The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 257 has been waiting for you for a long time

The arrival of the terrorist strong is a crisis.

But the bigger the crisis, the greater the benefits after solving the crisis.

It didn't take long for Luo Yuan to figured this out and focused on Zheng Yonghao. At the same time, the fog in her eyes also disappeared.

It's good to be a master. For example, Zheng Yonghao doesn't need to use a dryer to obey the laundry. Just shake his body and it's all done. And Luo Yuan doesn't need to wipe his tears...

Well, not only that, you don't even need to remove makeup. With a flash of eyes, the makeup changes.

"What should we do next?" Luo Yuan asked.

At the beginning, it was Luo Yuan who set goals and was the decision maker.

But now, two years later, many times it has been decided by Zheng Yonghao, and Luo Yuan is responsible for analyzing and identifying dangers.

This time such a big thing happened, and the crisis was approaching, she almost subconsciously asked.

Zheng Yonghao turned his eyes and turned to the ruins with hot lava.

In fact, Luo Yuan is very beautiful. There is no need to mention the original women's clothing. Zheng Yonghao sometimes doubts whether it is because Luo Yuan is too outstanding that he has not thought of contacting other women in the past two years.

Of course, this is just his boring idea for a while. His two generations have made him open to many things, but to some extent, he has taken it lightly.

In the past, he closed his world after drilling into the tip of the horns and had a magic barrier.

Now it is heavy on the front of the target, which makes him have no intention to think about men and women's affairs, but to let nature take its course.

Not to mention the amazing appearance of Luo Yuan in women's clothing, even if she dresses in men, it can make women crazy men ashamed. Even in a certain era before, it is not impossible to bend a group of men...

But obviously, it is still not as eye-catching as women's clothing, which always gives Zheng Yonghao a strange feeling, especially when he knows the truth, it is naturally difficult to "appreciate" naturally.

Zheng Yonghao's expression was a little speechless and said, "It seems that there can't be any information left in this way. We have to start from scratch. But it must be as soon as possible. If I guess correctly, your so-called 30% strength should take some time to recover. Now should be the time when that person is most vulnerable.

"Huh? Do you know all this?" Luo Yuan was surprised and said, "That's right. There is an upper limit of strength after the projection, and it takes a long time to recover even to reach this upper limit. Before that, the other party must be in an extremely weak state... Of course, even if it is in an extremely weak state, it will definitely be better than you.

"hehe." Zheng Yonghao smiled and directly ignored Luo Yuan's deliberate blow. However, he also understands that Luo Yuan is not lying. There is an upper limit on the power of the projection split, and there is no lower limit.

If there is really no power to bind chickens at the time of the projection, then the projectionist has to worry about whether some crazy subordinate will eat back.

Zheng Yonghao said, "Anyway, this period is the best opportunity for us to kill each other. If it succeeds, there are many benefits. But if it fails, I'm afraid you and I will find a place to narrow up and honestly expect miracles or simply wait for death.

Speaking of later, Zheng Yonghao's face was serious, because he was not exaggerating, which was the truth.

Luo Yuan nodded and agreed with Zheng Yonghao's view.

If they can succeed, they will not only get a lot of benefits at this time, but also have a far-reaching impact on them in the future.

What Zheng Yonghao wants to do is still like a dream, which may just be more solid and closer. But for her, not only is the hope of regaining the spacecraft greatly increased, but also the blockade of escaping from this place and rushing out of the black flag in the future is of great benefit.

Zheng Yonghao smiled and suddenly turned around and said, "There is nothing to study here. Let's go back." Next is our Plan B. Maybe we can just find their and that person's hiding place and take the initiative!"

When Zheng Yonghao talked about Plan B, Luo Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly, but before he spoke, he saw Zheng Yonghao's eyes flashed, which made her understand in an instant, so there was no abnormality.

When Zheng Yonghao finished this, she nodded very seriously and said, "That's it. Those people must not have thought that you were prepared, and their evacuation just helped us target.

Zheng Yonghao smiled and said, "That's it. It's not too late. Let's start now!"

"Okay, let's go!" Luo Yuan said.

The two stopped talking, and the ruins and the bubbling but fast cooling lava... They both looked again and looked very eager.

Now it is winter, and this place is far north, and a little far away from the annihilation area is covered with snow.

But even this rare wind and snow for hundreds of years is not enough to stop them.

For about half a day, they didn't say another word.

Until they stopped at the same time, although they were still in the snow, they had left the mountains and came to the plain, and even the temperature rose a lot.

"Do you really want to go there by yourself?" Luo Yuan suddenly raised his voice, frowned and said to Zheng Yonghao, "Do you know how dangerous it is! Once separated, I still have a way to protect myself, and if you encounter each other alone, I'm afraid it will kill you.

Zheng Yonghao scratched his head, but when he raised his head, his face was already firm. He said, "I also know that I don't have enough strength, but there should be no problem, right? I just went to have a look and came back immediately. I will never get entangled with each other. You also know that my speed is not bad, and there is no problem for me to escape.

Luo Yuan looked at Zheng Yonghao and finally nodded and said, "Well, since you have decided, I won't persuade you. If I didn't have to go back to prepare, I would have gone with you... Anyway, just be careful and find out the situation, and don't be found out by them!"

"Haha, don't worry! I'm just going there. There's no problem!"

Zheng Yonghao smiled and simply ran away. After Luo Yuan saw him leave in place, he finally turned around and flew away in another direction.

The two separated, and the wind and snow covered the traces they had just stayed in a very short time, so that the earth was wrapped in silver again, and there seemed to be no breath of life.


At this time, the space where the two stayed was suddenly distorted, and then a void light door suddenly appeared, and a man and a woman came out of it.

It is obviously cold in the deep winter, but the clothes of these two people are very "untimely".

A man is about 30 years old. Although he has yellow skin and dark hair, his tall nose and angular face, especially those blue eyes... are a very handsome mixed-race.

Similar to but different from men, every part of a woman shows her Western identity.

And although men are not in winter clothes, a black dress is not thin. But this woman only has thin pieces of cloth and gauze to cover important parts. If it hadn't been for her own compocated expression, she would have been regarded as a poor victim by some people who had never seen this dress... I doubted whether she had just been spoiled by someone.

Of course, the woman obviously did not feel that there was anything wrong with her dress. She and the man came out of the empty door at the same time and deliberately stood a little behind, as if to indicate the difference in status.

The woman holds something like a mobile phone in her hand, and the light and shadow on it flashes with extremely complex chart information.

Soon, it seemed that after the inspection, the caution on the woman's face suddenly turned into a surprise. She suppressed her voice and said, "They separated, the lightning went west, the flame went south, um, and..."

Lightning and flames, if Luo Yuan and Zheng Yonghao were here, they would be a little speechless, because these two ridiculous names were forcibly pressed by the people of the Black Flag Organization.

The woman stretched out her hand and clicked on the machine a few times, and extremely strange things suddenly appeared.

The machine made a very harsh noise, like the sound of countless broken glass rubbing together.

But in these harsh noises, the dialogue between a man and a woman can still be faintly heard, which is clearly the voice of Zheng Yonghao and Luo Yuan!

"Anyway, be careful... Don't be found... Don't worry... Just go..."

The words that the two said not long ago actually reappeared a few minutes later. This kind of thing is like going back in time, and there is still gloomy and strangeness in the magic.

"Head, what should I do?" The woman asked the man.

The man frowned, and his eyes were obviously struggling, as if different ideas were clashing.

Finally, the man made a decision with a fierce fist. He said, "If the two of them are together, there is nothing we can do." But now that they have separated, this is our opportunity.

Huh? Are you going to..."

The woman hesitated to ask, while the man sneered: "Yes! Now that they are separated, it is a good time for us to take revenge.

Hearing what the man said, the woman's face changed: "But the order we get is just to monitor them. This opportunity is very rare. If we mess it up, the consequences will be..."

"What are the consequences?"

The man's eyes stared, and the words behind the woman were immediately blocked back.

He said, "I won't mess it up, absolutely! Lightning is very mysterious, and even you and I are not sure of winning together. But it's just a flame, hum! Don't you think we can't take him together?

"I dare not. If there is no lightning trouble, it will be enough for you to take him."

The woman lowered her head and dared not contradict the man in front of her.

The man snorted coldly, "Don't compliment me. Although I don't want to admit it, the strength of the flame is indeed between me. I may not be able to control him alone, but with you, it's more than enough to take him down!"


The woman raised her head slightly and straightened up her most confident plump chest, but a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes, because the man in front of her didn't even look at it at all.