omsday panic

Chapter 131 Beauty and the Beast


He Wen's eyes became more and more scarlet, and the anger emitted made many monkeys a little afraid and even hesitate.

After watching Feng Na being captured by the Monkey King and disappearing into the jungle, He Wen's head suddenly went blank, and the killing was full of his mind and soul. He no longer had his own consciousness.

He only heard the screams in his ear and the sound of blood flowers flying. He felt very pleasant and enchanted him.




The sound of blood dripping.

He Wen collapsed to the ground, and he let go of the last monkey whose heart was crushed by him.

He Wen lay in a pool of blood, and a figure sneaked over, and one of his arms was gone.

This man is Gu Mo. His arm was torn by himself, because only some skin and skin that had been beaten by He Wen at the beginning were glued, and it was completely useless.

He looked at the road full of flesh and blood in consterion and walked over carefully. He didn't even see He Wen, because He Wen was buried by blood, and there was no one at all.



Every step taken by Gumo, blood will drip from his boots. There were ripples in the pool of blood.


Suddenly, Gumo was choked. In front of him was a bloody man who couldn't see clearly. His hair, face, clothes, trousers, kept dripping blood.

Those eyes are full of killing and destruction, without any humanity.

He Wen struggled with killing in his mind. His body seemed to be out of his control. He suddenly sounded a word, half a corpse!

He doesn't know how the word came into his mind out of thin air, but his current situation seems to be a precursor to a half-dead man, and he can only control it desperately.


He Wen threw Gu Mo out and roared in pain with his head in his arms.

"You are the devil! The devil!" Gumo seemed to suddenly go crazy, struggling, and his eyes rolled and crawled away from this place with fear. Those eyes, as if to peel off his soul, made him afraid.


Half-sal, He Wen woke up and coughed up the blood in his mouth. He picked up his weapon weakly, and then carried the package and walked into the jungle.

The blood on his body attracted countless insects and beasts, but it became his food.

He Wen walked to the stone cliff. He heard the cheers of monkeys and even smelled the smell of barbecue.

This is the second day.

There are many caves in the stone cliff, and there are many trees on the cliff, and there are even fruits that have never been seen before. Some monkeys are picking.

He Wen has cleaned up his blood stains, although there is still a faint smell of blood, which is much better than when he first came in. After all, He Wen doesn't really want to attract all the mutants.

He Wen quietly lurked, and the package had been hidden by him.

Lightweight, He Wen only had two tooth blades on his waist and nothing else. Climbing was not a long term for him, let alone compared with a group of monkeys. Therefore, in order to avoid the sensitive monkeys, he must not make a sound at all. Looking at the monkeys that jumped and climbed at will, He Wen was a little envious.

Fortunately, He Wen's strength is huge, and he is also quick to start rock climbing. The place he climbed happens to be a cliff, and the monkey's range of movement is on the other side.

There are no trees in He Wen's place. As long as he falls down and survives, it is a miracle, because even those monkeys don't want to come here.

The hurricane blew the cliff very flat. He Wen could no longer stand in the middle of the cliff. He had to insert his teeth into the cliff and climb towards the monkeys step by step.

Under the cliff cave where the monkeys live is a natural stone platform, and He Wen has reached below.

At this time, He Wen held his breath, let the sweat fall little by little, and then gritted his teeth and inserted the tooth blade into the stone platform. His feet slowly left the cliff. That is to say, except for He Wen's hands hanging on the tooth blade, his whole body is already suspended. If it is not good, he will fall to pieces and bones under the cliff wall. The gray fog is so cloudy that you can't see the bottom at all, so it's more and more frightening.


Some places on the wall of the weathered stone cliff were not too tight. He Wen's tooth blade suddenly loosened, and He Wen hung his whole hand on a tooth blade.

And the sound on this side shocked several monkeys. They suddenly climbed here and slowly climbed down to find out.

He Wen can't move at this time. If there is a little noise, those sensitive monkeys will definitely find his existence, but He Wen has no way to escape. The only result is to fall off the stone cliff and the bones are gone.

A minute passed, and several monkeys who came over chatted above He Wen. Obviously, they had no intention of leaving. At this time, He Wen had already felt that the tooth blade inserted on the stone wall was loosening, and he did not know whether it was a psychological effect, mainly because he still hung one hand on the handle of the blade.

Finally, He Wen felt that the monkeys had left. He inserted another tooth blade into the cliff and then slowly ran up.


Suddenly, He Wen was shocked, his arms worked hard, and his whole body jumped up, and a monkey was looking at him, making a chirping sound.


After it called out for the second time, He Wen quickly threw the tooth blade out and pierced the monkey's head.

He Wen picked it up and immediately rushed into a cave.

These large and small caves are almost all natural, and even signs of human activities can be seen at the beginning, but for some unknown reason, the end of the world was occupied by these monkeys.

The cave is even brightly lit, and these monkeys can actually light with pine resin or something.

He Wen moved carefully in the cave. Before the end of this winding cave, He Wen met several monkeys.

These monkeys seem to be chatting. And it's all walking upright. You can't imagine several monkeys walking upright and chatting while walking, just like human beings. Except for different languages, they are almost similar to humans.


The blood fog burst, and He Wen hid at the corner of the cave, and his teeth rotated in the palm of his hand, solving these monkeys at a very fast speed.

After walking for about three minutes, He Wen carefully stuck it on the wall.

This is a huge stone room with even a pool of water. The brightly lit scene is completely the place where humans live, but the fact is that a group of monkeys have settled here, and even this is not the only cave.

There are also many holes in the stone wall of this big cave, which is estimated to be where monkeys live.

He Wen lurked in and walked into a cave.


He Wen is not soft at all. These are several female monkeys, and even pregnant. The other female monkeys should serve this pregnant female monkey.

It seems that this group of monkeys is the same as human beings, with strict levels and precious children.

He Wen has seen several caves in a row, all of which are monkeys, and he can't communicate with these monkeys. Even if he wants to use threatening means to find out where Fengna is, it is impossible. Therefore, it is also beneficial to learn one more foreign language sometimes.

He Wenyuan returned and met several monkeys. Although it was solved by him, the bloody smell made the monkeys outside alert and restless.

He Wen covered a monkey's mouth and instantly cut his throat and dragged it into the hole. The monkey outside the grotto became more and more restless. On the cliff, the treetops jumped back and forth, making a mess of noise.

At this time, He Wen came to the largest cave in the middle, with a total of 21 caves. He Wen preconceived, and the largest cave in the middle must be the place where the monkey king lived.

He Wen guessed right. After entering the stone room, the scene in front of him made him a little shocked. This is the real light!

While the lights are bright, the stone wall is covered with red cloth, as if it were celebrating something.

Not only that, this is also a hole, and the stone room where He Wen is located is like a welcome room, with only four monkeys with sharp sticks in their hands as weapons patrolling back and forth.

He Wen held a stone in his hand and threw it at the corner, which immediately attracted the vigilance of the four monkeys. They seemed to have discussed with each other, and then ran up to check together, and a dark shadow flashed away.



The blood mist spray was killed when the monkey's throat was cut off together in the military.

He Wen has stopped to celebrate and cheer in the cave, with a feeling of joy.

"No wonder there are so few monkeys outside the cave. It turns out that all of them have gathered here." He Wen frowned slightly, and there was a huge stone room in front of him. There are hundreds of monkeys in it.

These monkeys raised their hands and cheered from time to time, holding some huge cup-shaped leaves in their hands, which contained some ** glasses to drink together. The smell of barbecue spread to He Wen's mouth and nose, making him salivate a little.

He Wen looked up. The protagonist here was a monkey king. What made the corners of his eyes twitch was Fengna. At this time, Fengna looked embarrassed and at a loss. She lowered her head and looked reluctantly. She was guarded by two weapons monkeys, and next to her was the monkey king.

At this time, the monkey king, with a human smile, raised his glass from time to time and drank the ** poured by the monkey next to him, and then touched his furry hand like a hooligan.

It seems that this monkey king took a fancy to Fengna, and He Wen thought of the word Beauty and Beast for no reason.

But the next time, a burst of anger surged into his heart. At this time, the Monkey King forcibly pulled Fengna and forcibly kissed Fengna with his disgusting mouth.

Feng Na kept patting the Monkey King, but there was no such strong strength as the Monkey King. It even made the monkey king laugh.

It was about to be kissed. At this time, all the monkeys' eyes were on the Monkey King and Fengna. From time to time, they clap their hands and cheered. A monkey suddenly turned his head, and then was pulled by He Wen's neck and fell on, hitting the Monkey King.

When the monkey king looked up, he only saw the flying monkey, but did not see He Wen, who had dived into the monkey group.

The main reason is that He Wen saw that there were many monkeys in clothes here, which looked strange, but He Wen found an extremely dangerous way, that is, tore off a piece of clothes to cover his head and face and squeeze in. Fortunately, everyone's eyes were not on He Wen. Otherwise, his simplicity Even fools can see the dress, not to mention the wisdom of these monkeys is becoming more and more developed.