The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 203 Energy Crystal

The row star is not the specific value of the energy value!

Star rating is a kind of understanding of the essence!

The star rating is a comprehensive mastery of power, and everything on all planets must be mastered!

Zheng Yonghao was stunned. When Su Xiaoshan said it was not 50,000 energy value, he thought it was easy. After all, that value was still out of reach compared with his 495, which has soared again.

But when Susan said what was later, he finally understood what was easier. Obviously, it was more difficult and desperate.

It's just how much he suffered with a flame power. If he hadn't happened to find a giraffe mutant beast, he would have almost died.

But after suffering so much, according to Su Xiaoshan, he only attracted a little flame breath in Zihai's heart, which is still 108,000 miles away from mastering the power of the flame.

Until now, he has absorbed the power of the fire source spirit, and he really has his own flame power, but it is obviously still insufficient.

Needless to say, the space power must not even reach the fur.

Mastering nature is a thorough understanding, and what he knows alone is short-distance teleportation and space conversion that are not used by him.

At such a level, how far it is to master the essence of having all kinds of power... Not to say it is completely hopeless, but now he can't do it at all.

But it's very strange. Obviously, he feels that it is more difficult to have star strength, but Zheng Yonghao is not as nervous and disappointed when he heard Luo Yuan's story. Instead, he feels a sense of excitement in his heart, as if he is looking forward to it.

"Is it because it coincides with my original idea?"

Zheng Yonghao secretly thought.

A long time ago, when he fantasized about getting supernuclear power, he had an impulse, or fantasy was more appropriate. He wanted to get all the special abilities in the world, every kind, all!

That impulse became more and more plain with the growth of his knowledge, because the more he understood, the more he understood how difficult it was, but now he remembered it again and was even more excited again!

"Tell me what to do?"

Zheng Yonghao asked.

"Is that the problem?"

Su Xiaoshan was very surprised. She was ready for Zheng Yonghao to ask her questions and explore her secrets. She even figured out how to answer, but she didn't expect that Zheng Yonghao did not ask any questions and directly sought a way to achieve the conditions.

It was unexpected, but Susan still replied, "You need to find something!"

"Fire source spirit?"

"Huh? How do you know?"

Su Xiaoshan raised her eyebrows, and the image was special.

Zheng Yonghao smiled and said, "You also said that I used the lowest level of stimulation to stimulate the lowest level of ability, so I can't even master the fur. Then you must mean that I need more stimulation, such as the fire source spirit. You may say this after I absorb the fire source spirit! And if my understanding is not wrong, in addition to the fire source spirit, there should also be wind source spirit, water source spirit and so on!"

Su Xiaoshan's expression is even more strange. Anyway, it is difficult for ordinary people to imagine such an expression to appear on a "wolf" face.

"You're right!"

Su Xiaoshan said, "Those things do exist, and if you really want to achieve a star rating, you must get them and use them to obtain energy and stimulate the full potential of the Purple Sea Heart. Only in this way can you master all the strength to reach the star rating in enough time. And if it is a slow improvement, although it is not impossible now that the goal is known, I'm afraid it will be too late.

"Yes!" Zheng Yonghao sighed, "Who knows when the earth's transition will be completed in 30 years? Or 50 years? It won't be a hundred years! Even if it is really that long, my life expectancy may not be enough. Even if it's enough, if I haven't been able to reach the star rating by then, everything will be too late.

Su Xiaoshan shook her head and said, "You can rest assured about this. Needless to say, at your current level, you will have a life expectancy of more than 100 years!"


Zheng Yonghao's eyes widened, looking a little surprised and surprised.

If he can live longer, it means that there is more hope, but the accident is a little unbelievable. After all, in his previous life, he only experienced ten years of the end of the world. He really doesn't know whether the life expectancy of the mutant has increased.

"Of course it's true. Do you think the evolution of living organisms is just better?"


Zheng Yonghao smiled. In his initial view, the difference between mutants and ordinary survivors was really better.

"But even if you can live for more than a hundred years, you don't have so much time." Susan said.

Huh? What do you see?"

Zheng Yonghao frowned, and Su Xiaoshan's words clearly had something to say, as if she knew when the earth's energy-level transition would end.

Su Xiaoshan shook her head and said, "I'm not sure, but according to the records I have seen, the energy-level jumps triggered in advance will end in a short time, otherwise why do you think they should spend energy to trigger it in advance?"

Of course, Zheng Yonghao also had this speculation. Luo Yuan has lived on the earth for six years and has also played with those behind-the-scenes black hands for six years. What she said that she had caused the energy-level transition thousands of years in advance should be credible, but she did not tell him when the energy-level transition would end.

She may not say it because she didn't know, but there is another possibility that she knew but deliberately didn't say it.

In the same front, Zheng Yonghao did not feel that Luo Yuan had any reason to harm himself.

So if it is really the latter, the only possibility is that she feels that the result she said is not beautiful and will cause bad results, such as making herself completely desperate...

"How long do you think it will take to complete the energy level transition?"

"I'm just guessing!"

"Thirt your guess!"

Su Xiaoshan was silent for a moment and looked up and said, "The shortest five years, the longest ten years!"



Zheng Yonghao's clenched fists burst, and now the flame power in his body is unique, and the energy emitted subconsciously is also full of violent flame breath.

"Five years? Impossible! Ten years! It's ten years!"

Zheng Yonghao blushed and muttered to himself. Even if he heard Su Xiaoshan say how difficult it was to achieve a real star rating before, he was not so shocked.

"What's wrong with you? Aren't you afraid?"

Su Xiaoshan said with a little joke, but a pair of bright eyes stared at Zheng Yonghao, trying to see if he was really hit until she was desperate.

Zheng Yonghao shook his head slowly, but the shock in his expression did not diminish at all.

Su Xiaoshan can't guess what he thinks.

It has nothing to do with the hope of rising to a star in a short time. What he thinks about is himself, a big secret that has never been told to others!

According to the time inferred by Su Xiaoshan, "five years" can be directly excluded by Zheng Yonghao.

It is also impossible between five and ten years, but the tenth year...

His death is also his rebirth, which is the tenth year of the end of the world.

If the earth completed its energy-level transition at the same time he was betrayed and changed beyond his imagination... Will this be the real reason for his rebirth?

Zheng Yonghao was obsessed, and his brain was even messed up in an instant.

"Hey! What's wrong with you?"

Su Xiaoshan waved her small claws, and a big claw print completely from energy patted Zheng Yonghao on his face and woke him up.


At the moment he opened his mouth, Zheng Yonghao hid this secret in his heart.

He has had some inference that if the earth really completed the energy-level transition that day, it means that the real end of the world is also coming at the same time.

He only dared to think of when he dreamed back, whether the people he knew in that life were okay, where did Zou Xiaochuan go in that life, and whether Qin Xue in that life were still used by Cao Yan...

There is no need to think about these problems under the premise of completing the transition.

Because the world will be shattered, all creatures will die, and they are no exception!

"Let's not mention this, let's talk about the fire spirit. Since they are what I really need, where should I find them? It's impossible to get them by chance as before!"

"You seem to be hiding something from me?"

Su Xiaoshan frowned, but still said, "Whether it is fire spirit or other original spirit, it is not something that can be easily found. They are usually hidden in the depths of the earth, in the origin of the earth.

"There in the delta..."


Su Xiaoshan directly interrupted Zheng Yonghao and said, "If you find that the origin of the earth is in a primitive state that has not yet erupted, it is not impossible to find the original spirit in it. But that place has clearly erupted, and it is because of its eruption that it has created the unique terrain of the delta. But also because it has erupted, the original single series of energy will be mixed together, and the original spirit will also be destroyed, unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless in the case of extreme coincidence, the forces of various original spirits do not conflict but merge with each other, then a special energy crystal will be generated. Although that kind of thing cannot make you feel, it can directly increase your energy value and make you stronger."

Hearing this, Zheng Yonghao's mind suddenly flashed, but Su Xiaoshan had already waved her claws and said, "But that thing is less likely to appear than the original spirit of each department. You still don't have to think about it, and even if you get it now, you don't need it. It's not as good as the original spirit. It's true."

"Do you mean this?"

Zheng Yonghao's wrist turned over, and a milky white pebblestone appeared in his hand.

Seeing this thing, Susan's surprised tail stood up: "This... This is what I said. How did you get the energy crystal that can only appear under extremely harsh conditions under the combined action of a variety of original spirits?"

"I picked it up!"


Su Xiaoshan fell directly from the squatting boulder, and then jumped high as if she wanted to take away the milky pebbles, but finally withdrew her claws.

"Did you find it in the Delta?"


Zheng Yonghao told Su Xiaoshan what he found these "stones" and concealed them.

Su Xiaoshan was surprised from beginning to end, and finally looked at Zheng Yonghao with strange eyes.

"I really don't know where your luck comes from. I doubt whether the good luck of the whole world is all on you. It's really... really... I don't know what to say.

Zheng Yonghao smiled, but looked very calm.

He just knows that this kind of pebble is not ordinary. Listening to Susan's intention, it can directly increase his strength, but it is not available at the time.

For something that can't be used immediately, it's really not enough to make him too excited. It can only be regarded as a small surprise.

"You were right if you didn't tell that woman at that time, otherwise she would have gone crazy when she saw it."

"How to say?"

Su Xiaoshan finally laughed. It seemed that Zheng Yonghao let her know the existence of the energy stone but did not tell Luo Yuan about it, which made her very excited.

Su Xiaoshan said, "Because energy crystal is our name, and in the technological life that woman belongs to, they also have another name, called - advanced energy stone! The power of their starship is provided by this kind of thing!"

(Second update, there is no third update today. The transition chapter is very unpleasant. It will end soon and enter a new chapter tomorrow.)