The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 76 Mist

Naturally, Zhang Detao didn't know what Zheng Yonghao was thinking. He subconsciously nodded and continued to talk.

But this time, Zheng Yonghao's attention can no longer be focused.

He really wants to be a good listener, but the chaos in his heart can't be calmed down.

First of all, enhancement agents, as well as potential agents, and even more strange things.

Some of these things are only effective for mutants, while others are effective for both ordinary people and mutants.

He can think of it as a coincidence, and even in his previous life, he was regarded as a coincidence by most people.

is a secret research institute in the era of peace. If you want to boldly transform a super warrior, it will naturally fail and play an unexpected role because of the rise of the end of the world...

Is it a coincidence? Very similar!

But just like other things, there will always be people who put forward different opinions, such as various conspiracy theories over time.

Zheng Yonghao has also suspected that it is not a coincidence that even the arrival of catastrophe is not a natural disaster, but like others, he has not found the answer.

Not only the answer, but even a little argument that can be supported has not been found.

It seems that it's really just his wild thoughts, and it's really just a coincidence.

In addition, his living environment at that time had been lingering between extremely difficult and extremely harsh, and he did not have the extra energy to satisfy his curiosity.

This is one of his associations, a suspicion and guess, or simple curiosity that he had in his previous life.

Only these seem to have nothing to do with Zhang Detao's story except for the medicine.

But there is another one, that is Cao Yan!

Zheng Yonghao saw this person with his own eyes for the first time, but he has heard the other party's name countless times.

When human beings finally accept the apocalyptic era and finally accept the evolutionary process and various strange phenomena, the innate adaptability will exert its power again, making people accept and then get used to it.

People will make all kinds of rankings, including the six masters and other people who are weaker but no one dares to ignore them.

Cao Yan belongs to this category of people.

And the information about him seems very strange and there will be a lot, but it is always difficult to distinguish between true and false.

The strangest thing is that even in the late end of the world, if the information about Cao Yan is written on paper, it can be as high as several floors, but no one knows what his ability is.

Yes, it is strange what Cao Yan's ability is, not whether he has the ability. No one doubts the latter at all.

At the same time, similar to the doubts about ability, everyone knows that his name is Cao Yan, that he is the leader of the base, and even knows his specific height, weight, age and energy value... But they just don't know where he and his base are.

There will always be news about him, as if to remind the world not to forget his existence.

People also know that he is there, but it's not where he is!

At that time, this situation will only become a relaxing talk, and no one, including Zheng Yonghao, can associate Cao Yan with something that has disappeared many years ago.

But now, looking at Zhang Detao and the vegetative guy in front of him, Zheng Yonghao suddenly connects the two.

He suddenly found that the future Cao Yan seemed to be the same as the mysterious research institute that made the enhanced medicine, knowing their existence but not knowing where they were!

This is almost the same.

And he can now be sure that the person in front of him will become like this, 100% by Cao Yan.

This is also the real reason why Cao Yan will decisively agree to hand over, because this person is no different from death, and he absolutely does not have the ability to reveal secrets.

Why he did this must have some connection between him and this person.

For example, he is actually the one who provided the drugs, or vice versa, he is the one who wants to collect this batch of drugs.

No matter which one it is, it can give him enough reasons to start.

And as for how he did it and how to make this person lose consciousness, it is not difficult to understand.

The medicine that can make people lose their mind was developed by human beings as early as 200 years ago.

It's just that ordinary people can't get this kind of medicine, but what if Cao Yan is not ordinary people?

It may even make people lose consciousness like hitting ghosts. Is it just Cao Yan's unknown power?

This possibility does not seem to be small, but Zheng Yonghao does not feel that he can solve the mystery that has lasted for many years in his previous life so easily, and it is more likely to use drugs.

Cao Yan is related to the company that hired Zhang Detao, and even to the research institute that mysteriously disappeared with the catastrophe. It may be that the two are the same, which is Zheng Yonghaolian's second guess.

If there is a first and a second, there will naturally be a third.

But the third one is neither Zhang Detao nor the vegetable in front of him, but Qin Xue.

In Zheng Yonghao's memory, Qin Xue did not appear in people's vision until the fifth year after the catastrophe.

But in just a few months, she made the survivors of the whole Chinese region remember her with a strong ice and snow.

Also in the same year, Zheng Yonghao was accidentally rescued by Qin Xue and began to pay attention to information about the other party.

The result is that he noticed that Qin Xue has not joined any large base, even in the tenth year after the end of the world.

At the same time, Zheng Yonghao also remembers that although Qin Xue did not join any forces, she never lacked helpers around her.

And most of the news about her is that she is collecting something, sometimes for herself, and sometimes hired by other forces and bases.

Even when she was employed by other forces, there was a lot of news, which proved that she would also ask for some special remuneration.

These rewards are obviously not what she needs, which makes people guess that there is actually a certain force behind her, but it has not been made public.

As before, on the surface, Qin Xue seems to have nothing to do with Cao Yan.

But if the two conditions of time and place are added, Zheng Yonghao's heart has suddenly felt enlightened.

He suddenly found that all of these were closely linked by a line. Although most of them were still vague, he could see a general direction.

Mysterious research institutes have never appeared in front of the world, and only hire desperate people like Zhang Detao to work for them.

But they can't leave everything to the hired people, and there must be some of them to take responsibility for their cronies.

Assuming that Cao Yan is such a person, it is not surprising that he will recognize the enhanced medicine and know Zhang Detao and this person.

It is even possible that even this person's attempt to kill Zhang Detao came from his order. Of course, such speculation will be too bold, and Zheng Yonghao dares not be sure at all.

But at the same time, as long as Cao Yan has such an identity, it is logical that he will bring this person into the motorcade.

After that, he will refuse directly when Zhang Detao wants people, and even fight with each other, and there will no longer be anything difficult to understand.

So far, it's all happened before Zheng Yonghao's return.

After his participation, everything changed again.

Cao Yan found that Zheng Yonghao's strength was enough to threaten him, probably to protect some secrets, such as enhanced drugs... and immediately rushed to escape.

The way to get out is to turn this person into what he is today and then hand it over decisively.

Although he did not show abnormality at that time, if there was enough tacit understanding between his men and him, it was actually easy to make arrangements without being noticed.

After that, even Zheng Yonghao's almost insulting "five kilograms" could accept it calmly, and now he is even more eager to leave.

These are the changes caused by Zheng Yonghao's timely return, but what if he can't come back?

It was the thought of this that he connected the whole thing with Qin Xue.

Without his intervention, history will develop normally.

Qin Xue, a mutant, is very likely to join the college town team, and then she is likely to meet Cao Yan on this road.

After removing all the factors related to Zheng Yonghao himself, the college town team can be said to be vulnerable in front of Cao Yan.

According to Cao Yan's character, being annexed may be the only possibility.

At that time, is Qin Xue equivalent to joining Cao Yan's team?

And will she stay with Cao Yan and others in the next few years?

Then suppose that the mysterious research institute did not actually disappear, but hid secretly... In the next few years, did Cao Yan's mystery and unknown have a reasonable answer?

Including Qin Xue, as long as she is also put together with Cao Yan, the abnormalities that happened to her, she does not join any forces but never lacks helpers, and her intention to collect various resources... Isn't there also an answer!

Thinking in this way, if Cao Yan really has something to do with the mysterious research institute, and the latter is really not destruction but hiding, and it is not a coincidence to even create various potions that can be applied to the end of the world... Then with the departure of the other party, I'm afraid he has inadvertently missed the insight into the truth. The opportunity.

Zheng Yonghao's eyebrows frowned deeper and deeper, and he suddenly felt a chill, as if there was an invisible net covering everything, including himself.

Although he felt that he might no longer find Cao Yan and could not know the truth for the time being, he decided to give it a try.

"Sorry, I need to leave for a while." Zheng Yonghao said to Zhang Detao.

"Okay, but be careful, that man is very dangerous!" Zhang Detao guessed what Zheng Yonghao was going to do and reminded him.

Zheng Yonghao nodded, turned out of the bus, and took a look at Qin Xue before leaving.

Make sure that Qin Xue is fine. Without attracting anyone's attention, he chased him in the direction Cao Yan and the others left, like a gust of wind!

(It's almost dawn, it's not too late to say good night... Good night~~)