The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 155 Attack on Lin's Manor

The next period of time passed in a state of fear. Zheng Yonghao was glad that the unlucky aura of the pit did not work again. It seemed that it was just a rumor.

On this afternoon, the atmosphere suddenly became serious, and all the fights and jokes stopped, as if a war was coming.

"Longshan Town is ahead. Are you ready?"

The vehicle stopped, and Zheng Yonghao looked around the crowd, but the last question was Qin Ming.

Now, only he has recently evolved into a mutant and has not experienced a real battle, which is the most reassuring.

Others, Zhang Detao naturally needless to say that Qin Xue, the future goddess of ice and snow, has grown up rapidly, as if she is already the second master in the team.

Even Zou Xiaochuan, although his physique is poor, he thinks of her secret, that alien brother... Of course, to be more precise, she is the eldest sister of aliens. I'm afraid she is the last one to worry about.

"I have been waiting for this day for a long time, of course!

Qin Ming nodded and could no longer see the usual out of tune from his face. Although there is also obvious tension, the depths of his eyes are full of confidence.

"Good!" Zheng Yonghao gave a look of approval and waved his hand and ordered, "Keep moving forward!"

Everyone responded with actions in silence, and no one said a word from beginning to end, especially to Zhang Detao!

That's why when he held the steering wheel again, there was a feeling called moving shining in his eyes.

It is more accurate to go to Beijing to Longshan Town, which is the route set by Zheng Yonghao.

But the purpose is to find Lin Hexuan and Lin Yuanliang, the father and son, to avenge him.

Just yesterday, he found Zheng Yonghao again, saying what he had said once, thinking that it was his own hatred and embarrassed to drag others into it.

Zheng Yonghao is fine. He knows that it is impossible to persuade Zheng Yonghao not to help him.

But other people, he doesn't know what those people think, and he doesn't know whether they are involved in this matter just because of Zheng Yonghao's request, let alone whether they will have a problem with Zheng Yonghao.

For his idea, Zheng Yonghao just narrowed his eyes and smiled, looked into the distance and said, "If you can't treat your companion's affairs as your own business, then there is no need for this kind of person to stay in my motorcade!"

This was the situation at that time. It was precisely because of Zheng Yonghao's statement that he understood that Zheng Yonghao was not only to avenge him, but also to take this opportunity to see who was in the team who was worthy of his attention to and even training.

Everything near the capital is exaggerated. Longshan Town is a big town, and it may be enough to establish a county-level city elsewhere.

When the motorcade arrived at the boundary of Longshan Town, it was still a long distance from their goal, the private manor owned by Lin Hexuan.

According to the plan, the convoy stopped, which was to hide the non-combatants and other materials.

No matter what you want to do, unless you fight back, you must make arrangements in advance.

Of course, they can't fight back this time, and they are still far from that level.

Although Zheng Yonghao said it was very serious when he mobilized before, in fact, in his heart, it is really not difficult to kill an invisible wind that is still in bud.

Perhaps they will be injured or even killed in the whole scene.

But in this era, in this situation, can everything be done by avoiding everything?

Obviously impossible!

He can love everyone in his team at ordinary times, but when he really needs to be trained, he will not treat them as flowers in the greenhouse.

Qin Xue and Zou Xiaochuan, two girls, Qin Ming, who took the initiative to go to war, and Zhang Detao, who had revenge, must go with him.

In addition, there are two of Tie Xiucheng's three confidants, especially one of whom has been trained for him and is more than enough to manage other fighters on his behalf.

As for Tie Xiucheng himself, he was arranged by Zheng Yonghao to guard the motorcade with several people.

He has no problem with this, not timidity, but he knows that he is the only one who is the most suitable to do it.

No matter how tightly the fleet is hidden, it must be guarded, and it can only be trusted by them.

In addition to those who are often beside Zheng Yonghao, he is the only one who can be said to be the most trusted by Zheng Yonghao and have this ability.

A group of 16 people walked to Linjia Manor, which puzzled some people by finding that there was inexplicably one person missing in the team.

The little boy brought back by their captain two days ago disappeared quietly.

They even thought about it carefully, as if this person was no longer in the team when the team left today.

Such a small accident made many people confused, but they didn't care about it.

They all heard about Zhang Jie and heard that he did not really join the team, so they thought that he might know that he was going to fight, and then left first.

Some people still think that this kid is very clever, while others despise him in their hearts.

But there is no one who envies him for escaping a crisis.

For them, Zheng Yonghao's treatment is the best treatment they have had since the catastrophe.

Even those soldiers who used to have a good position in the Jinzhou base actually enjoy a better treatment than now.

They didn't even think of anything better for them, so they found that someone was not envious of leaving at all. On the contrary, some people thought the child was a little stupid and pitiful...


There is no need to bother to find the specific place of Lin's Manor.

The group is still far from the target, but they have seen the most conspicuous building complex.

In particular, the outermost high wall is more majestic than the appearance of the Jinzhou base before it was strengthened.

Even the well-informed Zheng Yonghao couldn't help admiring Lin Hexuan's handwriting in his heart.

A town that is completely unsuitable for establishing a base can be made like a fortress by him.

It is not surprising that such a person can eventually become the lord of a large base.

Zheng Yonghao waved his hand to stop everyone. After a while, he asked, "How about it?"

He asked Zou Xiaochuan, whose super visual distance made her the best investigator, which was also the main reason why Zheng Yonghao did not refuse her colleagues.

Zou Xiaochuan withdrew his eyes and frowned and said to Zheng Yonghao, "There are many of them. There are more than a dozen guards in front of the largest villa alone, and I have seen a lot of people in other places. Um... I saw 46 in total. But one strange thing is that these people are very leisurely and there is no one patrolling.

"Sure enough!"

Zheng Yonghao sneered, but he was not surprised at all.

It is certainly good to build such a high wall to defend against zombies. Maybe the people inside can still live as before and even be self-sufficient to a certain extent.

But it is precisely because they have built a near-perfect defense that they can almost completely ignore the threat of zombies, which will inevitably make them slack and their defenses loose.

And these will make your actions easier and smoother, and are destined to make Lin Hexuan, the future lord of the base, be erased in advance!

The little warrior most valued by Tie Xiucheng is Deng Fei, who is not only smart but also has a pair of skillful hands.

Almost as soon as Zou Xiaochuan finished talking about what he saw, he had drawn a defense map of the Lin family manor.

Zheng Yonghao looked at the defense map drawn by Deng Fei and thought for a while, and how to attack and even the whole process had been quietly presented in his mind.

However, Zou Xiaochuan looked at Zheng Yonghao with very special eyes. Between the two of them, of course, only Zheng Yonghao knew but the other party did not know the familiarity, and he suddenly understood what she meant.

The girl clearly thought of the "sk sketch" drawn by Zheng Yonghao when she was in Shanhaiguan. Compared with the two, the sketch is really sketchy...

Fortunately, she also knew that the time was not right, so she did not make any inappropriate judgments, which saved Zheng Yonghao from embarrassment.

The offensive plan was quickly drawn up. Although it should be divided into two routes at the same time, it is not simply divided into two routes.

Zhang Detao, Deng Fei, Zou Xiaochuan and others directly attack the main door, which is both an attack and an attraction.

The cover for them was the two people with the best shooting among the fighters, who directly set up snipers at the highest point nearby.

In fact, even if the shooting of the two of them is not enough to shoot at such a distance, it is in the past.

Although the last sneak attack of the skeleton army did not leave them with weapons, Luo Yuan later gave them a big gift.

No one knows how she did it, but the members of the skeleton army she killed left complete weapons, including very advanced sniper guns and over-horizon glasses.

With these equipment, it is a feasible fact for them to sniper in this place.

Two snipers were ordered to arrange, and Zhang Detao and Deng Fei took the others to touch the Lin family manor.

Although Zheng Yonghao and Qin Xue also rushed to Linjia Manor, they took another route.

All they have to do is behead and look for Lin Hexuan directly while others attract the defense of the manor.

Without enough intelligence, this kind of thing is naturally difficult for others, but for Zheng Yonghao, it is very simple.

His spiritual perception is large enough to be even the largest of all mutants so far.

And Lin Hexuan, as one of the top masters of the future, is definitely the most powerful and conspicuous one in this manor.

As long as Zheng Yonghao touches 100 meters beside him, even if he disguises himself as a dog, he will not be able to escape.

What's more, there is another reason for Zheng Yonghao's self-confidence. Even if he didn't wait to find Lin Hexuan by relying on spiritual perception, he still has a second card, a card that others may think of but must not know.


It is dusk at this time, and many people in peaceful times will be sleepy at this time.

And in this crazy end of the world, dusk is also the most comfortable time of the day for most people.

When I got up in the morning, except for the particularly big-hearted one, almost everyone woke up in a nightmare and couldn't help but raise their vigilance.

After the whole day, people have to work hard to continue to live on this day and even many days after that, and there is no chance to relax.

And at night, it is the most active time for zombies and mutant beasts. Even those who have fallen asleep dare not sleep too soundly and are always equipped to jump up to prevent danger.

In this way, people can only have short comfort at dusk after the hard work of every day and before the advent of dangerous nights.

Any place is no exception, even this Lin family manor, which is almost built into a small fortress.

The guards gathered together, chatting or enjoying rare snacks - this is already a luxurious meal and entertainment.

In a room, a middle-aged man, who looked very powerful in size, also took out a wine bottle from the wine cabinet as usual.

Although there is only half a bottle of wine left in it, it is very enjoyable and cherishing to see him squinting when he lift his nose and smell it.

This middle-aged man is Lin Hexuan, a former senior military official, who is also the father of Lin Yuanliang, Zhang Detao's enemy.

Lin Hexuan carefully poured a small glass of wine, and then quickly stuffed the bottle again, as if he was afraid of running away.

Then he did not send this precious "baby" back to the wine cabinet. First, he quickly poured the thing in the cup in front of him into his mouth, and then closed his eyes for a detailed aftertaste.

As for his body shape and shape, in fact, no matter how you look at it, it can't be related to the elegant person who savors wine carefully.

But he is very attentive and intoxicated, just because he understands that it is not easy to enjoy it now.

In the past, in his status, what kind of good wine you want is just a matter of greeting!

But now, with the collapse of all order after the catastrophe, his previously proud identity has also gone with the wind, just like a fart.

Of course, although he is a little unhappy, he doesn't care that much.

He even thinks that such a world is not bad, because as the old saying goes, heroes in troubled times, he feels that he is a hero and can show his skills.

It's just that the lack of materiality makes him a little unaccustomed. Even his favorite wine can't drink it and taste a little carefully, which is the real torture for him.


Lin Hexuan, who was tasting it, suddenly spit out and then stared at the wine glass in his hand.

There is a little black ball in his wine glass, which is very strange to him, but it is not that he doesn't recognize it.

Mouse shit!

Lin Hexuan's expression is simply wonderful.

Whoever finds himself savoring a mouse shit in the wine, I'm afraid that expression will be like him, and the degree of excitement is absolutely imaginable.

If you only find one in the cup, it's okay. At worst, even the glass will be thrown away.

But he didn't notice this at all, that is to say, he didn't spray it because there was mouse shit in the glass, but because he felt something wrong in his mouth...

Lin Hexuan grinned and looked at the ground. Sure enough, he saw that there was the same... half of the stain he spit out!


Lin Hexuan covered his throat and his face turned blue.

If a beggar who was used to begging under the overpass encountered such a thing, he might not frown.

Mouse shit is mouse shit. What does it matter?

But he is different!

Even after the catastrophe, although his living conditions have fallen by countless levels in the end of the world, others have fallen more, and he is still a hundred times and a thousand times stronger than others.

This contrast makes him eat a mouse poop by mistake like some people seeing a plate of cooking with this material as the main ingredient... It's so sour and unbelievable...

Lin Hexuan endured and did not spit it out, but he was furious in an instant.

But when he was about to teach those responsible for cleaning, he suddenly realized that this matter was wrong!

Even if his servant is not careful enough, if there is such a thing in the glass or bottle, it is impossible for him to notice it before.

Compared with ordinary survivors, the memory of mutants is amazing.

Lin Hexuan can be sure that his glasses and bottles are clean before he goes to pick up the wine or even pours the wine!

Lin Hexuan's eyes suddenly looked behind the wine cabinet.

In his room, there are not many places to hide people, only behind the wine cabinet and in the wardrobe.

But if someone really did such a prank on him, then the only place to hide in such a short time is after the wine cabinet.

Other places are too late.


There was no movement in Lin Hexuan's hand, and there was a sudden roar after the wine cabinet.

Then the wine cabinet seemed to have been pushed vigorously and glided forward.

Lin Hexuan stretched out his hand to hold the wine cabinet, but his eyes were also condensed at the same time.

As the wine cabinet was removed, everything behind it naturally fell into his eyes.

The most conspicuous thing is that the pieces on the wall are peeling off, as if they were hit hard by something.

Of course, there is no surprise in this scene, because it comes from his attack.

But there is nothing else!

He thought someone was hiding there, but he didn't see anything!

Lin Hexuan's hand finally moved, and a large handful of flying knives were pinched in his palm.

If he had just felt that there was an inconspicuous guy making a prank before, such as someone who was dissatisfied with him and dared to resist him, what he knew was that he had the ability to do what he had just done in an amazing way.

But now, he understands that this is not the case.

If that person has time to hide behind the wine cabinet, there is definitely no way to avoid his previous attack.

It's not the person he guessed, that's the real enemy.

Although he still can't understand why the other party is not putting some kind of poison since he can put mouse shit into his wine glass... But this person must be the enemy against him!

Lin Hexuan held a flying knife in his hand, and a more violent expression appeared on his face.

He said in a cold voice, "It's very good to hide, but in my territory, where can you hide - come out!"


The explosion suddenly sounded from Lin Hexuan's hand, and dozens of flying knives that could only be barely held flew away like loaded bullets.

At such a moment, everything in this room is within the attack range of the flying knife.

It's not just a flying knife. In the place closest to his body, there is a fierce invisible air wave radiating around.

Even the hard mahogany table burst in an instant.


In the chaos, a painful hum suddenly sounded.

It was a man who suddenly rolled out of the empty table before.

As soon as he appeared, he stood up in panic and kept retreating with horror on his face.

(I haven't figured out how to name it. Let's have a big chapter.)