

Hu Wende felt that his strength seemed to be exhausted. As soon as he had such an idea, he saw that one of the fugitives opposite was aiming with a gun and the target - Guo Xiaohu!

Hu Xiaohu is holding a submachine gun and firing fiercely. Since the war, no less than 30 fugitives have died in his hands.

At this time, he became the target of the other party's sniping, but he still seemed to know nothing about it.

Hu Wende was shocked. He was ready to die in battle, but he couldn't watch his comrades die beside him.

He rushed over and tried to block the attack bullet for Guo Xiaohu, but he was still a step late.

It was only half a second away, and the gunfire sounded in advance.

At such a distance, the bullet is faster than the sound. When the gun sounds, the person has been shot.

Hu Wende was about to crack. He looked at Guo Xiaohu with a roar, but saw Guo Xiaohu shoot a fugitive to the head!

"He's fine..."

When Hu Wende was leisurely stunned, he heard another gunshot, which was exactly the same as the one just now.

And this time he heard clearly that the gunshot was not from the fugitive.

Hu Wende turned his head suddenly...