The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 174 Journey, Growth, Our Base!

Cai Jingyi chose to stay with his father, and everyone could understand this matter.

Except for him, the other three people in the original motorcade did not leave, but completely joined the team.

They couldn't find their families, or they couldn't even get any news. Perhaps it was this desperate blow that made them treat their teammates as relatives.

It's miserable and helpless.

But this is the catastrophe, that is, the end of the world. Everyone can only accept it and get used to it.

One person and three people stay, but now the number of people in the fleet has nearly tripled than before, and the number of cars has increased from seven to 15.

The reason is very simple. Zheng Yonghao and others issued a notice to recruit new people at the Badaling base, and immediately gathered followers.

Even Zheng Yonghao ignored this point. He just wanted to add some new blood to the team and select some professionals that were not available before.

But it is obvious that the continuous changes in the base of Badaling have made many people lose confidence in it and no longer want to stay.

Hundreds of people signed up for the recruitment, and with the spread of Zheng Yonghao's killing of Yu Wenxing, more people came later.

If another person is really not able to cope with such a situation, for example, some soft-hearted people may not be able to refuse at all, even if he knows that the convoy team does not need such a person.

At that time, the person in charge of recruitment was Tie Xiucheng, perhaps the calmest person in Zheng Yonghao's team.

But it's him who is a little blind in the face of this situation, which is simply unspeakable.

Finally, he finalized the specific personnel to join the team, one of whom had a skill in a certain way, but after finishing these, he immediately withdrew.

How to settle these people and how to make them understand the rules and discipline of the team? Let's leave them all to others. Anyway, his evolved brain can't stand it...

Because Tie Xiucheng was too rational and cold when recruiting people, his name has changed in some people.

Zheng Yonghao is the benefactor of the base and the hero who has reborn the vast majority of people.

Even Zou Xiaochuan was regarded as an idol by many female compatriots, but it was completely different. Everyone only remembered his ruthlessness and his black face.

So Tieshura, a word very similar to his name, was soon known to almost everyone except for himself who fled in a hurry.

Of course, he didn't know that it was when he was still at the Badaling base.

Now, he has heard about it from people around him for a long time.

"Captain, you have cheated me..."

When he rested at night, Tie Xiucheng found Zheng Yonghao and complained bitterly.

For a whole day, everyone called him the iron deputy team in front of him, but as soon as he turned around, the word Shura with a smile would rush into his ears almost instantly.

Those who dare to say this are the old people who have a good relationship with him in the motorcade. They all know what kind of person he is, and they all know that he is cold-hearted and can afford to joke.

What can Iron Xiucheng do to these people?

Neither beating nor scolding, just have to put up with it.

However, when some newcomers unconsciously blurted out the word Shura, he completely understood, and from then on, he could not get rid of this new name.

"Actually, Tie Shura is also very pleasant and powerful." Zheng Yonghao said with a smile.

Tie Xiucheng shook his head with a wry smile. He was not really angry, but felt a little helpless.

Of course, for people like him, it is clear that what is called and how it is called is just a code name, and he will not really care about it now and in the future.

Tie Xiucheng quickly asked Zheng Yonghao's impression of these newcomers. They were all chosen by him. At that time, Zheng Yonghao did not say a word.

But he valued Zheng Yonghao's attitude very much, because he knew that although he was young, he looked at people more accurately than many old deep-fried dough sticks.

Zheng Yonghao also wants to talk about this matter, that is, he is very satisfied with the people who chose Tie Xiucheng.

Originally, many jobs in the team needed someone to take part-time, and there was no other choice for the special ones.

For example, doctors are only related to the hearts of the people. When she herself had an accident, even if Zheng Yonghao waved his hand to kill the enemy, she was still a layman on how to save people.

For example, a mechanic, although there are several people who know some vehicle maintenance, the only person who can solve the problem is the young man named Ma Yuan.

He finally couldn't find any news about his family. Now he has regarded the motorcade as his relatives, but if he had found it before, he might have left.

And in that case, there will not even be a professional mechanic in their fleet.

After a long journey, the consequences of not having a mechanic are very serious, but now there is no need to worry about it. Not only did Ma Yuan stay, but there are also good people in this regard among the people recruited by Tie Xiucheng.

And most importantly, the people recruited by Tie Xiucheng are very healthy and excellent in mental courage.

In fact, this is normal. It takes more than courage to decisively leave a relatively stable place at this time.

Zheng Yonghao said his opinion, and Tie Xiucheng was a little proud and had some other emotions.

He frowned and said, "Those people have almost lost their relatives and have no worries. The only thing I worry about is that their hearts will be unstable. Although most of them think that we have more potential to follow, there must be some people who just want to escape from the Badaling base.

"Are you worried that they will be like grass on the wall, relying on us today and tomorrow?" Zheng Yonghao said with a smile.

"That's exactly."

Tie Xiucheng was a little surprised. He didn't understand why Zheng Yonghao didn't seem to be worried about such a serious matter, but he still nodded and admitted it.

"There is no need to worry." Zheng Yonghao laughed and said, "You should know that no matter what reason they join us, they feel that we have more potential or to escape from Badaling, but the main reason is the conditions we provide. But with our current conditions, it is far from enough for them to truly return home. It's really too early for you to think about this now.

Zheng Yonghao said plainly, but Tie Xiucheng remained silent.

Once a soldier, he has always regarded his companions as comrades-in-arms and comrades-in-arms as brothers. The most hateful thing is that someone betrays him.

But at this time, he had to admit that what Zheng Yonghao said was the truth.

There is no need to analyze the reasons, they can provide better conditions, which is fundamental.

Is it just because they showed their strength in Badaling that others are destined for it?

It's completely impossible!

Tie Xiucheng said with a wry smile, "It's really too early. I'll think about these after our base is built!"

Zheng Yonghao did not answer immediately, but looked into the distance and was silent for a short time before gently saying, "At that time, you don't need to care about these things."


I was stunned, but soon I understood.

Zheng Yonghao said that he didn't care and didn't care, but that he didn't care about those who would leave.

As long as their base is built and grows rapidly, will they still be short of people? Do you still need to send an invitation? Not at all.

The flag is raised, and naturally someone takes the initiative to cast.

As long as their conditions are good enough and better than anywhere else, no one will leave. Even if there is such a wall grass, they will only regret making a stupid decision.

I understand what Zheng Yonghao means, that Tie Xiucheng's reaction ability is much faster than that of ordinary people, but it does not mean that he really agrees.

Because there is another key element in it, that is, they can really develop to that point!

But in his judgment, it was so difficult that he could not be as confident as Zheng Yonghao, and even could not understand why Zheng Yonghao was so confident.

Zheng Yonghao did not explain to him where his self-confidence came from, because he could not explain.

In the past, he was just an ordinary person who could build a base by himself. Now he is countless times stronger than before in terms of strength and brainpower, and there is no reason not to set his goal more ambitiously.

And he is surrounded by Qin Xue, who could only look up in his previous life, and Zhang Detao, who met him in advance and had a closer relationship, including how excellent he was. The power these people can exert together is what he longed for in the past.

The most important point is the pressure he can't bear.

This pressure forced him to do it and must do it, forcing him not to be self-confident, because if he doesn't even have self-confidence, there is really no hope.

A lot of people and strength has never been an empty word. Stronger teams are back on the road, and there are not many crises that can make them detours and avoid along the way.

Basically, they reached the state when the Jinzhou base sent people to escort them, and they went forward powerfully.

This journey lasted for a full month. Of course, in this process, they not only rushed, but also happened a lot of other things.

Pass through someone's hometown, through a gathering point of survivors, or even a newly developed small and medium-sized base similar to Badaling.

Whenever you get to such a place, the team will stop temporarily.

Send people, save people, recruit people, kill people!

Endless zombies, mutant beasts with different abilities, and some inexplicable dangerous places that they have never thought of before!

In such a journey, not only is the whole team gradually growing, but everyone in the team also grows to varying degrees.

Their courage is increasing, their knowledge is increasing, and their adaptability to this cruel world is also increasing.

Few people have taken the initiative to mention it, but they all know that the people around them still have themselves, which are different from before and are becoming more different and stronger.

When the motorcade stopped again, everyone who followed Zheng Yonghao out of the car was stunned.

They have all looked at the map and know where it is.

If everything is normal, from where they are, dozens of kilometers later is the historic city called Xiangyang.

However, at this moment, they can't see anything they are familiar with.

But on the terrain that should belong to the plain, I don't know when two magnificent mountains appeared.

The two mountains formed a corner but were not completely connected, but left a seemingly narrow gap in the place where they were about to touch, slightly like a mysterious door to an unknown world!

Looking there, Zheng Yonghao's eyes were burning.

He raised his hand and pointed to the front: "We are at our base!"