The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 259 Fierce Battle, Who Wins?

This sentence is very unreasonable. Obviously, he is the one who ran over, and he even said that he had been waiting for the other party for a long time.

The woman beside Mike changed her face and looked around nervously. She had suspected that Zheng Yonghao had an ambush nearby.

But as far as you can see, it is only a desolate wilderness, and no one else has not even trees and vegetation.

It's also very tragic. When the catastrophe came, people struggled to survive, and all available resources were robbed. Even in the end, even bark weeds became food that some people intend to continue their lives...

And not only here, but also in other places that once gathered a large number of survivors but later became unable to continue.

Blonde women know all these. But she still looked nervously, because she knew that the "lightning" with Zheng Yonghao could not be speculated with common sense at all.

At least she has seen one thing, the transmission technology or transmission ability mastered by "Lightning" is better than what they have.

Mike didn't seem to care about this at all, and didn't seem to hear that word at all. He just stared at Zheng Yonghao, and his eyes seemed to be burning.

"It's time!"

Mike opened his mouth slowly and muttered. The blonde woman's face changed again and shouted his name in exclamation: "Mike!"

However, it was too late to exclaim or ask. There was only Zheng Yonghao in Mike's eyes, and everything else, even if it was an ambush or a trap, was no longer taken in his heart.


The earth burst, and Mike's body suddenly disappeared from the original place.

His eyes, which were not very bright, suddenly darkened, but he had jumped into the sky and came to the top of Zheng Yonghao.

Zheng Yonghao's eyes narrowed slightly, his body bowed slightly, and endless flames gathered on his fists in an instant, like a whirlpool of flames.

"Death!" Mike was already on his head and feet in the sky, and there was also a flame condensed on his right fist. The tentacles of countless flames thrown out at high speed had wrapped his body.

This speed is extremely horrible. This power is extremely powerful.

It simply turned into a meteor and bombarded Zheng Yonghao!

"Not enough!" Zheng Yonghao opened his mouth in a hurry, and his bowed body did not retreat, but suddenly relaxed like a tight spring, and he also rose up!

It's too decisive and fast to fight against the strong and attack. Even the blonde woman close at hand can't get involved. Even she knows that from this point on, as long as the result does not appear for a moment, she can't get involved.


The two fists collided with each other accurately, and the two groups of fireballs that submerged the human form also gathered and entangled in an instant, but suddenly separated.

It was Zheng Yonghao who went back. The flame on his right fist had been extinguished, and he could hardly stabilize his pace in the retreat. When he staggered and stood down, he had retreated dozens of meters away.

Looking at his body, the silver suit has been black everywhere, as if it had been carbonized.

But these are only for a while, and soon those places will recover by themselves. However, the bleeding wound on his face will obviously not recover so easily.

It was just a momentary attack, and he was already injured.

What about Mike?

The blonde woman's face was bloodless, and her whole body turned into light and rushed to a place where a man was falling from the air.


The woman exclaimed and was about to fly to pick it up, but she heard Mike snorted coldly: "Get out of here, don't interfere!"

was scolded, but the woman was not angry but happy. She heard Mike very angry, which meant that he was safe and sound.

Mike suddenly turned over in mid-air and restored himself to his standing posture, but after landing, he still took more than a dozen steps back to barely stand firm.

Judging from the results of this competition, it seems that Mike has an advantage.

After all, Zheng Yonghao retreated for dozens of meters and still staggered, and it was much easier for him to stabilize his body.

But there was no joy on Mike's face, and even the blonde woman was more nervous after a short relaxation.

The blow just now is not fair. Mike has the lead and is even more condescending, while Zheng Yonghao is passively fighting back and attacking from below.

In this case, he could not seriously injure Zheng Yonghao, and he was shocked so far. Obviously, the other party's strength just now was actually above him.

"Good! You are really stronger!"

Mike's face was crazy, and he tore down all his coats with a wave of his hand, revealing his strong chest.

However, he was not simply crazy. The clothes he tore off... From the shirt to the dress, they turned into fly ash before they landed. Obviously, they had been completely destroyed in the bombardment just now.

Even Zheng Yonghao's black technology clothes are spotted. How can Mike be spared by a dress with a slightly better material?

And after he took off his clothes, the blonde woman noticed.

There is a black fist mark on Mike's left shoulder, close to the collarbone and close to his throat.

She trembled all over, as if she thought how dangerous it was at that moment.

As long as this punch is a little more correct, maybe Mike in front of her... she doesn't dare to think about it anymore!

The distance of dozens of meters is just one step for Zheng Yonghao. He seems to be teleportation. Returning to his original position, his face is calm like a normal person, and he can't see that he has just experienced a full blow between life and death.

"Each other! You're not bad, much better than the last time we saw you!" Zheng Yonghao said.

"But it's still not as good as you." Mike didn't think there was anything wrong with saying this. Maybe he was not born in the mainland and had never heard the words of raising other people's ambition and destroying his prestige.

Zheng Yonghao suddenly raised the corners of his mouth and smiled: "Pure strength, you are still stronger."

Mike shook his head: "You understand that I'm not talking about this, but your speed of improvement... Well, it's not appropriate to say more. I won't let you escape again today."

Zheng Yonghao's smile finally unfolded and said easily, "It seems that the person who escaped several times before is not me."

Mike raised his leg and took a step forward without taking Zheng Yonghao's words.

But just as his foot stepped on the ground, a light suddenly appeared at his feet and bloomed fiercely!


After such a long distance, Mike appeared directly in front of Zheng Yonghao.

Previously, he stepped on the ground with his left leg, but now his right leg is like a whip, and there is no time to blink, and he has swept to Zheng Yonghao's temple.

Zheng Yonghao turned his head slightly and raised his left hand quickly. It was not a counterattack that martial arts practitioners often do, not to grab the other party, because no one can grasp that kind of power.

He smashed it!

"heavy!" Under the action of gravity, Zheng Yonghao's fist seemed to turn into a huge hammer and hit the most vulnerable ankle on the human leg.

"You are too arrogant - light gun!" Mike snorted coldly. Instead of avoiding, the speed accelerated again, and the light bloomed like this foot... like the speed of light!

The speed of light is the fastest known to humans.

If human beings can punch and kick themselves to the speed of light, then calculated by pure physical theory, the power of such a blow is enough to exceed the world's largest equivalent nuclear bomb.

Of course, no one in reality can reach this level, and no one can kick their fists to the speed of light.

I'm afraid that the star-oriented strongman targeted by Zheng Yonghao and the higher star strongman who can't figure out can't do it.

Mike is even more impossible, but his foot has a special power, forming a light-like effect.

However, although it can't reach the speed of light, the speed still exceeds Zheng Yonghao's speed power in an instant, and naturally no one can ignore the power!


Zheng Yonghao snorted coldly in his heart. He knew that he would definitely be kicked by his arm if he really hit it. Even at such a high level of evolution, he could not withstand such a heavy blow.

And the other party's speed can no longer hide, because at this time, it is faster than his fastest speed, and it is absolutely impossible for him to dodge.

But does he need to hide?

In the cold hum, Zheng Yonghao's fist suddenly opened, but it turned into a palm.

However, even the sharpest person can't see the appearance of his palm clearly, even the number of fingers can't be distinguished, as if he has wanted to change to countless.

The wind stirred up by him, the air flowing around his fingertips, and even the space to accommodate this palm suddenly twisted.

And then extremely strangely, Mike's extremely fast and strong foot seemed to be bound in this twist, getting slower and slower until it finally hovered and stood still!

One centimeter!

It's only one centimeter away, and Mike can hit Zheng Yonghao's head with a move called "Light Gun", but he suddenly stopped there.

When the speed is lost, all the power will naturally dissipate, which poses no threat to Zheng Yonghao.

It was not until this time that a sentence came to the ears of the two of them, and it was obvious that "Today, you and I must die!"

This is Mike's words, but he didn't say it now, but he shouted out when he rushed out before, but it was only now that it was passed on to the battlefield and to the ears of the two people.


Incomparable fast!

From the beginning, both of them have only done it once.

It's all Mike's attack and Zheng Yonghao's counterattack, but it formed a very strange picture.

For the first time, Zheng Yonghao used flames, and Mike also used flames.

The second time Mike showed the horror of attack speed, and Zheng Yonghao reduced his speed.

But if you push forward, some people will find that it is Zheng Yonghao's speed first. Mike's attack is not so much to kill Zheng Yonghao, but more like proving that he is stronger than Zheng Yonghao.

The flame is stronger and the speed is stronger. He also really proved that the result is not successful, because Zheng Yonghao is not only good at flame and speed.


A move was blocked, and Mike did not have any regret and pause. In a flash, he had flown directly to a safe distance, looking at Zheng Yonghao with an inexplicable look.

"You could only affect gravity, but you just took advantage of gravity in all directions. And there is also the smell of wind, and the fusion of these makes the power more strange is the spatial change... Four, no! Five kinds! So you have reached this level!"

Mike was extremely serious when he said this. Zheng Yonghao had not reacted, and the blonde woman was so shocked that she covered her mouth.

Fire, wind, gravity, gravity, space!

In this way, it can be said that there are four abilities, but in fact they are five abilities.

But is this possible? Can a person master so many powers?

She never doubted Mike, whether it was the other party's people or what the other party said.

But at this moment, she could hardly believe it, or... she didn't want to believe it!

"Mike, you..."

Mike shook his head and stopped the blonde woman's words, but said to Zheng Yonghao, "I can control the flames and have a certain photochemical ability. I have always thought that I was strong enough, even in the face of you with the same two abilities.

Zheng Yonghao was silent, and he felt that Mike was a little strange.

Or after many contacts, he has always felt that Mike is very strange, but today Mike is particularly strange.

Mike said, "But now I have to admit that I'm not as good as you!"

Zheng Yonghao frowned and felt something from Mike.

Mike raised his hand and clenched his fist. Obviously, in the face of a strong opponent like Zheng Yonghao, he actually turned his eyes to his fist.

"Do you know what we call you?"

Zheng Yonghao hasn't answered yet. Mike has said himself, "Flame, we call you Flame! But you must not know that before you appear, my nickname is Flame!"

"Hmm?" Zheng Yonghao was stunned. He really didn't know about it.

Of course, he knows that the people of the Black Flag organization call themselves flames, because he uses the flame power that impresses them most.

He also knew that the people of the Black Flag Organization called Luo Yuan "Lightning", a very... second nickname, much like the Flash in the comics, but in fact, it had nothing to do with Luo Yuan's ability.

The lightning used by that woman comes entirely from her technical equipment, not her real ability.

However, Mike used to be called "flame". This means that he stole his nickname of "flame" after he appeared. Is that the reason why he has been chasing after himself?

Zheng Yonghao felt a little funny, and saw Mike opposite shaking his head alone and said, "Some people think that I am so persistent to kill you, and I don't even hesitate to abandon my position in the organization and affect my future, because of the nickname of the flame... But in fact, it's not at all. Yes, I kill you just because I have to kill you!"

Hearing him say this, the blonde woman bit her lip, and Zheng Yonghao was speechless.

It's not because of reputation, but because it must be killed... What's the reason!

"I'm going to take action. I won't stop this time. If you have anything to say, it's now!"

Mike is full of man's breath, but these words are very strange.

Zheng Yonghao laughed angrily and said sarcastically, "You mean... do you want me to say my last words?"

Mike didn't seem to notice his tone at all and nodded seriously: "If you think so, that's what I mean. And what I just said, if I can't kill you, then it's my last words!"

"Mike, you can't, we can..."

"Watch quietly!"

Mike once again stopped the blonde woman from opening her mouth. The coldness in his voice was more serious than when he spoke to Zheng Yonghao, which made the blonde woman's body tremble, and her lips could not be closed and she could not make a sound.

Zheng Yonghao looked at Mike, his eyes gradually calmed down and said, "Ok, then I'll say something."

"Please speak!" Mike said.

Zheng Yonghao laughed and said, "Are you sick?"

In such a sentence, there was no emotional fluctuation on Mike's face, as if he had just heard a very ordinary sentence, such as saying hello to him.

"Are you done?" Mike suddenly looked up, and a pair of blue eyes radiated sword-like eyes: "Then die!"

The action is sudden, like light and electricity!

I'm afraid that ordinary people have been knocked down and killed before they react, but for people like Zheng Yonghao and Mike himself, nothing is really sudden.

Even if Mike can really burst out the terrible speed of light in an instant, Zheng Yonghao will definitely be ready to react. This is something that only they can understand at this level.

The two people fought together in an instant, and their figures were submerged so that they could not be seen in the blink of an eye.

It was a rising flame, a roaring wind, and the earth was breaking into endless smoke and dust, but it could not dissipate under the pull of their power and air machine.

It seems to have formed a field, a world, which chaotically separated the two of them from this big world, forming a chaotic ball.

That's the battlefield. They are in it, struggling, crazy and fighting!

In the chaos, all kinds of forces suddenly broke out, and they broke through the barrier in an instant, revealing in the world and in front of the blonde woman.

She saw the flame, but she couldn't tell whether Zheng Yonghao had the upper hand or Mike had an advantage. She could only pray that it was the latter.

She also saw lightning, which did not belong to the power of either of them, but it was powerful and chilling.

She knew that it was the collision of the forces of the two people, which caused chaos and impacted each other in instability, and finally the lightning was born... It was like the beginning of the legendary chaos!

"Who will win?"

The blonde woman is anxious and nervous. His nails were pinched into the meat, but he couldn't do anything but wait in place.

In the Black Flag Organization, she is also a big master and a strong man.

People like Cao Yan can only trembling in front of her, even if they are not happy, they dare not say anything.

But in the battle in front of her, she could not intervene at all. She could only wait anxiously for the result like an ordinary poor woman.


It was another thunderstorm, which exploded from the regiment and directly split the earth, as if it had torn the heart of the blonde woman.

She felt it, and the result was about to appear.

And there is only one person who can get out of there, Mike... or Zheng Yonghao?

"Mike, you must win!"

The blonde couldn't help praying, but suddenly her whole body stiffened.

It was a palm with strange gloves pressing on her shoulder, and a sound sounded in her ear.

"Your Mike can't win!"