Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 1 Portable Space

Zhang Yu is a very ordinary student in her junior year of DZ University. She has an ordinary family, ordinary appearance, ordinary grades and popularity. The only unusual thing she has to say is that she studies ancient literature. Zhang Yu worships and yearns for the ancient culture of Z country, and likes to study the ancient times of Z country very much. The culture, studying the deep connotation, also led to her very ordinary relationship with those roommates who love shopping, makeup, clothing and comparison in the dormitory. In their eyes, she is a weirdo and a nerd. In addition, Zhang Yu is a rural child. For them who have lived in the prosperous H city since childhood, farmers The village represents backwardness and is synonymous with unsighted hillbilities. Zhang Yu also doesn't spend much time dressing up because of family reasons. He only knows how to read and study ancient literature. As a result, Zhang Yu's sense of existence is extremely weak in their eyes and their relationship with each other is very cold. After a long time, Zhang Yu will not be here. In contrast, she has a relationship that loves her parents and siblings very much, which soothes her heart and makes her more aware of the value of family affection. In her heart, her family is more important than everything else.

Zhang Yu has unique insights and profound attainments in ancient literature. She is always low-key and stable. Therefore, she is deeply loved by the old professors in the Department of Literature. Among them, Professor Chen especially cares her. When he learned that Zhang Yu was looking for a part-time job, he asked her to be his assistant to help him do something. Zhang Yu learned a lot from the work of translating and cracking ancient texts, and his salary was also very high. Zhang Yu was very satisfied with this job and was also full of gratitude to Professor Chen.

Zhang Yu's parents are authentic rural people. There are three children in the family. Zhang Yu is the second. She has an older sister and a younger brother. With the continuous development of the economy of Z country and the gradual improvement of rural living standards, people know more and more about the importance of knowledge. Therefore, Zhang Yu's parents spared no effort to cultivate their children, hoping that they can achieve something in the future. Among their siblings, Zhang Yu's academic performance is the best, and she is the only one. I was admitted to college. Because of the economic situation of Zhang Yu's family, I couldn't afford the tuition fees of the three people. After Zhang Yu's sister and brother were not admitted to college, they decisively ended their studies and chose to learn a technology that they relied on for a living. The children in the countryside have been in charge of the family for a long time. Now, her sister and brother have Self-work. Zhang Yu's sister Zhang Yi became an accountant in a rural hospital and got married when she was a freshman. Her husband worked as a chef in the county and was a good person. Soon after, she gave birth to a lively and lovely baby named Wang Haoyu. She lived a very happy life. Zhang Jian, my younger brother, got a driver's license after graduation and drove in the county. His treatment was not bad. His parents farmed at home. In recent years, Zhang Yu himself also worked part-time at school, so there was no burden at home. In her sophomore year, her family finally built a two-and-a-half-story building like her neighbors, because there were many rooms. Zhang Yu's father specially built a study for her on the second floor and asked someone to make a large bookshelf for her to store her beloved collection. Zhang Yu liked it very much.

Everything is fine at home. Only Zhang Yu is studying alone. She is alone. Her family cares about her very much. They will call her as soon as they are free. The warmth of her family comforts Zhang Yu's heart, and she no longer forced herself to integrate into her roommates. She studies ancient literature every day and discusses ancient literature knowledge with Professor Chen. Her life is also very fulfilling. Unconsciously, Zhang Yu is now a junior.

That night, after returning to the dormitory, Zhang Yu took out her beloved Tao Te Ching and read it. This was her bedtime homework every night before she went to college. Now reading the Tao Te Ching before going to bed has gradually become a habit of Zhang Yu. Unfortunately, Zhang Yu failed to keep her habit today. Because, when she saw the eleventh article, there was a loud noise outside, lightning flashing, and a powerful lightning crossed the sky. After that, there was only darkness left in the dormitory. Suddenly, the whole dormitory building was quiet, followed by an uproar. It turned out that lightning destroyed the line and went down again. The heavy rain has brought great difficulties to the maintenance work. In this case, the chance of calling at night is almost zero.

Zhang Yu quietly looked at the heavy rain outside the window. On this dark rainy night, her heart was slightly uneasy. The rain in H city has lasted for nearly a month, but there is no sign of stopping. Not only H city, but also the climate in Z country has been very abnormal recently, with heavy snowstorms, earthquakes, freezing rain and floods. , waterlogging, mudslides, etc., all kinds of natural disasters are emerging one after another, and rumors about the end of the world in 2012 are spreading everywhere on the Internet, and even the special group of "waiting for the dead" has appeared. Compared with other places in Z country, H City is lucky and has not been affected before. In the past, Zhang Yu felt that these rumors were very pompous and untrue, and felt that these things were far away from him. However, the recent abnormal weather in H City made Zhang Yu a little uneasy and restless.

I sorted out my thoughts, withdrew my sight, and listened to the complaints around me, such as how inconvenient it is to have no electricity, how happy I am to chat with a very handsome boy, but suddenly the power went out, what a pity it is, etc. Zhang Yu did not realize that Ling Ran laughed, not that the sky collapsed and there was a tall man was holding it. She felt that she was so worried, so she decided to forget her troubles and go to bed.

Lying on **, Zhang Yu unconsciously remembered the Tao Te Ching that she had not finished reading. At that time, she happened to see the eleventh article. Zhang Yu was already familiar with the content of the Tao Te Ching, and the content of the eleventh article immediately came to her mind:

"Thirty spokes in one hub, when there is nothing, it is useful for a car."

"If you think it's a weapon, if it's useless."

"If you think of a room, it's useless to have a room."

"Therefore, it is beneficial, but it is useless."

These words mean that a wheel made of 30 spokes can be used to load axles in an empty place, so that the car can play a role. The utensils burned with soil are empty, so you can put things in it, so that you can have the function of utensils. Open the window to make a recipe, which is empty, so you can put things and live in it, so that the house can play a role. Summary: The tangible place provides convenience, and the invisible place plays a role. It can be seen that the tangible place is just a convenience set up to achieve the purpose, and the place where it really works is really empty.

When recalling the content of the eleventh article, Zhang Yu already had a faint sleepiness and was confused. She did not continue to recall the content of the twelfth article, but kept recalling in her heart: "When it is nothing, it is useful. When it is nothing, it can be used. When there is nothing, there is a room. Therefore, it is beneficial and useless. When it is nothing, when it is nothing, when it is nothing, nothing is useless, nothing is useless, nothing is useless..." Finally, Zhang Yu finally fell asleep.

The next morning, Zhang Yu failed to get up on time. It happened that she didn't have class this morning, and the other girls in the dormitory didn't care too much about her. Therefore, when she woke up, it was almost noon, and she was the only one in the dormitory. As soon as Zhang Yu woke up, she felt weak, had a splitting headache, and her mouth was dry. She remembered to pour herself a glass of water to drink. However, as soon as she sat up, she felt dizzy. When she recovered, she found herself in nothingness. There was nothing in this void, and even time seemed to be still. , there was no sound around. Zhang Yu unconsciously opened her mouth, but did not make any sound. She couldn't help shouting, but still didn't make any sound. All this made her feel bursts of panic. Zhang Yu's first feeling was that she was dead. Did she die like this? It's so easy and worthless. She was so unwilling that she desperately wanted to escape from this void. Unexpectedly, she really came out. After coming out, Zhang Yu calmed down and looked around. There was nothing. She was obviously still in her dormitory and sitting in her **.

"It turns out that I didn't die at all."


Zhang Yu took a long breath.

What happened just now makes people feel so real, especially in that void. Everything does not exist, and even time is still and stops passing. Zhang Yu was in the void, and the surroundings were silent and very terrible. She felt so weak. Now, looking at the familiar environment around her and listening to the familiar rain outside the window, she felt so happy that people really knew how to cherish it after losing it. However, what happened just now? Did I just wake up and have a headache and have hallucinations? Zhang Yu couldn't help thinking about it in his heart.

Zhang Yu began to recall what had just happened. When she thought of the void again, an amazing thing happened again. Zhang Yu entered the void just now. However, this time she calmed down a lot. Instead, she looked at the void calmly and carefully. Zhang Yu found that the whole void was spherical, and the internal space was not large, about 100 cubic meters. There was a vacuum inside, nothing, no air, no moisture, and time was still, and she did not really enter this space, because she knew that she could not exhale at all in such a void. Suck, the discomfort that just woke up could not be felt here at all. Finally, she found that she only consciously entered this space, and her body did not come in. She looked at the place outside the void space and saw that there were white clouds outside the space, which could not be seen clearly. She controlled her consciousness and came to the edge of the space and wanted to touch the white fog with her own hands. However, the white fog seemed to be separated by a layer of boundary. When her hand was about to approach, After being bounced back, Zhang Yu couldn't do it, so he had to give up. Zhang Yu looked around again and finally found nothing. Therefore, she thought in her heart as before: I want to go out, and then her consciousness returned to her body again.

As soon as Zhang Yu's consciousness returned, bursts of weakness came towards her. Originally, when she woke up, her body was uncomfortable, the shock in the void, and her consciousness was separated from the body. After staying in the space for a while, she looked even weaker. Although Zhang Yu's body is very weak at this time, these can't hide her inner excitement and excitement at this moment. Everything just showed that she had a portable space after waking up. Although the volume of this space is not particularly large, in order to create this portable space, her current body becomes very weak, but All this is so magical and happy for the ordinary Zhang Yu. Everyone wants to be different. Although Zhang Yu is ordinary, her heart also yearns for these.

After being excited, Zhang Yu ate something and recovered his physical strength and spirit. After that, he began to test his ability in this space. She picked up her favorite Tao Te Ching and imagined putting the book into her own space with her consciousness. Then, the Tao Te Ching in her hand really disappeared. She immediately checked the space with her own consciousness and saw that the Tao Te Ching was quietly floating in the space at this moment. Zhang Yu was very satisfied with this. Next, she tried her clothes, food, etc., which could be put in separately. However, when she tried to put in living objects, such as a pot of aloe vera raised in her bedroom, it failed. Zhang Yu did not give up and tried again, but it still failed. The pot of aloe vera still stayed in her hand. , it was useless to disappear. Zhang Yu knew that there was no air, no water, time was static, and it was not suitable for the growth of plants. Therefore, Zhang Yu guessed in his heart that this might be the reason for failure. "It seems that my space can't be taken in anything. Living things should I can't put it in, just like myself, and my body can't enter my own space. Zhang Yu concluded in his heart.

Zhang Yu wanted to do some other experiments on her space, but unfortunately, her roommates came back one after another, so she had to stop the experiment. Through her own personal experience, Zhang Yu concluded that her space ability should be related to her body and consciousness, and the three complement each other. Therefore, she decided to start working hard to exercise herself to improve her space ability. But how to exercise herself? As soon as her eyes moved, she had a plan. Zhang Yu's younger brother Zhang Jian is a fan of ancient martial arts. He has been shouting that he wants to be a martial arts master since he was a child. Although in today's society, his dream is doomed to be realized, and in the end, he just became a driver. However, as he grows older, he can't dispel his enthusiasm and persistence in ancient martial arts. Zhang Jian took painstakingly to accept After collecting a lot of "martial arts secrets" and becoming a driver, he had some capital and even collected a few "famous knives". Zhang Yu's parents felt that their children were driving outside and met many people. Dragons and snakes were complicated. It was appropriate to learn some martial arts to defend themselves, so they did not stop him. After that, Zhang Jian kept working hard to practice, which was really He became a famous "master of martial arts". Ordinary people can't get to his side, and there are few opponents in the surrounding villages. Since these secrets can make Zhang Jian a master, Zhang Yu will not be weaker than Zhang Jian with his own mind and efforts. Zhang Yu's plan is to ask Zhang Jian for his "secrets of martial arts" and then improve her strength. She thought that Zhang Jian should not refuse her!

Here, Zhang Yu went to eat with a happy mood, but Zhang Jian, who was driving, suddenly sneezed. He rubbed his nose and muttered. He only thought that when he got up early today, he was in a hurry and wore fewer clothes. He didn't care too much. He also thought It's noon. What should I eat later? I didn't know that my second sister was thinking about the "secrets of martial arts" that he regarded as a treasure at this time.