Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 7 Sheep

In summary: The storm finally blew to Zhang Yu's hometown, and the sheep in Zhang Yu's family were infected

Zhang Yu originally wanted to carefully elaborate the reasons for her uneasiness, hoping to find some clues and prevent them in advance. Unfortunately, she soon had no time to think about these things.

On this day, Zhang Yu went to the backyard to feed his sheep as usual, but found that one of the sheep was weak on the ground, while the other sheep were far away and did not dare to approach it, as if there was something terrible on it.

Zhang Yu felt that something was not good and immediately walked over to check the condition of the sheep.

After some inspection, Zhang Yu found that the sheep should have been infected, because the sheep had a fever, and after careful search, Zhang Yu found many bags tung by mosquitoes on the sheep.

During this period, Zhang Yu's family has insisted on cleaning the sheep pen every day. Unfortunately, the environment like the sheep pen still inevitably breeds some mosquitoes. This kind of thing can't be eliminated at all, and Zhang Yu has no way to deal with it.

During this period, she still often feeds food in the space so that these sheep can enhance their defense capabilities. Unfortunately, now it seems that it can't be prevented.

Zhang Yu quickly informed his family about the sheep. The family took a lot of effort, but in the end, the sheep was still doomed, so it didn't work.

This incident made the family's heart sink at once.

"Dad! Didn't the radio say that this matter was about to pass? Why did this happen to us here?" Zhang Jian was very puzzled.

"Yes, didn't those mutant mosquitoes and flies only live 20 days? Now the time is almost up! The county is far away from us. Those mosquitoes and flies can't fly here, right? Zhang's mother is also puzzled about this.

"How can you believe all those things on the radio!" Zhang Yu didn't have much hope for those broadcasts.

"Second sister! What do you think is going on? Isn't it? In the future, we will also defend against these mosquitoes! There are so many anti-mosquito grass planted at home!"

"I guess, but the mosquitoes here have also mutated. In short, everyone will be more careful in the future, especially Xiao Haoyu lives here now. His resistance is poor and he needs more attention." Zhang Yu thought for a moment.

"What? The mosquitoes here have also mutated. Didn't we play such a thing in the future? After hearing Zhang Yu's words, Zhang Jian shouted.

"If so, then we will also be uneasy here, alas!" Zhang's father sighed.

"Dad! Why on earth do you raise so many sheep? Zhang Yu is very confused about this question. He has asked many times before, but unfortunately, Zhang's father has not told her yet.

"You have asked so many times, and now I tell you that there is nothing!" Zhang's father replied.

"Oh! What the hell is going on, Dad? I'm also curious!" Zhang Jian also hurriedly expressed his interest.

"Speaking of which, at that time, I didn't know why I bought so many kinds like that!" Zhang's father recalled.

"Ah! Dad, you don't know yourself!" Zhang Jian was surprised.

"..." Zhang Yu was also speechless about this.

"Of course not." Zhang's father stressed. I remember that when I went to the city to do business that day, somehow I walked into Xinhua Bookstore and happened to see a book there.

"It is said that it is about ancient sacrifices, blessing and so on, and the above is exactly the explanation of sheep."

"Remember that it says: "Sheep" and "Lucky" are all fake." Sheep, auspicious, so it is used as auspicious gifts." Hanshu • Nanyue Zhi: "At the time of Wei Tuo, there were five-colored sheep, and they thought it was Rui."

"There is also a legend that during the reign of King Yi of Zhou, five immortals rode five sheep holding six strings of grain ears to Chuting (Guangzhou ancient name) and gave grain ears to people, wishing there would never be famine here. The fairy's words disappeared, and the sheep turned into stone.

"Qin Han Jinshi mostly takes sheep as "auspicious" and "auspicious" written as "Jiyang". Even people call the coat of the mother who gave birth to the fetus " amniotic membrane" and the ** for the life of the fetus is called " amniotic fluid".

"In idioms and many folk arts, sheep also represent auspiciousness. Such as "Sanyang Kaitai". The Book of Changes takes the first month as the Thai hexagram, and Sanyang was born below. Winter goes to the spring solstice, the yin and yang are long, and there is an auspicious image. Therefore, "Sanyang Kaitai" or "Sanyang Jiaotong" is the first auspicious word of the year.

Zhang's father talked about a large paragraph of the legend about sheep, and Zhang Yu also heard about these things for the first time. However, she still doesn't know why her father bought sheep.

Seeing the confused expression of his family, Zhang's father continued, "After reading so many sheep legends, I didn't feel anything at that time and left like that. However, as soon as I came out of the bookstore, I happened to see a fortune teller."

"Dad, fortune teller, don't you believe those?" Zhang Yu was puzzled.

"Ye, I don't believe it, but somehow I suddenly ran over to tell fortunes that day." Zhang's father can't tell why he went to tell fortunes at that time.

"Oh, what did you count that day?" Zhang Yu asked.

Didn't you say it was going to end? I asked for peace." Zhang's father replied. Then, the fortune teller asked me to write a word to measure the word.

"I happened to read the legend of sheep. Didn't it say that "sheep" stands for "auspiciousness", so I wrote the word "sheep"." Zhang's father recalled the scene at that time.

"So, what did the fortune teller say?" Zhang's father's words completely picked up Zhang Jian's interest.

"That fortune-telling said a lot, but what he said was in ancient Chinese or something. I don't know what he meant. Now I can't remember what he said." Zhang's father replied.

"..." Hearing Zhang's father's words, Zhang Jian was speechless and immediately wither.

"I didn't hear those words clearly, but I still remember his explanation." Seeing Zhang Jian's expression, Zhang's father quickly continued. He means that if you want peace, the word "sheep" is very auspicious. He suggested that I buy some sheep and feed them well.

"Because I listened to him, Dad, you bought so many sheep at once." Zhang Yu was incredible about Zhang's father's behavior.

"Of course, that's more than that. He also said that sheep were used for sacrifice in ancient times and could offset disasters. He said that if there were sheep at home, when disasters came, these sheep could resist disasters for their families and protect their families' safety. When I listened at that time, I was a little moved." Zhang's father continued to explain.

"Originally, I was just a little moved, but it was so strange that day. After fortune-telling, I just walked not far and happened to meet a lamb seller. Now that I think about it, Zhang's father himself feels that what happened that day was unusual.

"When I saw the lambs, I went to ask about the price. As a result, the man said that he had to buy at least 10 sheep. He explained that he was reluctant to sell them, but an accident suddenly happened in his hometown. He was in urgent need of money, so he was eager to dispose of them at a low price."

"I saw that those sheep are really good, and the price he asked for was indeed lower than that of the market, so I was moved. Later, he said that if he bought all of them, they could get more discounts. I thought that if I bought more, I could prevent several more disasters. In addition, Xiaoyu just sent so much money to my family, so I bought them all. Zhang's father finally made the reason for the matter clear.

"You raise these sheep to use them to prevent disasters, so you won't let me kill them." Zhang Yu asked.

"Well, what happened that day, so coincidentally, I was more careful. Anyway, there is no harm." Zhang's father replied.

"Now a sheep is dead. If what the fortune teller said is really useful, who will it cover the disaster? Our family has eaten the special food produced in my space for so long, and these mosquitoes should have no effect on us. Zhang Yu asked.

"Isn't there still Haoyu?" At this time, Zhang's mother suddenly replied.

"Yes, and Xiao Haoyu!" Hearing Zhang's mother's words, Zhang Jian also echoed.

At this time, Zhang Yu thought of Haoyu. Haoyu is still young and sleepy, so he is not here. Zhang Yu didn't remember for a moment.

Thinking of Haoyu's small body and Zhang's father's words, Zhang Yu was shocked. Is what Zhang's father said true?


Now it's updated twice a day, and everyone's red tickets and collections are all smashed.