The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 270 Leiyuan Spirit Powder

"Old man!"

"Iron City Lord!"

"Bracks commander!"

At first, everyone was stunned, and then exclaimed excitedly, with different names.

Originally, for some well-known reasons, even Zhang Detao and Qin Xue no longer called Tie Xiucheng Lao Tie, but also solemnly called the Iron City Lord.

But now, they can't help shouting the most familiar and least estranged name.

Tie Xiucheng turned his head blankly and was obviously not sober.

And Zheng Yonghao had been ready for a long time and raised his hand to stuff a capsule into his iron mouth.

From such a move, especially Tie Xiucheng's reaction, we can see the relationship between the two.

Even if Tie Xiucheng is not fully awake, there is no doubt that Zheng Yonghao has been recognized, which makes Zheng Yonghao's speed obviously not fast and his movements not fierce enough, but Tie Xiucheng has not avoided resistance at all.

Except for Zheng Yonghao and Luo Yuan, no one knows what the capsule is, but they are surprised by the magic of this drug.

It was only a few breaths, and Tie Xiucheng's eyes gradually became clear. With a long breath, he finally woke up completely and almost completely recovered as usual.

Of course, everyone can see the weakness of iron cultivation, which is too normal.

No matter who has been in a coma for three months before finally waking up, no matter how strong his body is before falling into a coma, it is impossible not to be affected at all.

"Xiaogong, you son of a bitch, are you crying when I die?"

Tie Xiucheng suddenly opened his mouth, and everyone's eyes opened at the same time.

Especially the one who was scolded by Tie Xiucheng, his name is Gong Bin.

Not to mention that there is no dissatisfaction, it's just that I'm so happy that I cry with real joy.

Originally, my eyes were red because of excitement, but now I can't control my tears.

"You little bastard really cried, stop talking to me!"

Tie Xiucheng scolded again, and his weak voice was not at all scary, but Gong Bin had already rubbed his eyes and almost burst his eyes, and he abruptly held his tears.

Tie Xiucheng moved his eyes and shouted a name this time: "Deng Fei."


Deng Fei, who had been quietly guarding beside him, immediately made a crackling sound, with a standard military salute, with a hoarse but still loud response.

"Su Lin!"


"Zhao Zehen!"


"Li Mu!"



Tie Xiucheng actually called out the names of these people in turn, not only the first team to be together, but also those who served as guards in his city owner's mansion, those newcomers.

From this point, we can see what kind of person Tie Xiucheng is and what kind of leader he is.

You can see why those people are so loyal to him. Even the big man at the level of deputy city owner, or even Zheng Yonghao, a person with a better reputation above iron cultivation, still rushed to stop him.

Everything is because of what Tie Xiucheng has done, which makes them agree with it!

After shouting these soldiers and his old subordinates, Tie Xiucheng spoke to Zhang Detao, Qin Xue and others. Everyone responded with excitement, not because their excitement was not strong enough, but because they were afraid that they would be too excited to affect the iron Xiucheng that had just recovered.

Until the end, he had greeted everyone, including Luo Yuan. Tie Xiucheng finally looked at Zheng Yonghao, who was closest to him and kept smiling at the scene.


Tie Xiucheng opened his mouth gently, and everyone was immediately awed, including those heavily pressed breaths, all quieted down.

The city owner and the captain are very different.

But at this moment, no one has that feeling, as if the "captain" is rightly above the "city lord".

"You're finally back!" Tie Xiucheng said, "I can finally take a break."


I couldn't help but hear a roar when I was about to watch my old friends communicate with each other.

They really didn't expect that Tie Xiucheng would send such an emotional look and finally said such a sentence.

The scene of the old brothers they thought of hugging together and crying and showing "**"... didn't appear at all.

However, the sentence of Tie Xiucheng also made people who didn't know much about the situation at the beginning understand one thing.

The position of the city lord was deliberately given to Tie Xiucheng, and one of them is Zheng Yonghao, the founder of the whole delta and central city... Such a statement is really true.

If this is not the case, Tie Xiucheng will not say that the other party will finally come back and he can finally rest.

He clearly regards the city owner of the central city as a responsibility and even a task, and the person who gave him this task is Zheng Yonghao.

Zheng Yonghao opened his mouth and smiled, but as soon as he spoke, he made everyone sweat coldly: "You think it's beautiful. Don't lie down, get up and work quickly."

"Fuck, our founder is a slave owner, right? The owner of the iron city is like this, and he is forced to work. It's terrible!"

"Yes, yes, no, we have to talk about it."

"Then will you say it?"

"I don't do..."

Of course, it is not the newcomers who dare to say such words, but the fighters who were in the team earlier, who are very familiar with Tie Xiucheng and Zheng Yonghao.

They deliberately said so. Although they whispered, they were not afraid that the two over there would hear it, and they knew that they would not be angry at all.

"Haha, look, my old brother has been fighting for me. But..."

Tie Xiucheng laughed, but in just a short time, his spirit seemed to have recovered a lot, at least he no longer looked as weak as before.

And his eyes suddenly sharp, but he turned around and said, "But you're right. It's time for me to get up and work. There is still an account to be calculated!"

Hearing Tie Xiucheng say this, everyone immediately calmed down.

Whether it is excitement or the smile hanging on your face by deliberately adjusting the atmosphere, they all disappeared.

What appears is hatred, an undisguised heart for revenge.

Tie Xiucheng said to Zheng Yonghao, "The person who killed me is Yan Huayu, and since you have come back, it means that he has been caught, right?"

Zheng Yonghao nodded gently, and Tie Xiucheng immediately said, "I think you must have defeated his conspiracy, but you must not know why he attacked me so early!"

Zheng Yonghao really knows some reasons why Yan Huayu attacked Tie Xiucheng, relying on Luo Yuan's mind-reading skills.

But it is also the same as Tie Xiucheng said. Even if there is mind reading, they have not understood the deepest reasons and reasons.

All I know is that Tie Xiucheng broke a little secret of Yan Huayu, and then he was poisoned.

But that little secret at that time can be prevaricate with any reason, and it is not worth Yan Huayu taking this risk in advance.

It was not his own intention that prompted Yan Huayu to do so, but one of those who had been buried in secret before, some people in the Huangpu base.

Tie Xiucheng suddenly stood up, and there was a former nurse next to him. He immediately wanted to help him, but he was rejected by Tie Xiucheng.

Looking at him very unaccustomed from the beginning, he was like an ordinary person just a few steps later. While everyone admired his amazing self-control, they were also more surprised by the capsule Zheng Yonghao took out.

Anyway, in their opinion, the effect of that Tie Xiucheng can recover so quickly and so well is completely the effect of that capsule.

But now is not the time to ask these questions. Tie Xiucheng took them through two rooms and returned to his bedroom.

He was poisoned here at the beginning, and the clothes he was wearing at that time were also stored here.

Tie Xiucheng took out a small box, which was very small and very inconspicuous, and when he opened the box, it exposed a layer of powder shining blue and purple.

Those guards and veterans have not felt anything, but Zhang Detao, Qin Xue, Zhang Jie and other masters have changed their faces.

But even they were only surprised to feel the energy contained in this thing. Zheng Yonghao and Luo Yuan were the ones who reacted most violently.

The two of them rushed directly to Tie Xiucheng, but the distance of one step seemed to be teleportation, which showed the urgency of the two of them.

"This is..."

Zheng Yonghao narrowed his eyes, and Luo Yuan nodded and said, "Yes, that's it!"

"Leiyuan Spirit!"

Zheng Yonghao slowly spit out four words, and Zhang Detao and others suddenly realized.

Tie Xiucheng nodded and said, "I just found this thing and thought of the original spirit you told me, and then I was attacked and poisoned. Later, I just survived here and couldn't even contact you.

Zheng Yonghao grabbed the small box and reconfirmed that the powder in it was part of Leiyuan Lingjing. He couldn't help looking at Luo Yuan and frowned.

"What do you think they are going to do?" Zheng Yonghao asked.

Luo Yuan thought and said, "If it is a complete Leiyuan spirit, few people can use it. They must have found this before grinding it into powder by means. What they want should be easier to stimulate the energy inside.

"Well... I'm afraid there is only one purpose when I think about it this way!"

Luo Yuan pondered, but Zheng Yonghao asked, "What is it?"

Luo Yuan took a look at him and said, "Didn't you guess it?"

" hiss--

Zheng Yonghao took a cold breath and said, "Bomb bomb!"

He has indeed guessed that the original spirit contains extremely strong energy, which is of great benefit to the promotion of mutants.

It can be seen from his own strength, which includes the strength of the supernuclear power itself, the bonus of hard training life and death, as well as Su Xiaoshan's support behind it, but the most important part is from the original spirits he got.

However, this characteristic of the original spirit is not available to anyone. At least no one but him can really withstand and complete the absorption.

This can be easily found.

So for those people, the value of the original spirit seems to be limited to the energy.

Even if it is just some powder, once it can really be detonated, the power will never be lower than a small-yield nuclear bomb!