The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 95 Variation

"Luo Yunling is still easy to understand, but 10086... Why does it sound so familiar?"

"What's wrong with the success of recognizing the Lord?"

"This thing can talk!"

Zheng Yonghao was confused from his body to his brain, coupled with the weakness on his palm, he actually got out of his hand, and the black stone card fell down!

With the strength of the black stone, he is not worried that the thing will break.

Compared with this, it is more likely that a rough cement floor will be smashed into a big pit.

However, the latter still does not appear.

In Zheng Yonghao's extremely surprised eyes, the black stone card that had just suddenly spoken hovered in mid-air.

And this hover was only for a moment, and this thing flew to him as if it had consciousness!

Zheng Yonghao subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but the flying speed of the black stone card was surprisingly fast.

Even if he doesn't lose his strength now, it is impossible to avoid the flying black stone card.


The black stone card directly pasted Zheng Yonghao's face. He seemed to hear a loud noise, but in fact, he did not feel like being hit by something.

Even his sight was only temporarily blocked by the black stone, and at this time, it was not blocked by anything.

Zheng Yonghao reached out and touched his face and completely subconsciously wanted to grab the black stone card, but... he didn't catch anything.

Such a thing has exceeded Zheng Yonghao's understanding ability. He was stunned and suddenly heard the same voice again.

Only before, the sound came from the black stone card.

Now, that voice is directly in his head!

"Identifies confirmed, No. 10086 Luo Yun ordered the recognition of the master successfully! Marked, the host is qualified to enter Luoyun Star Castle. The qualification confirmation was unsuccessful, and the host reached the star rating and was reconfirmed. Land registration, unknown planets, unknown galaxies, squeak..."

A series of squeaks made Zheng Yonghao really suspect that he had a knowledge in his mind, but it was still not as shocking and doubtful as the words he heard.

identity confirmation, what to confirm?

Mark, what is the mark?

There is also Luo Yunling and Luo Yunxingbao, which sound related, but he has never heard of it.

There is only one that is relatively easy to think of. I'm afraid Luo Yunling refers to the black stone card.

But he can't understand the stars mentioned later, galaxies and so on.

I can't understand. Maybe that voice can answer him, but the voice in his mind stopped abruptly in a series of squeaks, making him want to ask who to ask!

Anyone who has experienced a catastrophe will be trained to have a big heart, not to mention that Zheng Yonghao has experienced it twice, and his psychological endurance is definitely one of the best.

But that's it. The strange series of events just now still gave him a feeling that his brain was in a machine.

He even had doubts for a moment whether he had hallucinations because of the power in his body consumed too much, so the brain supply was insufficient?

This guess was reasonable, but he quickly denied it, because he was very clear that he knew that he was sober.

He recalled every sentence of that voice and vaguely caught something.

That's the middle sentence: "The qualification confirmation is not successful, and the host has reached the star rating for reconfirmation."

Now that he calmed down, he got some meaning from this sentence.

It seems that the star rating is a standard, and he does not meet this standard.

And if he hears it correctly, the sound seems to appear again when he reaches the standard of "star rating", and then reconfirms the qualification...

The sound in his head no longer sounded. Zheng Yonghao narrowed his eyes and looked at his arm silently.

Now there is no black stone card on his hand, and there is a shallow scar on his arm.

That was scratched when he threw the machete out, but he didn't notice it at that time.

After a long time, Zheng Yonghao sighed.

This result surprised him and made him more puzzled, but most of them were disappointed.

He knew that the scene just represented that the black stone card had a secret that others did not know, and even he could guess that the secret might be related to his supernuclear power.

After all, the biggest difference between him and others is in supernuclear power, which can even be said to be the only difference.

In his previous life, as he only knew, there were four people with black stone cards.

But he has never heard of the same thing happening to those people, at least in the person he knows, he can be sure that the same thing has not happened.

They don't have any of them. Why do they encounter them themselves?

No matter how you look at it, supernuclear power is the only explanation.

But it didn't make any sense to think of this. He was still disappointed because the black stone card disappeared.

He searched all over the place and didn't find the black stone card.

It's like that thing smashed when it was pasted on his face, but his face is not so hard...

The most important thing is that he needs a black stone card to deal with the soul beast.

Without the black stone card and Guo Xiaolong's help, the possibility that he wants to take down the soul beast is too low.

"Try it. If it really doesn't work, you have to give up!"

Zheng Yonghao calmed down quickly and accepted it quickly.

He will not give up easily before he does it.

But if there is really no chance of success, he will also make the most decisive decision.

Zheng Yonghao gasped a few times and stood up.

Other mutants have lost 90% of their strength, and now I'm afraid they can't even climb.

But Zheng Yonghao can still stand up and walk around, which shows how powerful his supernuclear energy is in terms of energy utilization.

Zheng Yonghao did not put the mutant animal meat collected by his side, but was kept by Zhang Detao.

He is now planning to go to Zhang Detao's place and then shake off his cheeks to make a vigorous supplement.

But when he took a lot of effort to get near the door, a sudden feeling made him slightly stunned.

He was not sure whether his feelings were wrong, but if he was right, a certain energy suddenly gushed out when he was weak, making him recover a little!

The mutant can mobilize the energy in the body, and naturally they can feel it.

But this feeling will not be accurate to the extent that it is vivid. For example, Zheng Yonghao's previous judgment of several pieces of energy is just a rough estimate.

So he can't know exactly whether his feeling is right now, so he can only try it.

The method of the experiment is naturally consumed. With his current strength, it is also a huge burden to consume a little strength.

But the greater the burden, the sharper and more meticulous he feels.

Zheng Yonghao snapped his finger, released a little supernuclear power, and then transformed into a flame form.

It's just a small inch-high flame, but it's already the ultimate he can do without hurting himself.

And in his current state, such a small flame can't last, and it will go out immediately.

No, Zheng Yonghao did not feel the sudden energy replenishment.

He did not take the initiative to recover the supernuclear power. Anyway, he has lost so much, and it's not so bad.

But just as the purple flame was about to dissipate automatically due to weakness, the small flame that was being transformed into a nuclear energy light suddenly trembled!

The flames have risen again!

Zheng Yonghao's eyes suddenly widened, and this time he was sure that his body had changed.

It was when he was on the verge of the limit that there was a sudden appearance of energy, an inexplicable supplement.

and the amount added happens to be the small flame that can be released by him to continue to maintain, just like he happened to take that step before!

"Is it..."

Zheng Yonghao's reaction is really fast, and he can't understand what he hasn't come into contact with, but he will instantly think of what he has come into contact with.

The human body has reached its limit, and it is impossible to create nothing.

That is to say, the energy that just appeared suddenly must not come from himself, but from outside his body.

But he has nothing around him now, and he hasn't eaten even a little bit.

But it doesn't have it now, but it doesn't mean it didn't!

He immediately thought of the sudden disappearance of Luo Yunling - the black stone card!

Now when you think about it carefully, it is the same as impossible to create nothing, and it is impossible for something to disappear completely inexplicably.

So what if the black stone card doesn't disappear?

If it is on him, is it possible to form that situation just now?

Although in what he heard, once the black stone card releases energy, it can only be released at one time, after all, he has never seen it with his own eyes. Maybe it is just a lie of others.

But in fact, it can be released little by little, and even supplement itself. After all, it is from his own energy!

Of course, Zheng Yonghao doesn't have a black stone card on his body. He won't even feel something hanging on himself.

But there is another explanation. The black stone card is on him, but it is not hung outside, but in his body!

In this way, even the previous voice sounded directly in my mind, and there seemed to be a plausible explanation.

"Is it in my body?"

Zheng Yonghao himself thinks this idea is a little funny.

But he has even experienced rebirth, and even witnessed the evolution of human beings due to a space radiation. What else can't he believe?

Zheng Yonghao doesn't know how to do it and how to confirm it, so he can only use the stupidest way to feel a little bit.

The original little energy is consumed again, but the strange thing is that there will always be an energy equivalent to the consumption to maintain his situation in the initial situation.

Once, twice, three times...

Zheng Yonghao suddenly felt that when the energy was replenished, he felt that there seemed to be a little strangeness in his mind.

"This thing is actually in my mind?"

Zheng Yonghao himself was shocked by this idea. You know, although the black stone card is not big, it also scores compared with what.

If it is really stuffed into your head, it will definitely be full...

It's another incomprehensible thing, but Zheng Yonghao grasped this feeling.

Then when he focused on that strangeness, his original vague feeling suddenly became clear at this moment!

He couldn't tell why, and maybe no one could explain why, but he just knew that the black stone was indeed in his mind, or to be precise, in his consciousness.

This is a strange phenomenon that exists but is not true.

and surprised him even ecstatic. He found that most of the energy previously absorbed by the black stone cards could be called by him, and it was not required access!

That is to say, as long as he wants to, he can get that energy back now, and he can get it back little by little without worrying about being blown up because of a full-scale outbreak.

Of course, Zheng Yonghao, who understands these inexplicably, will not hesitate. As a person like him, the most unacceptable thing is that he loses his strength.

He immediately controlled it according to his feelings, as if he were controlling the supernuclear powers that originally existed in his body, and those energies were really attracted by him!

There is no need to be a foodie. Zheng Yonghao's state is recovering rapidly.

Of course, compared with the speed when he was sucked by the black stone card before, his recovery speed is already as slow as a snail, but it is still many times faster than his relying on food to replenish energy.

An hour later, Zheng Yonghao's closed eyes suddenly opened.

Although there is still fatigue in his eyes, there are more surprises.

He already knew that the black stone was in his body.

But he knows better that the original functions of the black stone brand have not disappeared.

can still store his energy, and although he hasn't tried yet, he just knows that he can control the speed of absorption by taking the same steps now.

And his most urgent power release is more convenient than before.

As long as enough energy is stored, he can release energy from anywhere at any time and in any way.

In the past, only the front of the black stone card could do this, but now he can release the same power with his own buttocks!

Of course, he won't do that unless it's really necessary...

(Ahha, the third update is coming, 10,000 words are completed today. See you tomorrow... I'll try to be earlier, cough--)