Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 6 Evolution

Early on the National Day, Zhang Yu went out with her backpack on her back. This time, she went out lightly. There were only simple clothes and toiletries in her backpack, and most of the things were put into her portable space.

Zhang Yu arrived at the meeting point at about 5:45, which was relatively early. At this time, only a few people came to the meeting place. Zhang Yuping paid little attention to other things except ancient Chinese. Therefore, in this teaching and research room, in addition to Professor Chen, Professor Long, Long Xiang, and other people They were all nodding friends and didn't say much. This time, she was also the only young man who went to work at the base as an assistant. Other people sighed about her good luck because of jealousy and didn't care about her. Zhang Yu, who understood these, would not find it boring for himself. Therefore, after arriving at the meeting place, she was She found a window seat in the car. At the same time, she also helped Professor Chen take a seat and began to eat her breakfast slowly.

The head informed everyone that the meeting time was 6 o'clock in the morning, but when all the staff arrived, it was 6:20. Although he didn't say anything, he just sent a concise notice to leave, but his face was not very good. Chief Xiang has been in power for a long time, with a strong aura and his unhappiness, which made the atmosphere in the whole car a little depressing. Professor Chen also came late. At this time, he was eating his own breakfast, but after seeing Chief Xiang's appearance, he had to put his breakfast back, just simply drank some drinks to deal with himself. Breakfast. After that, under the strong aura of Chief Xiang, the people in the car were silent all the way to the base. This incident made everyone very disappointing and made the people who were originally very excited. ** then fade away a lot. Most people felt that the people in the government were very difficult to get along with each other and were too disrespectful to them. They were only temporary. The cooperative relationship is not a clear relationship between superiors and subordinates. This time, the country also asked them to help, but looking at the current situation, is this an invitation? No one expected that things would develop into what they are now. Before the cooperation began, there was a gap between the two sides. It seems that this cooperative research will cause some twists and turns, and it will not be too smooth.

Zhang Yu is also very dissatisfied with the people of the government. Professor Chen is so old that he has been unable to have breakfast. This incident made Zhang Yu very unhappy, but she is soft and there is nothing she can do. At present, she can only endure it, but she wrote down all this and decided to go to the base this time. Duoduo came out of something from there, so that he could be worthy of himself. The car drove for about 2 hours in everyone's silence and finally arrived at the so-called base. What Zhang Yu didn't expect was that the base was really located in the deep mountains, but it was surrounded by mountains on three sides. The base was located in the middle of the mountain pass. The whole base had only one exit, and the management at the door was very strict. If you want to go out, you can only use one word to describe "difficult". Looking around, Zhang Yu found that the environment here was very good. The mountains on three sides were full of all kinds of trees. The air was very fresh. There was also a small river next to the base, and the water flowed very rapid. Zhang Yu guessed that there might be a waterfall upstream, and the water in this river flowed down from there.

took a deep breath, and Zhang Yu got out of the car with the others. I handed in my personal belongings (all electronic equipment, metal personal belongings, etc.) at the entrance, and then did a full-body scan to detect whether anyone was carrying contraband, etc. The whole testing process was very boring. However, some things happened during this period that made Zhang Yu feel very bitter, such as the belts of some people during the test. The buckle is metal, so they have to leave their belt. It doesn't matter to leave the belt, but there is a middle-aged teacher whose waist circumference of his trousers is a little big. If he wears a belt, it doesn't matter. However, his belt has metal products, so he was detained. After that, he has a cup and must always Be vigilant and carefully grab your trousers with your own hands to prevent it from falling off. Speaking of which, this teacher was a little pitiful, but Zhang Yu thought it was quite funny when he looked so cautious and vigilant. There is another one who makes Zhang Yu speechless. He is an older man. Everyone knows that when he gets older, his body is prone to some problems. For example, his teeth are not good, which is a common problem for the elderly. His teeth are lost and there are many inconveniences, so this one set himself with Several alloy teeth, which were originally an undeniable thing, but during the inspection, those instruments would not let him go because of this, so the old man also drank the cup. He was isolated to another inspection place. Zhang Yu also sympathized with the old man.

Such as not to mention others, Zhang Yu's inspection was very smooth (because most of her things were placed in her personal space, and the things around her were just made), she successfully entered the base, issued room cards, and then was arranged into a small room. Although the area of this house is not large, the facilities are very complete, with independent bathroom equipment and a small balcony. Zhang Yu is very satisfied. There are also two sets of white coats in the room. There are her * and identity magnetic cards on the table. It is said that for security and confidentiality, only people with magnetic cards can enter the work area. After observing her room, Zhang Yu felt a little hungry. She looked at the time and found that it was almost 12 o'clock and it was time for dinner. This morning, because of the early gathering, Zhang Yu ate breakfast very early. By now, she was already hungry, so she quickly walked to the restaurant.

In the afternoon, they were taken to the work area, and it was not until this time that they were informed of the content of the work. This time, their work is mainly to study and decipher the text on an ancient tripod that has just been discovered in order to open the lid of the ancient tripod. According to relevant personnel, this ancient tripod was found in a disaster area. In recent years, the global climate has become very abnormal. Now not only the climate, but also the crust has changed. This ancient tripod is an officer and soldier of a rescue force, which was found during the rescue mission. It is said that this ancient tripod appeared very suddenly and strangely. It emerged from the ground by itself. Not only that, it was said that when it appeared, it was accompanied by dazzling light. At that time, the officers and soldiers who found this situation immediately reported the matter to their officers. The army used a lot of methods to open the god. The lid of the strange ancient tripod to see if there was anything in it. Unfortunately, it failed. Finally, the ancient tripod was sent to this base. After preliminary appraisal by some experts, they guessed that what was contained in the ancient tripod was related to today's natural changes and was a key to grasp the great climate change.

This matter is not small for countries. Now countries all over the world are looking for the cause of natural changes. If country Z can take a step ahead in this field and make a breakthrough, it will definitely bring great advantages to country Z. Zhang Yu and his group of people's job is to translate the words on Gu Ding to see what is said and whether there is a way to open Gu Ding.

After listening to the person in charge of the base's explanation for a long time, finally, Zhang Yu looked at this magical ancient tripod. He saw that the ancient tripod was about 14 centimeters high and 13 centimeters wide, with a rectangular body, flat folded edges, tied neck, double ears, covered, flat bottomed, four columns and four pillars of feet under it. The four sides of the abdomen were decorated with letters and animal-shaped carvings, beast-shaped. The carving is in the middle, and the words are surrounded by the carving.

After reading the whole ancient tripod and looking at the so-called lid, I don't know why Zhang Yu felt that the lid was a little strange, especially its material. The whole ancient tripod is bronze, and the color is yellow and black. Although the words and carving techniques on this lid are very consistent with the tripod, it does look like a set, but there has always been a voice in Zhang Yu's heart telling her that they are different. Through observation, Zhang Yu really found some subtle differences. She found a faint texture on this lid. Through past experience, she can be sure that these textures are different from the texture of metal, and it feels a little like the rings of a tree, but she is not completely sure.

In the next few days, Zhang Yu and others were busy translating the words on the ancient tripod. Most of these words were seal engraving, mixed with some oracle bones. This ancient tripod should have been buried underground for a long time. Some of the words on it have been corrupted by years, which has brought a lot to the translation work. It's inconvenient, so the work hasn't progressed much. In the past few days, in order to confirm her doubts, Zhang Yu is also constantly studying the material of the ancient tripod lid. After careful research and observation, she came to the conclusion that the material of this lid is more than 50% wood.

After lunch that day, Zhang Yu took advantage of the rest time and came to Gu Ding again. She decided to confirm it one last time. If the lid was really wooden, she would tell Professor Chen about her findings. Zhang Yu approached Gu Ding. She took off her work gloves, slowly stroked the lid of Gu Ding with her fingers, and felt its material carefully. Involuntarily, she closed her eyes and slowly touched the tripod cover with her spiritual strength. When Zhang Yu's spiritual power touched the tripod cover, her spiritual strength Suddenly, he was sucked in by Gu Ding, and then the whole Gu Ding suddenly emitted a dazzling white light. With the white light, Zhang Yu felt that something flew out of the Gu Ding and came towards him. For his own safety, Zhang Yu subconsciously locked this thing with his spiritual power and included it into his own body. Space.

When Zhang Yu put this intruding thing into his portable space, the light of the ancient tripod converged, and the gap between the lid was recongated, but the lid and the ancient tripod no longer had the previous feeling of close connection and integration. With the disappearance of the things inside, the ancient tripod became ordinary, and now Any person can open it, and at this time, Zhang Yu can no longer notice these changes, because when she put the things emerging from the ancient tripod into her own portable space, she only felt pain all over her body, especially her brain, as if it was about to explode, and it happened in her portable space. After a huge energy fluctuation, she shouted and fell to the ground and fell unconscious.

These things seemed to be a lot. In fact, they happened in an instant. Zhang Yu's shouting finally attracted the attention of others, and she was quickly sent to the infirmary. In fact, the pain at that time did not make Zhang Yu completely unconscious. She knew that if her spirit After the force enters her own portable space, she can temporarily escape the influence of the body on the spirit. Therefore, when her endurance reaches the limit, she escapes into her own portable space.

After entering the space, she found that there were great changes in it. The huge energy fluctuations made her space more than ten times larger, becoming about 2,000 cubic meters. Not only that, her space is now divided into two parts, one of which maintains the attributes of the original space and is an empty space. Zhang Yuyi Everything put in the front is put inside. This empty space is much larger than before, and now it is about 600 cubic meters. The remaining space is occupied by the unknown object, and the two chambers resist and occupy one side.

Zhang Yu looked at the unknown object. It was not until then that she could see the original appearance of the unknown object. It turned out that this thing was a small tripod, which was different from the ancient tripod she had studied before. This tripod was a three-legged round tripod with two ears and a round lid on it. It was this thing that occupied most of her space. Zhang Yu quietly felt everything in the space. Soon she found that it was not the tripod that occupied the space, but the thing in the tripod. So she opened the round tripod and saw something flying out of the tripod, like a seed. When the seed touched her own space, it opened. She began to quickly absorb the space energy of her space, causing layers of ripples in her space, and then the seed grew quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, taking root, sprouting, branching, blooming, and finally turning into a beautiful lotus flower, and the three-legged tripod began to integrate into her space.

After the round tripod was fully integrated, the space has undergone earth-shaking changes again. First of all, the space has expanded again by about ten times, becoming a hundred times the size of the previous space, which is 20,000 cubic meters. Secondly, in the space occupied by the lotus, a large area of fertile land appeared, covering the whole space, and the lotus flower slowly fell from the air and took root in the core of the land. Then a small pool appeared on the land, and the lotus flower appeared in the middle of the pool.

These incredible changes stunned Zhang Yu! Zhang Yu experienced the great changes in her personal space in the space. What she didn't know was that the outside had been in a mess because of what she had done before. The change of Gu Ding not only shocked the head, but also the top leader of this base, and our Zhang Yu was lying in the medical room at this moment, unconscious. .