The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 205 Only when you have strength can you be fair!

"The front is the boundary of Suzhou."

"Yes, it's almost there!"

Qin Ming and Qin Xue were excited, and even Zheng Yonghao, who had always had a hard face in front of people, quietly clenched his fists.

On the first day of his rebirth, as soon as he figured out the situation, he thought of super nuclear energy and how to take advantage of his advantages, but the first thing he thought of was his parents.

He made the phone call after ten years, and then lost contact with his parents again.

He didn't know if the two old man listened to him and hid, whether he had changed his fate and escaped the disaster. After that, he never mentioned it, but he was not worried for a moment.

And now, it's finally time to know the result.

Can everything really be as he wants...

The vehicle accelerated in the roar, but did not move towards downtown Suzhou, but got off the highway to the southeast of Suzhou.

They are not just on their way, and the people they meet are not always arrogant or stupid.

They have heard a lot of information. For example, a large base has been built near Suzhou City, and several survivors' gathering areas nearby have also been merged.

If Zheng Yonghao's parents and Qin Ming and Qin Xue's father are really in Suzhou, the place they are most likely to hide is exactly there.

Of course, in this case, there is no need to go to Suzhou City, which is flooded with zombies, to find clues. Finding that base directly is the fastest and most likely choice.

That's what Zheng Yonghao said to everyone, and they naturally agree with it.

But in fact, Zheng Yonghao knows much more about that base than them. It was only possible when he said it before, but it was already certain in his heart.

As long as the parents are still alive, they must be in the large base called Jinji Lake.

Because in his memory, the Jinji Lake Base is one of the fastest-growing bases in the early end of the world. It was formed by former military personnel, and its style is also the most vigorous.

He remembered that just a month after the catastrophe, the Jinji Lake base had basically taken shape, and the news was widely spread that the vast majority of survivors in the Suzhou area were recruited.

And it is precisely because of their rapid development that when the corpse tide appeared and many small and medium-sized bases and even large bases were caught off guard, the Jinji Lake base survived and did not even suffer much loss.

If Zheng Yonghao is still an ordinary survivor in his previous life, then joining the Jinji Lake base is the best choice for him.

If his parents were alive, he would also think that staying at the Jinji Lake base would be the best result.

But as a reborn person, he doesn't have that idea now.

Because he knew that the glory of the Jinji Lake base was only for the first period of time, and then reached its peak after the tide of corpses receded, and then fell quickly.

The reason for everything lies in their location. At the beginning, Jinji Lake provided them with rich freshwater resources, the foundation for survival and construction, and even food.

But soon after, the appearance of monsters in the water changed all this.

The plague caused by those monsters completely destroyed the Jinji Lake base.

Of course, those who are already the second survivor crisis after the corpse tide, and are not limited to the waters of Jinji Lake. All bases facing the lake and the sea will encounter the same trouble.

These are all after words, not to mention them for the time being.

Zheng Yonghao and others are just looking for someone now and then take them back to the Delta base.

That is their home and their future.

Bypass Suzhou City and half of Jinji Lake, the huge base is already far away.

also came here. Except for the Qin brothers and sisters who became more and more nervous because of concern, others felt a little relaxed.

On the way, you can already see the patrols and guides sent by the Jinji Lake base. It is indeed a large base and has corresponding preparations for various situations, including the arrival of other survivors.

According to Zheng Yonghao's previous instructions, everyone put away their weapons.

And the person responsible for dealing with him also changed from the original ordinary combatant to Zheng Yonghao, Qin Xue and Zhang Detao, three of whom came forward collectively.

This is building momentum!

Everyone is not a fool. He understands that Zheng Yonghao wants to take the initiative to show his strength but at the same time will not make the other party feel murderous, so he cooperates fully.

At the scale of the Jinji Lake base, there are many survivors to receive every day.

No matter how disciplined they are, those leaders who are used to various scenes will inevitably be arrogant or have a bad attitude because of fatigue.

At this time, the group that led Zheng Yonghao and others was almost the latter. From afar, it looked as if someone owed him money, and he looked unhappy.

But when Zheng Yonghao and the others came over, the people in the back had not noticed anything, and the front "regular employee" was gone at that time.

Have you ever seen the little foreman who reprimanded his subordinates like teaching his grandson a lesson? Then he turned around and saw his boss and then changed his face... The leader's expression was exactly the same.

The job of a leader is not something that everyone can do. He not only has to be able to control his skills, but also has to excel in his eyesight.

This is a mutant with a physique energy value of 205. He is outstanding among them and confident that he can be transferred to a more promising position after a period of time.

At first, he only thought that Zheng Yonghao and others were a good team of survivors, but that was all. He didn't pay much attention to it.

But when I walked in, I felt a buzz in my mind.

His spiritual perception met Zhang Detao, and the physique energy value of 297 did not knock him out.

It's only three points away from the level of second-level mutants. Even the leaders of their leaders don't have this strength, not to mention that he has never seen a few before.

A Zhang Detao has turned his previous arrogance into a cold sweat, and then saw Qin Xue...


This body shook, and in addition to his back, his forehead was also full of cold sweat.

With his status, he has never seen the real high-level officials in the base, but it is said that those people are all second-level mutants with a physical energy value of more than 300. They are powerful and can wave their hands to second him.

Unexpectedly, there was one in front of me!

He almost suspected that he was wrong, but his natural clever personality made him dare not test again.

Spiritual perception is invisible, but it can be sensed by mutants.

If it is not done well, it will attract the dissatisfaction and even hostility of the other party, and then it will become the famous dialogue before--

"What are you look at?"

"What's wrong with you?"


The leader coughed twice to hide his uneasiness, and at the same time quickly turned around and motioned his men with his eyes. The people in front of him were different from before, so that they all took it easy not to do anything stupid.

A total of three people came, and two of them made him feel a little difficult to breathe, so the third... will not be so perverted!

After a little hesitation, he still sent out a spiritual perception of Zheng Yonghao, and then quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wow - it's okay! Can't you feel this... can't feel it?"


It was tight and loose, and the poor leader sat on the ground with his buttocks.

Ordinary people still don't know what the other party's physical energy value represents. As a leader, he knows very well that it represents the absolute gap between absolute strength and absolute power.

He forced himself to stand up, leaving only a humble smile on his face, because he knew that these three people - he couldn't afford to provoke!

For such a master, the practice of any base can only be won, or even at all costs.

If he has a conflict with the other party, the base may surfacely come up for him and "regulate" the conflict for him.

But when things are over, he will inevitably be punished unbearably, which is definitely the stupidest decision.

Zheng Yonghao stopped halfway with the two of them and showed his strength. For the rest, he believed that the other party would make the best arrangements.

Sure enough, the leader and his men rushed over, with a smile on their faces and the cold sweat that still kept flowing, which looked very funny.

"How many of you are going to enter the base?"

The leader took the initiative and was respectful.

Zheng Yonghao smiled faintly and said, "Exactly, we need to enter the base to find relatives and do some transactions at the same time. Please guide us."

Zheng Yonghao is actually very familiar with the work of the leader, just a general explanation in one sentence, and there is no need to say more about the rest.

The other party claimed that there were basically three people who would be required to enter the base, one of whom came to rely on, and this kind of person was the most.

And the other is to come and look for relatives. Of course, this kind is also likely to stay in the base.

The last one is another destination, passing here to trade and supplement material energy. This one was a lot at the beginning, but now it is rare.

"No problem, welcome to Jinji Lake Base. Please follow me. Oh, that's right. It takes some procedures to enter the base, and then several people need to log in. The process is not troublesome.

The leader said very carefully, with an attitude called "customer is God". Zheng Yonghao nodded calmly and didn't say much.

Fortunately, he didn't say much. He spoke respectfully on his face, but his heart was not as stable as a rabbit.

One of them is his duty, so that he can't stop talking hard.

The second is that he dares not come, for fear that these masters will be dissatisfied. When he dies, he may die in vain.

Everything is the same as Zheng Yonghao thought, and he calmly accepted the respect for this person.

Then the team moved forward slowly. Under the guidance of this person, it did not take the main entrance of the Jinji Lake base, but drove into the base from a place like an internal passage.

Many people were surprised to see this scene.

Because that channel is not easy to walk, even the people's patrols of the Jinji Lake base can only pass through the main entrance, and even they have to go through registration and examination.

Now these people obviously come from other places, but they don't need to queue up and tedious censorship to be put in directly... that is, it surprises those who are waiting at the main door and makes them feel very unfair.

There has never been a lack of boldness in the world. Some people immediately expressed their dissatisfaction, and the response was the muzzle and merciless eyes raised by the guards.

"Fair? Tut!"

Naturally, everyone saw this scene, and no one else said anything. The two fighters who followed the team were speechless with excitement, but Zhong Han, the black magpie, shook his head and seemed to be not surprised by such a situation.

Qin Xue also didn't say anything, but her eyes were a little distracted.

It seems to recall the scene when she was at the Jinzhou base. At that time, she followed Zheng Yonghao into the city and was also directly welcomed in, and was also envied and hated by many people.

At that time, she was still a little unbearable to those people, and even felt that she was not very happy to enjoy privileges.

But now, she doesn't have that idea anymore.

Fairness has never really existed, whether it is in times of peace or the present after the catastrophe.

Everything depends on strength!