Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 14 Zhang Yu's worries

Zhang Yu thought that human evolution only happened when the end of the world came, but he didn't expect that these changes had been carried out silently unconsciously, such as himself and her brother now, which is an obvious example. Although Lianhua said that the proportion of evolutionists was not high, Zhang Yu was still very worried.

Zhang Yu remembers that on January 10, 2008, there were huge ice and snow disasters in Z country, such as low temperature, rain, snow, freezing and other disasters, which caused huge losses to the whole country. At that time, the disasters in various places were broadcast on TV all day long. In many places, they could not even make phone calls, and heavy snow sealed mountains, and many people were blocked at home. Transportation has stalled, flights have been cancelled, and many circuits have been frozen.

Zhang Yu was very impressed by the snow disaster. She remembered to take the bus, usually half an hour away. At that time, it took three hours to walk, and the car was driving at a turtle speed. Even so, there were still continuous car accidents.

She saw the sanitation workers sweeping the snow every day, but the road was still covered with thick snow. In the end, the snow was frozen on the road and could not even shovel the shovel, so she could only use a shovel.

The snowstorm was so huge and its scope was so wide that it left a very deep impression on Zhang Yu's heart. From then on, she began to notice the abnormal climate of Country Z. However, at that time, she thought it was just an accident, as the leader said in the news.

What she didn't expect was that on May 12, 2008, a major earthquake occurred in Wenchuan, directly affected by 100,000 square kilometers, and countless people died. Those photos on the Internet, all kinds of tragic conditions, made people cry.


Drought incident in September 2009: There is obviously little water coming from the Yangtze River Basin, and there is a serious drought in Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake. In many places, the surface is dry and cracked, grain production is reduced, and in some areas, people have become difficult for people to drink water.


Blizzard in the north in November 2009: The blizzard caused serious disasters in many provinces and cities. This incident was once in 60 years, and once in some cases in a hundred years.


On August 7, 2010, heavy rainfall suddenly fell in Zhouqu County, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, and the mudslide flow of Luojiayu and Sanyanyu in the north of the county seat rushed from north to south to the county, causing houses along the river to be washed away, and the mudslide blocked the Bailong River and formed a barrier lake.


and so on, Zhang Yu knew that there were many disasters during this period, but she only knew about some large-scale events. Even so, the number of natural disasters was very large.

In the past, she only looked at these things on TV and the Internet and felt that it was very far away from her life. However, this year, in 2011, this storm also began to hit the H market where Zhang Yu went to school. The continuous rain for several months was an obvious sign. Even Zhang Yu's hometown was also affected by There was a certain wave, and it was in this case that Zhang Jian had internal strength.

There are so many disasters. If people have begun to have special powers since the time of the snowstorm, how powerful their powers are now after such a long period of exercise!

If the disaster event is pushed forward to the global SARS event in 2003, it will last longer. Zhang Yu dares not think about this possibility.

The more he thought about it, the more Zhang Yu felt that things were beyond her imagination.

While thinking of these disasters, Zhang Yu also thought of various news he had recently read on the Internet, such as the "Peng Yu Incident", "Dad's name is Li Gang Incident", "Special Forces Escape Incident", "Murder Incident", "The Old Man Felled to the Ground and ignored" and so on. She found that it is not only the climate that has changed, but also people's minds are changing. Nowadays, people are becoming more and more impetuous, and their morality is becoming more and more demoral. Many people have lost themselves.

Are these things the manifestation of the "dead" of heaven and earth today? Therefore, heaven and earth must be reborn in nirvana, otherwise, if it goes on like this, the only thing to welcome it will be death.

Zhang Yu was confused. She originally wanted to tell her family what she had happened recently. However, the thinking habit developed by reading ancient books for many years made her infer this kind of thing after hearing her brother Zhang Jian's experience of internal strength, which made her more worried and uneasy.

However, she thought that even at a very early time, this mutation began, but things often have a common feature, that is, when the mutation first begins, the probability is very low. The further the development, the more mature the conditions will be. Only then will this mutation become stable and the probability will increase accordingly.

So, even if the emergence of powers from the time of SARS, then, at that time, the change has just begun, and the probability should be extremely low. Their number will certainly not be too large, and only when the end of the world comes, in the end of the world, will this probability be maximized.

However, Z country has a large population and a large base. Even if the probability is small, it should have accumulated a lot now. Some of these people, some of them, are their future competitors.

At present, although society is beginning to be calm, people are impetuous, and all kinds of negative emotions are full of it. However, most people's hearts are still stable. The moral norms formed over the years are not so easy and will be broken. People still abide by the basic formal rules. Those who have powers are also Like myself, I chose to hide and live an ordinary life.

"Now there are a total of three powers around me, one, my younger brother Zhang Jian and Xiaohei. In the current situation, as long as the lotus continues to release energy, the probability of evolution of Black Feather and White Sword is also very high. I now have so many fruits and vegetables with special energy in my hand. If the people on the side eat often, even if they can't mutate, they can still change their physique and strengthen their health. In addition, I have space to save a lot of materials. As long as we are well prepared, there is nothing to worry about in the end of the world. Finally, Zhang Yu concluded silently in his heart.

"Yes, there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, and the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge. Now, the first thing I need to do is to tell my family about the end of the world so that my family can start preparing now, and the god of luck always likes to take care of those who are prepared, isn't it?"

After thinking about it, Zhang Yu took a deep breath and settled his thoughts. She began to tell her family about her strange experiences during this period.