omsday panic

Chapter 96 Lucky!


He Wen's short tooth blade suddenly loosened. He Wen hung himself on the cliff with one arm and subconsciously turned his head to look at this height. Even if he was not afraid of height, his head was dizzy!

"This is!!!"

Suddenly, He Wen saw a more shocking scene. The destroyer who had fallen down also climbed on the cliff. The long claws on the giant palm easily inserted into the cliff and slowly climbed up, but it was wet all over, and there were many strange fish more than one meter long hanging on its body. Obviously, it was from the lake. Just climbed out.

At this time, He Wen climbed up attentively, his forehead was already full of sweat, and his bloody back was eroded by sweat, and bursts of hot tingling bit his nerves.


The mutant mountain eagle dived and looked at its nest. The angry and sharp sound of birds stimulated He Wen's nerves even more.


He Wen roared. At a distance of less than two meters, his blue veins were exposed and finally climbed up. At this time, the mutant mountain eagle had also rushed down with a sharp and harsh sound.

The next moment, He Wen's tense nerves suddenly loosened, because the mutant mountain eagle actually went towards the destroyer. It can only be blamed on the bad luck of the destroyer. It has now climbed to the bird's nest. The mountain eagle is obviously more hateful of the creatures near its nest, even if the huge mass of the destroyer makes it Instincive fear, but when anger reaches its peak, all fear will disappear, followed by artillery-like bombardment!

He Wen's legs softened and almost collapsed to the ground. His eyes stared at the angry and roaring giant bear. At this time, the mutant giant bear was besieged by countless zombies. It was surrounded by broken limbs, and countless zombies were torn by its sharp long claws and flattened by its huge force.

However, the number of zombies did not decrease, but fell down and rushed over one after another, endlessly. Even the giant bear was unable to do it at this time. It seemed to be trapped in a quagmire, up and down, left and right were all zombies, and there was almost no way to retreat.



After the angry roar of the destroyer, it was followed by the painful sound of the mutant mountain eagle.

He Wen looked down and saw that the destroyer! Then he fell down again.

And the mountain eagle lost its target. After shaking in mid-air, one spread its wings and flew up.

He Wen had no other choice. It happened that the giant bear also saw him and roared at him for help. He Wen was tired and clenched two blades and rushed into the battle circle, but his entry was like a small stone thrown into the lake, which had little effect except for a ripple.

And the mountain eagle lost its children, anger and hatred made its little head faint and flutter! Flap his wings and swooped down at the zombies, with feathers flying, and the zombies' heads were pinched by two sharp eagle claws.

There is no doubt that the addition of two alternative creatures has sharply reduced the pressure on the giant bear and even made a friendly roar to He Wen. In short, there should be no hostility.

But the next second, the situation changed again. The mountain eagle stared at He Wen, and the eagle's eyes flashed with hatred and anger. He Wen secretly said that he was not good, touched his back, and there were bursts of sticky wetness. Obviously, the mountain eagle understood something. In short, the smell of its children must be the culprit, which is not wrong.

But at this time, He Wen was shocked and quickly pulled off his clothes, bare body, and rushed into the dense forest at a very fast speed. The dense forest was full of zombies, but here at least these trees could briefly block the attack of the mountain eagle and make it see. Blocked, the only trouble is these zombies who don't know what they are.

"The Hunter!"

He Wen's pupils shrank and threw it there with the broken clothes he had torn off. He wanted to harm the fish. The clothes were full of the smell of bird eggs. After throwing them, He Wen turned around and ran away. He wanted to go to the giant bear. There was less pressure in that place. After all, the huge size was completely a hanger. Meat machine.

But what He Wen didn't expect was that his clothes were thrown out and just covered the head of the conductor who was well hidden among the predator.

The commander used his slender fingers to remove the rags covering its head, stretched out its sharp tongue and licked it. There was He Wen's blood on it and fishy egg liquid. Its needle-sized pupil flashed a trace of enjoyment. Obviously, it has evolved A trace of taste, at least it feels that the taste above gives it an alternative pleasure.

But the mountain eagle that rushed into the dense forest was not such an idea. Its eyes were extremely cold, and it rushed over with an angry sound and intertwined with several predators. In short, He Wen's move caused Dongshui very success. Its feathers flew, blood and blood poured, accompanied by the commander's angry and sharp strange screams. There was a bloody battle.

And on the side of He Wen and the giant bear, these zombies briefly lost the control of the commander, and fought separately, at least not as endlessly and fierce as just now, which made one bear relieved, but this was only a short moment.

The roar of the destroyer has come from the cliff. He Wen's expression was shocked again. His brain moved open and his eyes looked at the battlefield. The number of zombies in the direction of the hunter just now was the largest. In other directions, he could rush out, but the giant bear was restrained. Without his flexible body, he had a huge force. He thought It is undoubtedly difficult to escape, not to mention that it has no human wisdom. At most, it has evolved a trace of wisdom.

At this time, the destroyer had climbed up and was wet all over. Unexpectedly, a one-meter-long fish bit its huge buttocks and was violently crushed and thrown into its mouth. Its whole body was full of strange fish tooth marks, and some skin and flesh had been separated and hung on its body. In general, it was very miserable.


The destroyer roared and rushed into the battle circle. It was like being thrown into the lake*, unstoppable, smashing a zombie with one punch, or pinching a zombie and throwing it into his mouth. The huge mouth full of fishy liquid closed, full of blood and blood and violence.

The mountain eagle did not mean that it was defeated by the predator, but was overwhelmed, suppressed by the surrounding bad environment, and controlled everywhere, so it was beaten into a bald bird. Fortunately, it finally escaped from the dense forest, but the commander did not obey and commanded the five predators to rush out.

After coming out, the mountain eagle had no worries, and then there was another dive, a chirping, rushed down, and the battle became a group.

The four parties are fighting separately. He Wen and the giant bear are a short alliance, and the commanders and zombies are one side, the mutant mountain eagles are one side, and finally the destroyer is also one side. In a word, He Wen himself was confused in this chaotic battle. The mountain eagle main attack headquarters, He Wen's giant bear attacked the main force. As for the destroyer, it was a two-sided man. Its target was still the giant bear, but it kept attacking and harassing its zombies.

The bones were smelly everywhere, and the fishy liquid made the ground wet, and the soil became sticky.

There is no doubt that thousands of zombies have turned into minced meat, and there are nearly 10,000 zombies besieging, but the result is indeed shocking, which was made by four monsters.

The destroyer slowly approached the giant bear and He Wen. Its goal is always the same, that is, the red crystal in the giant bear's head and the flesh and blood of the giant bear.

It seems that flesh and blood can only satisfy the body of the destroyer, but not the spirit of the destroyer, and the red crystal is its spiritual *, and the amount is not enough.

Unexpectedly, the destroyer hit again at this time, and the giant bear had already noticed it, so the two sides fought together again. Even if they didn't pay attention to those zombies, countless zombies suffered from the pond fish because of the two monsters.

However, the pressure on He Wen suddenly increased. The two teeth in his hand were full of sticky fishy liquid, his arms were mechanically waving, and his arms were sore and soft. He had forgotten how many zombies he had cut, and the piles of headless zombies beside him were more than one meter high.

He Wen's 180-degree eyes sensed an object flying. He subconsciously turned around and waved it with his hand. The sharp blade directly split the flying zomb in half, but the fishy liquid spewed out narrowed He Wen's eyes and made him subconsciously close it.

Suddenly, his feet shook, and before He Wen could avoid it, he was pressed on him by a heavy object.

He Wen spewed out a mouthful of blood and opened his eyes confusedly. Unexpectedly, the destroyer's head pressed on his chest, and the destroyer was pressed on the giant bear. Undoubtedly, He Wen was under great pressure at this time, making his lower body bones click.

The severe pain exposed his blue veins. He held two blades tightly on both sides of the destroyer's head and neck, and inserted them violently, exhausting all his strength, as if the dying struggle of the dead man and burst out all his potential.


He Wen roared. His head was dizzy and his vision was gradually blurred. It was not until the weight on his body suddenly lighted that his stagnant breathing slowly recovered.

The destroyer was severely damaged by He Wen's random stab. The blade was sharp enough to pierce the destroyer's head, but it could not carry out a devastating attack on the destroyer. However, at least the blow suffered by the destroyer at this moment gave the giant bear the opportunity to take advantage of it, trying his best and then used its sharp The long claws lifted the destroyer's head and took out the cobble-sized red crystal in the destroyer's brain.

The giant bear stood up, holding one palm tightly the red crystal that was extremely small for it and roared. Its other front paw had been broken, its bones were stabbed out, and its black hair was almost stripped, and it looked extremely miserable.

The mountain eagle is not easy, and there is little hair left on its body, and even it needs great strength to spread its wings.

At this time, the conductor seemed to foresee something, and a strange cry was driven away by four predators.

As for the other predator, it has become the dead soul at the feet of the giant bear. It was originally dying to fight with the mutant mountain eagle, but the giant bear just sent it on its way.

The commander was undoubtedly timid. He actually commanded countless zombies behind them and fled alone with four hunters. These ordinary zombies were ordered by the commander to turn around and run down the mountain. Most importantly, the commander could not resist the giant bear's men, even if the bear had been seriously injured.

However, He Wen narrowly escaped the disaster, because more than a dozen zombies had surrounded him to share food, but suddenly got the command of the commander and turned away. All this is because He Wen is lucky enough, but it is also unfortunate to encounter all this. Fortunately, he and the giant bear luckily killed the destroyer. Otherwise, it may not be this result. All of this is still a fluke!