The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 210 Entrustment and Request

It was a coincidence that Zheng Yonghao found that his independent space could keep food fresh, and these dishes were specially made by Dong Yihan for this moment.

A family reunion banquet is rich and naturally happy.

Zheng Yonghao finally told his experience. Except for the incredible reason for finding super nuclear energy, he did not say anything else as long as it did not involve other people's privacy, Zheng Yonghao would make it as clear to his parents as possible.

Listening to Zheng Yonghao's thrilling experiences, the two parents don't know how many times they forgot to pick up their chopsticks, and they also don't know how many times they lift them up and forget to put them down.

They were always nervous and sometimes afraid. Even if Zheng Yonghao had finished speaking, they were still shocked, as if they had experienced the difficulties and obstacles along the way with their son.

But when you see your son in front of you, what are those?

As an enlightened pair of parents, they know very well that their son is not trying to scare them, but sharing everything they want to know.

Zheng Yonghao wanted to put aside everything and talk to his parents forever, but he knew it was impossible.

The visitor seems to have calculated the time, and it's almost time to have some time left for a meal. It's Chang Jiaxun, the database clerk I've met before.

"Captain Zheng, I'm really sorry. The chief above wants to see you. I've tried my best to delay it, but..."

Chang Jiaxun looked sincere and apologetic. Seeing that his head was sweaty, it seemed that he had no choice but to walk in. Zheng Yonghao nodded to show his understanding. Without asking who wanted to see him, he turned to his parents and said, "I'll go out."

"Okay, go back quickly." Zheng Gaoyuan hesitated for a moment before lowering his voice and telling him, "Be careful, the base is not peaceful."

"I understand."

Zheng Yonghao smiled and went out with Chang Jiaxun.

When he left, Zheng Gaoyuan and Ling Ruoyun looked at each other and could see the worries in each other's eyes.

In the eyes of many people, there is nothing safer than in the base.

But if you have lived in it for a long time, you will know that this is both the safest and the most dangerous place.

Those upper-class people only make rules, but they themselves have no taboos.

If a person has an accident outside, he can always find a reason to get the news, but what happened here can be easily covered up and can't be found.

So they are worried, but such words and reminders cannot be said too clearly, especially in front of base officials like Chang Jiaxun.

"Don't worry! Our son has grown up and will be fine. Didn't you hear him? He is also the leader of the base now and will know how to be measured. Besides, Miss Mo is taking care of it. It's okay!"

"Well, he will be fine."

The two are worried, but like all parents in the world, no matter how they scold their children, but if something really happens, they will have confidence in their children and think that their children are the best.

Zheng Yonghao followed Chang Jiaxun into the car, passed the levels as when he came, and then left the family apartment building.

However, he soon found a strange thing. The direction they were going did not seem to be in the central area of the Jinji Lake base, and Chang Jiaxun's face was also faintly nervous.

"Secretary Chang, which chief wants to see me?"

Zheng Yonghao asked, but Chang Jiaxun shook his head: "I'm sorry, I can't say that Captain Zheng will naturally know when he gets there. But please rest assured that the leader has absolutely no malice against you!"

"Is it?"

Zheng Yonghao was asking rhetorically, but his expression was extremely calm, which made Chang Jiaxun slightly stunned and surprised and admired Zheng Yonghao's calmness.

Of course, he didn't know that although Zheng Yonghao was surprised by the direction of travel at this time, he had already expected that someone would come to him.

And there is still something hidden in his independent space at this moment, a listening device found in his parents' room!

That's why he just had reservations about his parents. For example, he was actually the controller of the Delta Base, and he changed it to just one of the leaders!

The jeep move forward slowly. Every time they pass by, someone will come up to check and let them go after Chang Jiaxun shows the certificate.

From the attitude of these patrol personnel, Zheng Yonghao can see some.

It seems that they all know Chang Jiaxun. Maybe Chang Jiaxun's former workplace is here, and of course, it may be for other reasons.

But no matter what the possibility is, Zheng Yonghao will make a little judgment. I'm afraid that the person who sent Chang Jiaxun to find him is not consistent with his previous guess.

Maybe... I came to him not because I cared about the strength of him, Qin Xue and others, but for another reason!

When Chang Jiaxun took him to a small villa that looked like an ordinary resident, his feeling became stronger.

"Captain Zheng, this is it. The chief is in there. As long as he sees you alone, I won't go there.

Chang Jiaxun took Zheng Yonghao to a door and left, which made Zheng Yonghao feel even more strange. Don't you need to introduce him?

There is no one around. It seems that Zheng Yonghao will not be found if he slips away at this time.

But of course, Zheng Yonghao will not slip away. He wants to see who wants to see himself, which is so mysterious!


Zheng Yonghao did not knock on the door, but directly pushed the door and stepped forward, causing a harsh rusty noise.

The room is ordinary, and most of the furniture is relatively old. It looks like it has been some years.

The only one seems to be newly moved in. It is a desk, and Zheng Yonghao's eyes fell behind the desk, which is a middle-aged man with glasses.

Zheng Yonghao looked at the other party, and the other party just heard the sound raising their heads. When they looked at each other, they were slightly stunned.

Zheng Yonghao doesn't know why middle-aged people are stunned.

But he himself saw that although the other party looked good, he had actually weakened to a certain extent. I'm afraid there is not much time!

"Are you Captain Zheng?"

The middle-aged man's consterrenment was only for a moment, and he quickly recovered and asked.

Zheng Yonghao nodded and said, "Exactly, sir?"

"Ah! Sorry, I really didn't expect Captain Zheng to be so young, but I was rude. Please sit down quickly.

While explaining his astonishment, the middle-aged man asked Zheng Yonghao to sit down and introduced himself: "My name is Li Yang. I was the director of the intelligence department here before I left office, and now I don't have any official positions. If you don't mind, you can call me Uncle Li, and I'll just call you Xiao Zheng!"

Li Yang, a middle-aged man, is very enthusiastic. If Zheng Yonghao is not sure that he has never met the other party, he will almost doubt whether the other party knows him.

Naturally, he will not object to such a request.

"Uncle Li, I don't know what's wrong with you coming to me?" Zheng Yonghao asked directly.

"Okay, but before I answer your question, I have a question that I hope you can answer truthfully!"

Li Yang wanted to stand up, but failed.

Zheng Yonghao has long noticed that his legs are covered with thick blankets. Now that he has made some movements, Zheng Yonghao has found that his legs have shown symptoms of muscle atrophy and unusual black and cyan.

Zheng Yonghao frowned slightly, but his face remained calm. He nodded and said, "Uncle Li, please."

"Okay, what I want to ask is... Do you know Xiaoyue?"

Sure enough!

Mo Yue is the only person who can be called Xiaoyue and has something to do with him, so his previous judgment is based. The reason why this middle-aged man named Li Yang came to him is not because of the instructions of the senior management of the base.

"I do know Mo Yue."

Zheng Yonghao replied and added in his heart - but she doesn't know me now.

Li Yang's fingers gently tapped the table, but his face was slightly relaxed, and he said with a smile, "I'm afraid it's not just about knowing. I haven't seen Xiaoyue take special care of others."

Zheng Yonghao did not say anything. Although he knew that Li Yang was referring to Mo Yue taking care of his parents, this topic was not easy to get up.

He took the opportunity to ask, "Did Mo Yue preface me in front of Uncle Li?"

Li Yang shook his head and said, "No, Xiaoyue didn't say that. I guessed it. When I was in office, I investigated your parents and found that they had never met or had any contact with Xiaoyue before, so I wondered if there was another person until you asked Chang Jiaxun to help you find your parents.

Li Yang's words did not hide his investigation of Zheng Yonghao's parents, but Zheng Yonghao did not feel dissatisfied, because he could understand that the other party was in duty and cautious.

At the same time, it is also for Mo Yue!

However, another information revealed in the other party's words calmed Zheng Yonghao's heart. Mo Yue did not mention himself, that is to say, the phone call he made at the beginning was not known to outsiders.

He had just been reborn, and the catastrophe had not yet happened.

If he wanted to, he could actually remind more people, but he didn't. In the end, he just told his parents how to escape and reminded Mo Yue, and didn't even say it too clearly.

It's not that he doesn't want to save more people. At first, he did want to do that, but after calming down and thinking about it, he understands that he must not do that.

Because no one can really predict, once the news is leaked and it is known that he knew how to avoid it before the catastrophe, then there will be endless troubles.

He naturally trusts his parents, and the same is true of the Mo Yue he knows. However, for Mo Yue, who has not yet met him, he actually does not have enough confidence in his heart, and there is still the possibility of leaking information.

But now it seems that Mo Yue is still the Mo Yue. Whether she knows him or not, she has abided by the agreement with him and has not leaked the news.

"Uncle Li, if you have anything to say, please say it directly! Is it related to Mo Yue?

Li Yang didn't hesitate much, so he nodded and said, "You're right. That's why I came to you before them. And if you want to make this clear, you still need to hear a story.

With Li Yang's slow story, Zheng Yonghao knew the origin of the other party's relationship with Mo Yue's family.

When Mo Yue's father Mo Kangbo became a teacher, Li Yang was a guard beside him.

Later, when Mo Kangbo became a teacher, Li Yang was also responsible for intelligence work under him.

It can be said that the relationship between the two families has been linked for a long time. Outside his position, Li Yang regards Mo Kangbo as an elder, but on the other hand, he is more like a brother. The two families are like a family.

Li Yang talked about his relationship with the Mo family, which made Zheng Yonghao understand that his next words must be related to the father and daughter of the Mo family.

Sure enough, Li Yang said something that surprised Zheng Yonghao but was not surprised. Mo Yue's father, the Mo teacher, has passed away!

When Zheng Yonghao met Mo Yue in his previous life, Mo Yue's parents were no longer there, so he was not surprised.

But this life is different from the previous life. At that time, Mo Kangbo died in a catastrophe, but this life recently passed away.

I'm afraid that the difference was caused by his phone call at that time, but the reason for Mo Kangbo's death must no longer be the radiation of the catastrophe.

Another point is that his parents' living conditions make him foresee.

Since everyone knows that his parents have the care of Master Mo, how could his parents' life be so miserable if Master Mo hadn't happened?

"Sorry, because of my position and for Xiaoyue's safety, I placed a listener in your parents' room. It was because I heard the conversation between you and your parents that I knew that you were the leader of a base, so I thought of inviting you to come over!" Li Yang suddenly explained.

Zheng Yonghao's expression remained unchanged. Zheng Yonghao had already guessed this when Li Yang said that he was in charge of intelligence work.

Li Yang was a little surprised, but he didn't think much, or time didn't allow him to think too much.

Li Yang said, "But don't worry, everything is not as good as before. No one but me heard what you said, and the recorded part has been destroyed by me."

As if to make Zheng Yonghao believe his words, Li Yang also pointed to the instrument next to him, which had been completely smashed into pieces. It really couldn't be broken.

"That's it!" Zheng Yonghao said with a faint smile, "Thank you, Uncle Li."

If it was usual, Li Yang would definitely find that Zheng Yonghao's indifferentness was not pretending, but now he thinks that Zheng Yonghao said this only because of helplessness.

Li Yang couldn't stand up, but straightened his upper body and said seriously, "I know this doesn't mean anything. I just want you to understand that I really don't mean anything to you and your family. On the contrary, in fact, I still ask you to agree to my last entrustment.

Li Yang said so seriously that Zheng Yonghao narrowed his eyes slightly and said directly, "Uncle Li, please speak!"

"Xiaoyue is in danger. I hope you and also beg you, please take her out of the Jinji Lake Base immediately!"