The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 180 Planetary Origin

They have been digging down for many days, and they have now gone deeper than 700 meters underground.

Although the lower it is, the more difficult it is, but according to their progress, I'm afraid it will be a day or two to break through the kilometer.

But the truth is that they still get nothing.

It is strange that there are still no large rock formations even if it is more than 700 meters deep, but other aspects are completely normal.

Nothing can be related to what Zheng Yonghao said, which is enough to determine their future discovery.

Even Zheng Yonghao began to doubt whether his judgment was wrong, and the mood of the other three people could be imagined.

Seeing that their mental state was not very good, Zheng Yonghao decisively drove them back to rest.

And he stayed himself, whether there was a problem or not. If he stopped at this time, he would not be willing.

It is not so much that he decided to take the Delta as his starting point because he met Lin Hexuan, but rather that it was the big secret of this delta base that attracted him.

Putting aside this secret's attraction to him, in fact, the Delta is only one of his choices, not the only answer.

"Is that statement really just a rumor? Is it really fake?

Zheng Yonghao is very reluctant to believe this.

If it's just a leisure talk between ordinary survivors, of course he won't care.

But he heard about this secret from that population. That person is not an ordinary person!

After a moment of hesitation, Zheng Yonghao was still unwilling.

The main force of the excavation was originally him, and only he had a way to remove the excavated earth and stones. Now Qin Xue and the others have a great impact on him.


Must continue!

This is Zheng Yonghao's last thought, and also his persistence, the stubbornness of a natural person who does not shed tears...

And these actually happened two hours ago.

At the same time, it was also the beginning of formal consultation between the Hanjiang Regiment and the two bosses of Mo Weijun.

How can only those who dare to persist can dig gold!

Resources, luck, strength... The most important thing is to have a heart that dares to persevere.

Some people dug for decades and finally gave up desperately.

Some people have also dug for decades, but they have left one second more than the former and dug more shovel soil.

It was this second with a shovel of dirt that made the latter discover the big gold mine in the fable story!

Zheng Yonghao was not so lucky. He did not dig for one more second, but continued to dig for two hours.

He not only dug an extra shovel soil, but nearly 50 meters deep under a unique stubbornness!


The crisp sound just broke a layer of window paper, but the changes brought were very different, which made Zheng Yonghao suddenly there.

800 meters deep underground, even if they have installed small ventilation equipment, even if their strong physical fitness allows him to survive in the thinnest air, breathing here is not a pleasant thing.

But after the crisp sound appeared and the last stone covering something was turned over, everything changed.

Zheng Yonghao felt as if he had been sent into the hyperbaric oxygen chamber from mud, and his whole body felt extremely comfortable from skin pores to his internal organs.

"Oxygen! No, it's not oxygen! This is the wind, which contains special energy! I can absorb the energy in this!"

Zheng Yonghao looked down with excitement. He couldn't see clearly but felt it.

There was an energy rushing out of the ground, which was very strong, bringing wind and wrapping his body.

The comfort he felt is precisely because his body absorbs the energy, which can magically replace the oxygen for his survival, and the effect is better!

Just for a moment, Zheng Yonghao analyzed the general idea.

In addition to his own insight and super understanding of new things in the end of the world, there is another thing he feels and the rumor he has heard before - very similar!

"The delta base has mastered a special means that can transform the energy contained in ordinary food to extremely high, even beyond the effect of mutant animal meat."

This sentence is the source of those rumors and the beginning of all speculation.

So the man said to him, "I think Lin Hexuan got not a technical means, but a resource or energy. I don't know if this kind of thing is useful for you, but for us mutants, it is likely to help us improve our strength quickly.

And what Zheng Yonghao feels at this moment is completely the best verification of this sentence!

"This, this..."

Zheng Yonghao's tongue also began to roll up, which was really surprising.

He had just felt this energy. As soon as he was wrapped by the wind of energy, he had noticed that his body was changing.

Although his physical energy value is still maintained at 472, a value that has not been improved since he obtained the space power, he has obviously felt a little loose.

is rare, not enough to increase even one value, but there is no doubt that it is really growing.

And the most important thing is that he has just encountered this energy!

If he bathed in it for a long time, let him absorb it all the time... He can't imagine how fast his improvement will be!

By now, how can Zheng Yonghao not understand that he has found what he wants?

Next, as long as he makes good use of this energy, he also has Qin Xue and Zhang Detao. Everyone he can trust will grow up in a very short time.

One year, two years and even five years, he may really be able to do it and accumulate enough strength to compete with it before that upheaval comes!

Zheng Yonghao was excited, clenched his fists fiercely, waved his arms heavily, and even heard the muffled sound of air being pinched from his palm.

But he calmed down quickly, and now is not the time to be excited.

The top priority is to temporarily close this place, and never let that energy be leaked out, or at least let this treasure be known by outsiders.

Almost all wireless signals are blocked in the depths of the ground, and the walkie-talkie that Zheng Yonghao usually uses to contact Qin Xue has completely lost its function.

But fortunately, there is another person he can contact, and the communication tools they use are beyond the scope of human technology.

"Where is it?"

Zheng Yonghao asked directly, and there was a crackling sound on the other side, as if someone was fighting fiercely.

After that, Luo Yuan's voice came over and seemed to be a little impatient: "What else?"

"Help me call someone, Qin Xue, Zhang Detao, Tie Xiucheng! Tie Xiucheng is handling official business, while others should be in their own rooms. I want you to take them to..."

Zheng Yonghao explained the situation quickly, and without waiting for Luo Yuan to ask questions, he directly explained everything that could be explained quickly.

Finally, Zheng Yonghao said, "Try not to disturb others, and be sure to be fast!"

"Don't disturb others? What if it's alarmed?"

Luo Yuan finally found an opportunity to say that it was impossible for her to listen honestly.

Zheng Yonghao said, "If you are shocked, control it all!"

"Uh - all of them?" Even Luo Yuan was decisively suppressed by Zheng Yonghao's voice and subconsciously asked, "Are those people under you the same?"

"Except for those I said, everyone else is the same!" Zheng Yonghao said.

"All right!"

Luo Yuan wanted to say something else. Zheng Yonghao had urged him, "Let's talk about it later. I'm in a hurry."

But as soon as he said this, he heard Luo Yuan say, "Humph! What's the hurry? I've already arrived. Hateful guy, my transmitter can only be used four times a day, and now it's the last time!"


Zheng Yonghao was speechless. He said that mastering super technology was different. Even if he was faster than direct transmission, this was not at the same level at all!

But he seemed to have overheard a secret. It turned out that the guy also had a limit on the number of times...

Luo Yuan did not turn off the communicator. Zheng Yonghao could hear the shock over there. It was Qin Xue.

"It seems that she has indeed taken action. At such a speed, she should be able to control the surroundings before the energy is spread out!"

Zheng Yonghao looked up at the entrance of a moon-sized cave and thought so.

But in fact, the entrance they dug up is more than ten meters in diameter, but at such a distance, it can only be regarded as a faint moon.

Since Luo Yuan has taken action, and no matter how fast he is, it's too late to go up, he simply gave up the idea of going out immediately.

If he doesn't go out, he can't continue to dig down, at least until he finalizes the utilization method here, he definitely can't continue.

In case this energy outlet is further expanded, there will be an energy storm that goes straight into the sky...

That's a lot of fun. I'm afraid that when he will take action with everyone, it will no longer be possible to keep this secret.

Don't worry about what's going on outside. Zheng Yonghao can finally calm down and look around.

With the light of a flashlight, such a small space can be seen at a glance.

"Oh! What is this?"

Zheng Yonghao suddenly saw something strange, which seemed to be a stone but only the size of a duck egg, and the color was pure white.

The most special thing is that this thing is still round!

Will there also be pebbles in the depths of the ground? Zheng Yonghao felt incredible that this kind of thing subverted his common sense of physics.

Curiously, Zheng Yonghao looked at it carefully, but he didn't find anything special, except that he felt that this kind of stone was surprisingly hard.


Zheng Yonghao pulled out a short knife and stabbed it. As a result, there was not even a trace on the stone, but his fine steel short knife broke the blade.

"It's really hard!"

Zheng Yonghao was even more curious. Although he couldn't recognize what kind of stone it was and why it formed a pebble in the depths of the ground, his intuition told him that it was not simple.

There are not many of the same stones around, but there are also dozens.

Zheng Yonghao just put these strange stones into the storage space and saw several people falling from above.

It's Luo Yuan and Qin Xue.

Zheng Yonghao thought that Luo Yuan would definitely complain a few more words, but he didn't expect that she had just landed on the ground and ignored him and had no complaints.

just rushed straight to the energy outlet under his feet, half knelt on the ground regardless of his image, and reached for the small "energy outlet", with a look of surprise and excitement on his face.

Seeing her like this, Zheng Yonghao frowned slightly but thought of a possibility.

He asked, "Do you know what these energies are?"

"Energy!" Luo Yuan didn't get up, just looked up at Zheng Yonghao: "Do you think this is energy?"

Just as Zheng Yonghao was about to ask, Luo Yuan had taken the initiative to say, "What a fool. You even found this thing without knowing what it was. But you have to stand firm and don't be scared to lie down!"

Luo Yuan finally got up, and his face suddenly became extremely serious: "What you find now is called the origin of the planet! The real source of your 'Earth'!"