omsday panic

Chapter 78 Mouse Playing Cat

Seven people lay motionless on the edge of the lake, with fences, spines, and a pile of small bamboo forests with withered leaves.

The sniper also lay on the ground and waited for several minutes before replying to the headset, "No one."

It can be seen that this sniper is not willing to touch the lake.

He Wen breathed a sigh of relief. They were lucky enough. The place where they lay down happened to be the dead corner on the sniper mirror.

"Continue to stay in place. Since they are hiding, we will play with them for a while, otherwise they will be rusty after being idle here for so long." The wolf said with a blank face.

After a few minutes, the sniper got up and scanned it carefully before leaving.

He Wen waited for a few more minutes, and then several people slowly climbed forward again.

In about 20 minutes, He Wen and others have climbed behind them and can already see the villa, and a simple high wall has been built in the deep water area here.

The wolf has sent people there. Although He Wen doesn't know, he understands that the longer they are, the easier they are to be found. At this time, they can only fight to the death.

He Wen ordered the six people to disperse and find a commanding height to contain each other, otherwise they would be accidentally served in a pot.

He Wen slowly climbed behind the villa, found a commanding height, and then looked at it and let him take a breath of cold air. This is a battle between seven people and nearly 100 people. Nearly 100 people are not as simple as 100 zombies. They still have guns in their hands!

He Wen was afraid, but when he came to this point, there was no way out, only to fight to the death.

The seven people tried hard not to make themselves from making a sound, like a swimming snake, slowly crawling towards what they thought was the commanding height in their hearts.

The sniper, the eagle, glanced around with a sniper mirror and looked at a woman next to the villa from time to time. He could see that he should like the white woman.

"Is that?"

The eagle's sniper stopped on the body of a death squad, which only showed one thigh, but unfortunately, it was still found.

"Wolf, find the prey." The eagle reported to the headset.

"How much?" The wolf asked, and a cold light flashed from the corners of his eyes, or as cold as when the wolf hunted.

"Only one has been found for the time being." The eagle replied truthfully.

"Don't move for the time being, wait for all the prey to come out. Let's let everyone go over and cover them, and then serve them in a pot." The gun in the wolf's hand had been remanent, and a man more than two meters behind him picked up the Gatling machine gun and followed him.

The Gatling machine gun in the hands of a big man is definitely a big killer, and it can't be used in people's hands at all. It is almost all equipped with airplanes or on the roof of cars, and in recent years, it has rarely been seen in the army.

The main advantage of the external energy Gatling machine gun in modern times is the extremely high rate of fire, which is necessary for shooting high-moving targets (such as shooting planes, or shooting ground targets from planes), because such a high rate of fire can project a large amount of ammunition in a very short time and improve the chance of hitting the target. . The disadvantage of the multi-barre system is that the structure is complex, heavy and requires external energy (electricity, air pressure or hydraulic). For a long time, many people have believed that one disadvantage of the Gatling machine gun is that in order to be able to fire at the highest speed at any time in air combat, the barrel must be rotated in advance. For example, for the M61, if the barrel is not rotated in advance, it will take about 0.4 seconds from pulling the trigger to full-speed shooting. However, some studies in recent years have shown that even in the starting time of 0.4 seconds, the number of shells fired is still more than the commonly used by European fighters.

Because of its weight, if you hold it in your hand to shoot the enemy, it requires huge strength and physical strength to support it, which is almost impossible for ordinary people.

However, the big man behind the wolf carried a Gatling machine gun and followed the wolf's footsteps with no expression on his face.

Everyone got the wolf's order to move towards the target found by the eagle, but the death squad remained motionless as if they didn't know anything.

He Wen felt a little bad. Were they found?

The next second seemed to confirm He Wen's idea. The white woman he stared at also drove over with her team, which showed that there were no fewer people found, and it was even possible to be found?

He Wen moved and slowly followed, about 30 meters away from the white woman. If possible, He Wen certainly wanted to turn his eyes to him and give the six death squad a chance to escape.

The island is full of trees, and there are dead branches and yellow leaves everywhere. If the villa is built on it, in addition to seeing the only scenery in autumn, it will only be idle.

"What are they doing?" He Wen was puzzled, because after those people gradually surrounded, they formed a loose circle, but there was no movement.

"Do they think that only those people have been found?" He Wen thought to heart that if this was the case, He Wen did not intend to take any more risks.

"Wolf, will he be the only one?" About 60 meters away from the target found by the eagle, they formed a encirclement in this place and even sent people to cut off the back road of the target.

"One person? Can fifty or sixty people be killed? The wolf frowned. It's not that he didn't think so, but he borrowed the eagle's sniper mirror to see it. It was absolutely impossible for such a person to kill 50 or 60 people. Not to mention that he was lurking without any rules, and even exposed a part of his body. So far, there has been no action, which means that he is waiting. What, or is he just a bait? If it's bait, it's absolutely right to do so!

The wolf's heart jumped and felt something was wrong. He said to the eagle, " Shoot at his exposed part."

"Yes." The eagle responds.


With a soft sound of the sniper gun, there was a blood hole in the thigh of the target found by the eagle.

"He didn't move." At this time, the eagle seemed to feel something.

"Sent someone to have a look." The wolf frowned and said, "Take a few more shots."

Bang bang!

After a few shots, one of the wolf's men gently did it, and even the wolf walked over.

"Daw! I was fooled!" The wolf's men dragged the man out. It was theirs and their throat was cut.


Dab Da Da...

In the angry look of the wolf, outside their encirclement, six people looked calm and pulled the trigger in their hands.

"What's the situation?" He Wen was stunned by the gunfire in the back. He didn't know that Zou Yuqi, the captain of his death squad, gathered all those people together with a bait and surrounded them.


The wolf's expression looked angry. They were fooled and the cat was fooled by the mouse. In the past, it used to appear on TV at most, but now they are also fooled.

He Wen followed and vaguely knew something in his heart, but he understood that the situation was still not very good, but now it was beneficial to them.

He Wen pulled the trigger, and the machine gun shot unscrupulously behind those people.

They fell down inexplicably one by one, and blood flowers flew with a strange bright red.

In an instant, dozens of people died like this. The wolf's reaction was very fast, but they were all ordinary people who had not received any training. When they fought, it was completely not enough.

The big man beside the wolf was extremely crazy, with a grinning and a ferocious smile, a Gatling machine gun suppressed two death squads.

Because of the existence of this two-meter-high man, they actually opened the encirclement of the six-person group and began to fight back.

As for He Wen's side, he has almost solved the battle, but the white woman looks very tough and difficult to deal with, and even her shooting is better than He Wen's, and she is almost hit by her bullet every time.

The six death squads began to retreat. After all, the situation was better than them. If they continued to fight to death, they would definitely die. At this time, He Wen found that this Zou Yuqi was not famous and was still a general, but if he had no brain, he would have died long ago when he went out to hunt zombies. Can't die anymore.

The number of people is small, which is the hard injury of He Wen and other people. Even the people opposite are some native chickens and dogs, but if there is a gun, it is not something that can be completely eliminated, and two people in the death squad have been injured, but Fortunately, they are all on their arms, and the death squad is not normal people. This minor injury is negligible.

But the current situation has been gradually reversed by them and began to become difficult. Dozens of guns were fired together, and they could hardly raise their heads, let alone shoot again.

The white woman was shot in the thigh and escaped, and He Wen hurried to support.

The battle between seven people and dozens of people started. He Wen's side can only fight back when they change bullets.

In short, the result is that one of them is not dead, and they are gradually dying.

The wolf took out a cigarette from his pocket and hid aside with the eagles, watching the battle coldly, as if he were an outsider. The wolf was calculating something in his heart.

"We retreat." After the wolf finished smoking the crooked cigarette, he ordered.

The eagles nodded, and they understood what the wolf thought.

The wolf looked at the villa, with a trace of throbbing in his disilous eyes, and unwillingness: "Let's go."

After saying that, the wolf led the way back towards the enclosure that had been dispersed and towards the villa. As for those people, without the fire suppression of the big man, it was not an exaguing to say that they were native chickens and dogs. They had been dispersed by the red-eyed death squad and began to gradually annihilate. A small encirclement surrounded those people again.

He Wen glanced and found the four people who withdrew from the battle circle. He understood that the four people were the core members here and were extraordinary in strength, but He Wen did not understand why these four people withdrew.

The four wolves stopped when they were close to the villa.

They took off their clothes and even shoes and socks, and then the wolf took out a headset: "Dog, are you ready?"

In the villa, a thin man knelt on the ground and knelt in front of a middle-aged man sitting on the sofa.

He is Cao Hong, whose eyes are fixed on the thin British man on the ground. The British man's headset said, "Dog, are you ready?"

There are five people in the wolf's team. The wolf is proficient in gun fighting and has a good brain. He is the main brain figure. The eagle is a sniper, the white woman is a hacker, and the big man is the main heavy fireman, and this local dog is proficient in all explosive production.

Behind the local dog, there is a man standing behind him, who is Cao Hong's confidant. Cao Hong pointed to the local dog's headset and could see from his mouth shape that he was calling the local dog to return to the wolf.

"ok." The local dog replied to the headset.

The wolf gestured to the three people and then put on their clothes and equipment. They did so because they found that they had miniature listeners on them, and the corners of the wolf's mouth hung with a smile.