The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 79 If time can be reversed, how will you do?

Life has never been a straight line, with twists and turns, peaks and valleys, and sometimes entangled together, like chaos.

Some people will walk all the journey in a muddle-headed way, while others will get lost and can't find where the line of life is connected.

But some people will wake up at a certain moment and do not want to walk on the original road and be bound by those tracks again.

This is transcendence, it is transcendence, it is itself that transcends, but it changes life.

And all changes must have an introduction, one reason, may be something, but more because of someone.

When the catastrophe of the previous life came, Zheng Yonghao was only 17 years old, the same as today.

But unlike this world, he was just a graduating high school student who lost his parents, loved ones, and had no idea about the future.

He has been in a muddle of the whole three years.

If you can eat enough, you will be happy.

If you can live, you will be happy.

It is all his satisfaction to be with the girl around him forever and have their two-person world forever.

The girl's name is Xiaochuan, a name that sounds like a boy.

In fact, it was because the girl's father wanted a boy more, so he gave her the name.

But...what does it matter?

At that time, Zheng Yonghao didn't care about these, anything else, or anyone else.

He filled his whole heart with her figure and excluded everything else, including himself.

He was satisfied with the temperature from the small hands when he handed over the food, and the softness she felt when she walked through the mud.

Even if he sends out all the resources he has accumulated, just to get a hair card that he thinks is very suitable for her.

The excitement and emotion were enough to make him happy for a long time.

Even if the trivial complaints that are bound to follow after waking up will only make him laugh in happiness.

He still remembers being sleepless late at night, just to look at her face a few more.

He didn't forget that he hugged each other on countless rainy days. Although it was cold, there was always a heart that could make him feel warm.

Such days have been close to three years, and dangers, difficulties, pains and even sufferings have always been there.

And he has never felt it.

All he thinks about is her.

Everything you have, whether it is existing or obtained, whether it is easy or trying your best, everything is just for her.

Other...who cares?

At least he doesn't care.

They have had conflicts, but they have never quarreled.

They have been sad, but they have never regretted it.

However, on such a sudden day, he finally found that the person who didn't care... was just him.

Four years at the end of the world, on July 20, she left.

As the motorcade left, all he was left was a letter and an apology.

She said she was sorry because she knew that he would be sad and sad.

But she said that she would not regret meeting him in the past, but would not regret leaving now.

She said that he will always be the man she loves the most, but they will never see each other again.

The reason... is despair!

She likes Zheng Yonghao and only remembers her, touching Zheng Yonghao, no matter what he has, everything will be entrusted to her.

But that's exactly what she hates most.

She said that she fell in love with a genius, a man who could do everything although he was not exposed.

Such a man will give her a sense of security and make her fantasize about a better future all the time.

Especially this man still loves her so much, which makes her feel extremely satisfied and proud.

But now, she is only afraid.

For nearly three years, she couldn't see that this man would give full play to his strengths and show his talent to the world.

She can't see what this man will do in the future, or even what he will do tomorrow. Today... She can't see clearly.

She always hopes that this man can go out and become the person she fell in love with again and see the future she expected.

She reminded her carefully, but she still couldn't see it.

She only saw her own shadow in his eyes, full of her eyes and her whole heart, but there was no future.

This kind of love makes her tired, disappointed, and then desperate.

She said that she had always wanted to have a big fight, but his smile made her never be able to speak.

Her heart words can only be endured, until her body and soul can no longer bear it, and finally she can only leave...

At that time, Zheng Yonghao was sad and even more confused.

Even if he saw the other party's letter and those tearful words, he still didn't understand and still didn't understand.

He doesn't know what's wrong with loving one and tolerant of each other!

He doesn't know what's wrong with loving someone and making the other person his own!

He doesn't know what's wrong with the world of only two people in love!

He decided to go to find her, no matter thousands of miles, no matter ten or a hundred years.

However, what he saw was the longing soft palm, stuffing ice cream into the other mouth.

And in his hands...

At that time, Zheng Yonghao looked down and saw that it was a bunch of flowers from the wild, and the thin petals looked so pitiful.

Compared with ice cream that has become a luxury in the end of the world, this bouquet of flowers seems to have learned to laugh, which is laughing!

At that time, the bouquet hit the ground, and Zheng Yonghao turned around and left.

Although he wanted to rush to ask why at the first moment, he no longer needed it.

After months of searching, many days and nights of missing burst at this moment, which made him finally understand the meaning of the letter.

Hope, disappointment, despair!

This is the theme of the end of the world, and even love is not immune.

He finally found that he had been doing something wrong. He thought that he had fallen in love with someone and was about to make that person his all.

But he forgot that he was the first to be left behind. He left himself, and then love also abandoned him.

No one will love a man who has lost himself!

After this, Zheng Yonghao changed, and the world of two people no longer existed. One person finally began his journey three years late.

Meet friends, fight for fame, pull up the team, build a base...

He has almost achieved the extreme that an ordinary survivor can do. His daily schedule is full, so that he has no extra time to think.

But he can still dream and enter the dream world.

In his dream, he will still return to a vague age and still shelter from the rain under the ruins with such a girl.

will still grab the soft hand, try to pull the warm body into his arms, and then... suddenly wake up!

At this time, dreams and reality will always be entangled in an instant.

He doesn't know whether he is awake or not, and there will always be the same problem in his mind.

"If time can go back, what will you do?"

(Something happened and I thought of something else. This chapter is very short, but it was originally very long, and the following chapters have been deleted. There are still more words tonight, it won't be such annoying!!!)