omsday panic

Chapter 115 Killing the Butcher


The zombies roared towards the city wall with tremors.

Everyone's hearts seemed to be tightly pinched by a huge palm.


Panic to a certain extent, after breaking through the critical point, gunfire sounded. It's like thunder, as if trying to cover up the trembling sound of the earth.

A hundred meters away, a group of zombies fell down like cutting seedlings, and then were submerged by the subsequent tide of corpses.

He Wen didn't have a shot, and some of the reserve team members' legs and feet were weak, and the bean-sized sweat beads fell between their eyebrows and dared not wipe them. You could faintly see the hand trembling with the gun.

"Brother Wen, do you want to fight or not!?" As the zombies approached, Scarface took the lead in asking.

"Wait a minute." He Wen shook his head.

80 meters.

70 meters.


When there was still 50 meters away, He Wen finally ordered: "Fight!"

Dab Da...

For a moment, the sound of gunfire was deafening, batches of zombies fell down, and batches of zombies rushed up again.

The city wall seemed to be about to be destroyed, looking crumbling. The soldiers on the wall shot crazily, and their shoulders were hit by the robbed recoil, and even numb.

"My task for you today is that everyone must kill 1,000 zombies. Remember to aim at their heads." Liu Yong looked at the tide of 100,000 corpses with a calm face.

Dab Da...

After listening to Liu Yong's order, a group of women immediately shot, just to cover up their fear of zombies.

The battle is deadlocked.

The gunfire did not stop once, but soon, the disadvantage of human beings appeared. Because of insufficient ammunition, there was a situation of stopping from time to time. Fortunately, the six major forces and He Wen did not have it. Their supplies were sufficient, and ammunition was also replenished when searching for supplies outside.

And He Wen's barrels are hot one by one.

Change the gun! Reload!"

He Wen issued an order that the machine gun in his hand had been replaced, holding a 40-ball rocket with a length of 122 mm.



The central area of a group of lickers suddenly exploded, and more than a dozen lickers were killed by He Wen's rocket, which was amazingly powerful.

He Wen naturally does not use rockets to kill ordinary zombies. His main goal is to evolve zombies.

Looking at the eye-catching evolutionary zombies surging in the distance, He Wen's pupils shrank, and there were nearly six or seven predators. Will there still be slaughterers with so many predators? Even the destroyer?

"Bear heavy weapons up." He Wen shouted as he pulled the trigger.

A roar made a trace of envy flashed in the eyes of countless camp leaders, which was a life-saving thing.

He Wen blew a whistle, and two huge figures rushed down from the wall.

Big black and stupid cats, they immediately knocked down a large number of zombies at the wall.

At this time, the combat effectiveness of the big black and the stupid cat became more and more amazing. The licker was not enough to look at it at all. The sharp claws tore the shredded meat and threw away.

As for Xiong Da, it seemed to fall into hibernation when it came back and fell asleep in the big truck. If it hadn't been for the sound of breathing, He Wen would have thought that Xiong Da had died.


He Wen pulled the trigger again, and another group of lickers were torn apart by powerful rockets.

load and change the bullet.

There are many evolutionary zombies this time, and dozens of lickers died at He Wen's hands in the early stage.

He Wen holds 40 rockets. Sling on the wall, he saw that a group of predators had broken through the defense line.


The rocket exploded, and even the invincible predators in the early end of the world could not beat this unparalleled rocket.


He Wen's heavy weapons were fired continuously, and the defensive line on this side actually formed an open area. The ground was full of black meat and steaming hot air.

The battle is deadlocked.

The dusk gradually faded away, and the black sky came.

The sound of gunfire keeps blowing.

Less than 50 meters away from the city wall, a pile of corpse walls several meters slowly formed.

The gun was bright in the night, but all the combat members looked tired and heard screams from time to time, and then they were submerged in the gunshots. It was a barrel explosion, and at least hundreds of people died in a barrel explosion.

At this time, the fire burned, which was already prepared gasoline and flammable materials.

At least your eyesight will not be greatly hindered in the night.

The gunfire stopped, because the fire had stopped the rushing zombies.

At this time, the human forces got a short rest and replenished their physical strength.

Under the firelight, an evolved zombie rushed up the wall, and its long claws flashed with a cold light. It penetrated a person's chest. Then he cut his skull and sucked the man's brain with his long tongue.

The panic began to spread, and gunfire suddenly sounded inside human forces.

Dab Da...

Countless unprepared human beings were torn apart by the shadow, and the hot internal organs poured on the ground with a trace of heat in the firelight.

The bullet hit the shadow, making a dull sound and did no harm to it at all.


Death came to these people with fear and panic.

The same is true of another force. A dark shadow came like death, with flesh and blood flying and screams in horror.

He Wen was relatively quiet. Hearing the sound of death in the distance, He Wen's heart jumped and he had no intention to take action. He had even guessed that these two figures were butchers, but one of the targets of the butchers turned out to be a fierce ghost camp.

An open space immediately appeared on the side of the fierce ghost camp, in which dozens of people had died on the long claws of the butcher.

The butcher's figure is erratic and extremely fast, and ordinary guns can't be aimed at.

When the crowd is in chaos, the corpse tide attacks again, and the gunfire sounded again. No one cares how ferocious the butcher is. They just need to repel the surging zombies.

The gunfire sounded again in the night, and this group of zombies were not as fearless as before. After falling down a large area, they did not rush up again, as if they had stopped in place.

He Wen felt bad. Isn't this the scene that the conductor can create?

At this time, the big black and stupid cats killed on the periphery of the fire. Because the city wall was completely blocked by the fire, they could hardly retreat, but they did not show any fatigue, and the zombies happened to be their rations, so they were happy to kill.

At this time, the leader of the fierce ghost camp finally appeared. He Wen did not see his appearance clearly. He stood on the wall and watched from afar. He saw that he was glued with the butcher, and even the butcher was beaten and retreated. The members of the fierce ghost camp cheered one by one and worshipped himself. A powerful emperor, Your Majesty, Wu Lei likes to hear this name.

He Wen was shocked. At this time, he knew that Wu Lei's combat effectiveness in the fierce ghost camp was so amazing that he suppressed the shock in his heart. He Wen's eyes returned to the battlefield again, and several predators rushed out in the fire.

He Wen immediately pulled the trigger and knocked the predators to the ground. He didn't wait for them to stagger and stand up, and the loaded rockets were fired again.


Four rockets in a row left these predators permanently in the fire, and there were no bones left.

The butchers on the side of the fierce ghost camp were repulsed, and another force, the leader named Yu Guohong, a 30-year-old man, dispatched nearly six evolved humans and four heavy machine guns to kill about three evolved humans, which could stop the butcher.

But He Wen was not lucky enough. The butcher who was repelled by the leader of the fierce ghost camp actually rushed to He Wen's side.

The team members here immediately changed their muzzle and bombarded the butcher!

He Wen shot himself, and two blades appeared in his hand. Even the destroyer had fought against him. Naturally, he would not be afraid of the butcher who had been injured by Wu Lei in the fierce ghost camp.


The butcher's body shook, and it was extremely angry when Wu Lei suffered, and his claws flashed towards He Wen. The speed is fast.

He Wen snorted coldly, and his teeth cut the butcher's neck.


He had a claw mark on his chest and rolled flesh and blood, but He Wen was not afraid. He heard Zhou Yusheng say that it is almost impossible for evolved human beings to become zombies because of infection, because the viruses in their bodies fuse viruses outside the body at most.

He Wen's tooth blade cut off a piece of meat on the butcher's shoulder, and even flashed a few sparks when the tooth blade hit the bone spurs exposed on the butcher's shoulder.

Bang bang!

He Wen collided with the butcher, then separated, and finally collided with each other, all of which were solid resistance without any cleverness.


He Wen kicked the butcher's chin, and the huge force threw the butcher high, while the butcher rotated his body and left several claw marks on He Wen's chest.

"Brother Wen! Get out of the way!" Scarface shouted loudly, holding the rocket launcher held by He Wen, and suddenly pulled the trigger.


He Wen flashed back immediately and flew fast.


There was a tremor over the wall, and He Wen rushed in again.

About a few minutes later, He Wen slowly came out of the dissipated smoke, holding the butcher's head in his hand and dripping brown blood.

The members of the butcher camp immediately cheered. He Wen made a gesture, stopped the cheering of the team members, and called Li Zhu and Scarface with a respectful look.

A new wave of zombies rushed up, and the gunfire sounded again.

He Wen told several captains, but came to the city with Scarface and Li Zhu.

in two cars respectively.

He Wen took out two red crystals, one is a predator and the other is a butcher, that is, he just got it. The predator's red crystal gave scarface, while the butcher's red crystal gave it to Li Zhu.

told the two, and then Scarface and Li Zhu began to merge respectively.


Immediately, the scream of Scarface came from the car. He Wen went to look at the situation and did not show signs of becoming a zombie as in the original situation of Scarface fusion.

When looking at Li Zhu, he was scared by the situation in the car.

At this time, Li Zhu's skin was swollen and cracked, especially on his face. The flesh and blood soaked Li Zhu's clothes and trousers.

The severe pain made Li Zhu keep struggling and his throat made a hoarse trill.

The blood bursting out dyed the car everywhere. He Wen even saw that the corners of Li Zhu's eyes began to burst, and his eyes were about to fall down.