The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 170 Like Smart People Next

Dead! In the blink of an eye, their mayor and their boss are dead!



All kinds of messy sounds sounded at the same time. Some people slipped from the chair, and some people knocked down the maid beside them, who knocked over the coffee table.

But no one spoke alone, and none of them looked at Zheng Yonghao, who was carrying Tang Dao, and stayed where he was.

It was also at this time that they noticed that it was not only the mayor who died. The guy who said wildly before and shouted, "If you don't give it, rob it, kill it if you don't accept it", has also fallen to the ground and has no breath.

He has also been killed. Judging from the people standing in front of his body, it should be Zou Xiaochuan who took action.

But these people didn't know how Zou Xiaochuan did it and killed him.

Zheng Yonghao's knife just now was so sudden and amazing that they couldn't notice anything else at all.

In addition to the dead mayor and the madman, there were nine mutants present in the hall.

They are equally shocked, but they are also ready to move.

Because they still feel that they have an advantage. Although they have lost their first hand, and although the other party's outbreak is unexpected, there are many people!

If the mayor is dead, someone will have to push him up.

This is **, enough for them to work hard**!

There must be a brave man under the reward, and if even the right to issue a reward can be obtained by yourself, the impulse will completely overshadow reason.

"Up! Kill them to avenge the mayor!"

"We have a lot of people and killed him!"

"Yes, go!"

Someone shouts, and some people respond accordingly.

There were three people who shouted, and five who did it.

Among them, the most conspicuous is a stick shadow, which hit Zheng Yonghao with his head covering his face, and there was more electric light on it.

This is a mutant with electrical powers. Looking at the electrolight intensity he controls, it should be very close to the secondary mutant.

In other places, people at this level are already masters.

After all, even the Jinzhou base has reached the second-level mutant level with a huge base of nearly 100,000 survivors.

In Zheng Yonghao's team, none of them are mediocre, but in addition to him, only Qin Xue has more than 300 physical energy values.

This person is very strong.

But unfortunately for him, Zheng Yonghao is stronger!


The knife light only flashed gently, but the firelight already had a dragon, swallowing the long stick in his hand, the electric light on the long stick and himself!

The mayor who was beheaded in an instant before proved how fast Zheng Yonghao's attack was, and now it proves how fierce his attack is!

The strength of the other four people is a little weaker, and their movements are also a little slower. Before they rushed to Zheng Yonghao, they had seen that the owner of this electrical power had been swallowed up by the fire dragon, and his whole body was in flames, as if a humanoid torch had been lit!


Some of the four people exclaimed and retreated at that time.

Once is a coincidence, because it's sudden, so what about twice?

People who are not weaker than the mayor are still killed in the case of active attack. Can they do it?

This person saw the gap that could not be traced, but the other three people were not as keen as him. They thought that Zheng Yonghao's attack on others was their opportunity.

"I'm stubborn!" Zheng Yonghao snorted coldly.

In the face of these unprepared guys who want to attack him, he has no nervousness or surprise, let alone any pity.

He waved a knife, which was just a knife in the eyes of others.

But what appeared in the next moment was four arms and four knives.

That's the ultimate speed, which makes him seem to have only cut a knife, but in fact, he has attacked four people separately.

Whether it was the three people rushing forward or the one who stopped and hesitated to wait for the opportunity, they all changed their faces greatly.

They are still some distance away from Zheng Yonghao, but they seem to have seen the figure of death, which is the knife light that covers everything and comes to their eyes.

At this moment, they understood one thing. Zheng Yonghao used to kill the mayor was not a hidden weapon such as a flying knife, but the knife in his hand, a deadly blade that can cross the space distance!

It is difficult for people who have never seen space power to imagine how magical this ability is. They even came until now, until they understand something, but they still can't imagine what kind of ability Zheng Yonghao has.

I understand a little, but it's too late!

rushed to the closest to Zheng Yonghao and stopped and hesitated to be the farthest from him, but they were cut by the knife light at the same time.

And they have no way to dodge and are even more powerless to stop!

Bang bang!

Four people died at the same time, but the bodies left behind were smashed on the ground differently, making a rumble sound, which seemed to be very rhythmic.

It's just that the sound was heard in the ears of the remaining people, but there was no rhythm at all. It seemed to be a heavy hammer hitting their hearts, and every sound almost scattered their souls.

But it's not over, and it's a bang, but the first electric power mutant who was killed fell to the ground at this time. It was like coke and cracked on the ground...

The surroundings are silent. It is already quiet, but now it is completely silent.

They have no one to calculate the time. It feels like it's been very, very long, and the time seems to have been suspended.

But they all know very well. In fact, from Zheng Yonghao's entry to his action, and then to the coke master's fall to the ground... It's just a short time!

In such a short time, the most powerful people among them, including the mayor, have all been killed, including the guy who claimed that the electric king sometimes dares to contradict even the mayor.

How dare they take any action, and how can they not understand that the power of this person is beyond their imagination. Even if they all go up and work hard, it is not enough for the other party to kill.

Even most likely, they all put their lives on, and maybe no one can rush to each other. After all, they have seen with their own eyes how outrageous this person's attack speed and range is.

These people dare not move, but the most nervous people are actually near Zheng Yonghao.

The dozen people who escorted Zheng Yonghao before now seem to have been adjusted to vibration mode and are trembling.

They wanted to escape and stay far away from this evil star, but they found that their legs were not at all.

Of course, in fact, even if their legs are not weak now, they also dare not move.

Whoever moves will die? All those who have moved before are dead. If they move again, they will be fools... So although they want to scare incontinence one by one, they still force themselves to stand there.

Zheng Yonghao looked around the crowd and subconsciously bowed his head when he saw anyone. His face also became whiter, which was simply better than the best whitening cream.

"Do anyone else want to try again?"

Zheng Yonghao spoke flatly and his voice was gentle.

It's just that the more gentle he is now, the more scared those people are, and no one dares to answer.

As for what they still want to try, those who have tried before are already dead, and they don't even dare to think about it now.

"Very good." Zheng Yonghao said, "Since there are no such domineering people, let's talk about it. Now you choose someone who can speak first. I have some questions to ask you.

After saying this, Zheng Yonghao took Zou Xiaochuan to his position. The headless body of the mayor was still paralyzed on the chair. Of course, he was not interested in fighting for the dead, but casually pulled a chair and sat down.

These people at Badaling Base look at each other, and many people aim at the same place intentionally or unintentionally. It is the person who brought Zheng Yonghao to this place before.

At this moment, everyone is thinking about how to stay away from Zheng Yonghao. Even if they can't leave, they can't wait to become air. It's best to be completely ignored.

The man became the focus of everyone's attention in an instant, and the whole person suddenly trembled and kept shrinking back.

But no matter how big the hall is, it is a large room. Where can he hide? Zheng Yonghao has seen him for a long time.

It was just a while, and he naturally remembered the name of this person, Zhong Xingxing.

"Zhong is happy, isn't he? Come here."

Zheng Yonghao hooked his finger, and Zhong's whole body was full of happiness.

There is a homemade heating installed by them in the hall, and the temperature is not low, but he seems to have been stripPED and thrown into the ice hole, stiff!

"Come here!"

Zheng Yonghao shouted again and understood that Zhong Xing, who could not escape, could only come over.

"What do you... want to ask? I said, I said it!"

Zheng Yonghao narrowed his eyes and looked at the man.

"My first question is, why are they all looking at you? It seems that your status here was not low before, right?

"No, no, no!"

Zhong happily hurriedly denied it, piled up a smile on his face and said, "In the past, the mayor had the final say here. I have no status. I'm just a small follower, a small follower."


Zheng Yonghao's voice was so plain that Zhong Xing couldn't guess what he thought. However, just as Zhong Xing nodded in a hurry and kept talking like this, a person suddenly shouted, "He is lying. In addition to Yu Wenxing and Dai Dog, he is the third leader here!"

It was a woman who shouted out. Zheng Yonghao still remembers that she was the maid who was responsible for making tea and pouring water just now, a very common role in peacetime and the end of the present.

Such an ordinary woman dared to shout out, which surprised Zheng Yonghao a little.

As for who Yu Wenxing and Dai Gouzi are, he really doesn't know but can guess that it can only be the two people sitting in his current position, the mayor and the madman killed by Zou Xiaochuan.

Zheng Yonghao just felt a little surprised, but in Zhong Xing's ears, it was like a thunderbolt.

Anger flashed in his eyes, but when he thought that Zheng Yonghao was in front of him, this anger could only rise but dare not be revealed at all.

He lowered his head to cover his eyes, but said nervously, "No, no! I'm really just a nobody!"

However, his panic explanation was only half interrupted by Zheng Yonghao.

"You don't need to say, there are other people who can speak now, but unfortunately, I think she is more credible than you. And... I also like smart people, but you are not!"

But you are not!

Zhong Xingxing knows better than most people here what this sentence means, because he has also said it, and has often said it in recent times!

"No, don't kill me. I still know a lot. I know where the things Yu Wenxing snatched..."

Zhong Xing was really scared, and he could even clearly feel the murderous intention from Zheng Yonghao.

But Zheng Yonghao shook his head: "I won't kill you."

"Ah! Really? Thank you, thank you, I will definitely..."

Some people are destined to be unable to finish their words. Zheng Yonghao did not do anything, but Zou Xiaochuan beside him suddenly came to Zhong Xing and said in a cold voice, "If he doesn't kill, I'll kill!"


Even if Zhong Xingxin only heard a very soft sound, and people a little farther away didn't hear anything.

But after this sound, they were shocked to see that Zhong Xing covered his chest, and there was a hole that could not be covered!