The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 268 The Truth

Yan Huayu held a pistol in his hand and stiff there, as if the video had been fixed to a certain picture, which was the most embarrassing kind.

As a powerful mutant, he has better abilities than pistols most of the time, except now.

But even now, he did not aim his gun at any of Zheng Yonghao, Qin Xue or Luo Yuan, but against his temple.

He knows very well that not to mention that this more decorative "artwork" in his hand can't kill anyone in front of him, even if he holds an RPG now, these people will be unharmed.

In an instant, he only wanted to commit suicide, which was the only role that this pistol could play in his judgment.

If it hadn't been for Zheng Yonghao's words, he might have really shot on impulse.

But after hearing such a sentence, he immediately wavered.

Although he knows that the consequences of not committing suicide may not be better than death, although he clearly heard Zheng Yonghao's meaning in his mind, which is to say "I advise you not to", in fact, he doesn't care about his life or death at all.

But as long as he hesitates a little, the idea that it is better to live than to die immediately prevail. His muzzle against his temple did not move, and his arm, which would not tremble even if he lifted hundreds of kilograms of weight, was shaking violently...

With this gun, he finally didn't have the courage to pull the trigger.

"Bah, what is it!"

Luo Yuan spat and despised undisguisedly. Finally, Yan Huayu's last struggle went away. He put down the pistol and lost his remaining spirit, and completely collapsed there.

The failure of the big plan, the heavy damage to the body, the chill that invaded the lungs and the collapse of the mental defense line made Yan Huayu faint like a terminally ill old man.

Just before he finally lost his intuition, he saw several more figures coming in.

The first person is Zhang Detao, and the latter is like a teenager. Zhang Jie, who likes to exercise his power unlike Qin Xue, but is the same as Qin Xue, who never obeys his orders.

Yan Huayu struggled to find it, and what made him a little relieved was that he did not see the figure of Tie Xiucheng.

As long as Tie Xiucheng hasn't woken up, I'm afraid he still has a reason to exist and may really live his life.

This relaxation made it impossible for him to see the appearance of the rest of the people and distinguish their identities.

It was not until the last person also came in that his loose pupils were quietly locked, and he couldn't help but squeeze out a wry smile even before he fell into a coma.

"It turned out to be you, no wonder!"

The last person who walked in was Yan Huayu's confidant. One of the few people he trusted was Lin Jiancheng, who was always extremely respectful and even flattering him!

Zheng Yonghao and Qin Xue have separated. Although they are not actually too close, they are just reluctant to move away from the hot face...


"Captain, you're back!"

Lin Jiancheng saluted Zheng Yonghao with a standard military salute, and then called himself the captain.

And this name is clearly the name that those who followed Zheng Yonghao all the way from Jinzhou Base a long time ago, when the name of the central city was not set.

Qin Xue smiled, and Luo Yuan frowned slightly, but he didn't feel so surprised.

They have guessed part of the truth, waiting for a final explanation.

At this time, Lin Jiancheng was not at all as humble as when he was in front of Yan Huayu. He was also respectful and even worshipful, but he was already an iron-boned man.

"Thank you for your hard work!"

Zheng Yonghao stretched out his hand and patted Lin Jiancheng on the shoulder. The latter was obviously much older than him, but his body trembled slightly and couldn't hide his excitement.

Lin Jiancheng quickly shook his head and said, "No, this is what I should do, just hateful..."

Lin Jiancheng gritted his teeth, turned his head to look at the unknown Yan Huayu for the first time, and said with hatred, "I only hate my low ability, which actually let him harm the battalion commander... No, it's the city owner! If it weren't for the captain... Ah, when the leader came back, I'm afraid I would still be lying with him like this, and I still don't know when I will find a way to reverse the situation..."

Lin Jiancheng was excited and incoherent, and his name changed again and again, but even after three years, something still could not be reversed.

But the reason for this situation is his suffering. In order to win more trust in Yan Huayu, he rarely even called Tiexiu the city owner as others, let alone mention Zheng Yonghao.

And his origin also made everyone realize in a few words after him, but it was a dark line arranged by Tie Xiucheng and Zheng Yonghao a long time ago.

It was a dark team of more than a dozen people, who had been following the pace of the team but never appeared. Only when the real life-and-death crisis needed support or even more needed to inform them would they finally appear.

Because these people were separated too early, they started from Shanhaiguan three years ago, so even Qin Xue did not know his true identity before.

I know that there is such a group of people, that is, Zheng Yonghao, Tie Xiucheng and Zhang Detao!

And these people have been hiding for more than half a year. The strength of the team is very strong and there is no need for them to show up.

Until everyone stood firmly in the delta, they, including Lin Jiancheng, were arranged in turn, entered the later central city as unknown to others, and were still secretly exercising their responsibilities.

It was in this way that Lin Jiancheng was arranged to Yan Huayu and gained the trust of the other party, and no one knew that he was actually Tie Xiucheng. Many secret things Yan Huayu did were unconsciously learned by Tie Xiucheng.

Unfortunately, they, including Tie Xiucheng, underestimated Yan Huayu's fierceness and ambition. Unexpectedly, they launched a means before Tie Xiucheng eliminated him and used the poison that appeared after a catastrophe to poison Tie Xiucheng. Now they have been asleep for three months.

That's what happened until Zheng Yonghao and Luo Yuan returned. Originally, he wanted to see what kind of person the deputy city owner Yan was, but he met Lin Jiancheng.

The latter naturally recognized Zheng Yonghao and knew that Zheng Yonghao was the only one who had the ability to smash Yan Huayu's conspiracy and was most likely to save Tie Xiucheng, so he immediately told everything that happened just now.

For example, the bombs buried here were inexplicably transferred to his secret stronghold. Naturally, Luo Yuan, who was able to teleport and have stealth props at will, but the accurate information was provided by Lin Jiancheng.

Zheng Yonghao's expression was very calm, and even made Lin Jiancheng's mood gradually calm down, and finally asked the question that he did not dare to ask before: "The city owner... can be saved!"

He still didn't even dare to ask if it could be saved, nor did he dare to use a questionable tone.

Of course, Zheng Yonghao understood what was on his mind and said solemnly, "Don't worry, I have already seen Lao Tie. He will never be fine!"

Lin Jiancheng's eyes immediately lit up and said excitedly, "That's good, that's good, that's great!"

Although he and his companions have never really walked with the main team in the past years, they all know what the main team has experienced.

Even themselves have encountered inevitable danger many times, and it was their only captain Zheng Yonghao who helped them avoid danger.

Those experiences and memories that he will never forget are telling him that as long as Zheng Yonghao says nothing will be fine, he will definitely be fine.

So he had no doubt at all, only happy, waiting for the formal reunion with Tie Xiucheng.

The truth is revealed, and these are enough.

Others, such as how Zheng Yonghao and Luo Yuan did it, and how strong their strength is... Outsiders may still be curious, but for these people present, they don't even have any idea.

The strength of them, especially Zheng Yonghao, has been proven enough in the past. Even the horrible things of the mountain-shaking corpses have been destroyed by them, and now these are nothing.

In the gap between cleaning up Yan Huayu's Yu Dang and waiting for the guard to take away the judgment, Lin Jiancheng retreated sensively and let the space be given to these old acquaintances.

Even Luo Yuan dodged away. She knew that Zheng Yonghao and these people must have a lot to say. It's really boring for her to stay. It's better to go to see her sister.

As a result, as soon as he went out, Luo Yuan, who habitually remained invisible, stood there speechlessly.

Because of the person she wanted to see, her sister Zou Xiaochuan rushed over like a gust of wind, and even didn't even notice that her sister was floating around like air...

"Women's University doesn't want to stay!"

Luo Yuan suddenly beat his chest and sighed, and then remembered that he was also a woman. Although he was not an earthman, he was also a woman after all.

As soon as this idea came out, she even had an inexplicable sense of loss. She wanted to shout that Zou Xiaochuan could not speak in the end, but she frowned and lowered her head and walked far away.

But she is still wondering what's wrong with her... Why is she suddenly a little unhappy? It's really strange...

Leaving aside Luo Yuan, who is experiencing the feeling that he has never experienced before, the reception room that originally belonged to Yan Huayu is really lively now.

Where have you been and what have you done? Why don't you come more than once a year? Why don't you say hello to yourself and others when you come back? Do you still have us old brothers in your heart...

There are all kinds of questions, even if Zheng Yonghao is extraordinary but only has one mouth, he can't answer at all.

Qin Xue, who had been very quiet before, and Zou Xiaochuan, who had been staring at Zheng Yongzang but was silent, suddenly asked in unison, "For more than a year? Didn't you leave two years ago?"

Zheng Yonghao hasn't answered yet. Zhang Detao, who has always been very simple, opened his eyes wide and looked surprised and said, "Huh? Don't you know? He came back more than a year ago. The time we resisted the three major coalition forces was that he killed the other party's headquarters!"


The two women narrowed their eyes and looked at Zheng Yonghao at the same time, and the chill made Zheng Yonghao shiver.

On the other side, Zhang Detao and Zhang Jie, who provoked all this, and Zhang Jie, who was extremely clever, took half a step back as if they had discussed it.

(Good New Year, everyone!)