Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 12 Sled

In summary: The weather is very cold, and Zhang's father is worried about supplies for his relatives

Since Lao Wang's village head came out, everyone seems to be more and more careful. Since then, nothing has happened to freeze to death.

There is a big advantage in the countryside. Every family has a yard and can store a lot of sundries. After these things are burned, they can keep warm and make people live without hard in the cold winter, but people in big cities do not have such conditions

Listening to radio reports, the electricity in many large cities has also begun to stop. Without electricity, it is very difficult for life to fly in cities.

For example, without electricity, those who live in high-rise buildings have to climb dozens of stairs every time they go out because the elevator is not working. If they come back from shopping and climb the stairs with so many things, it is quite challenging.

For example, without electricity, it has become difficult for major supermarkets to pay, and people's shopping efficiency has been greatly reduced. Without electricity, those who don't like to carry cash with them can neither swipe cards nor withdraw money. In this way, they can't buy things. In short, after the power outage, the lives of people in big cities are suddenly disrupted.

Although the power outage will cause great inconvenience to people's lives, people can still bear it at the beginning. However, with the increase of power outages, many people can't stand it, because in such a cold winter, without electricity, they can't keep warm up. The weather is so cold, so people Protests began.

However, such a cold day has brought great inconvenience to maintenance, and there is another thing that makes people helpless, that is, even if it is repaired, in such weather, there will soon be problems again.

However, fortunately, the services in big cities and Zhang Yu's villages are incomparable. After a few days of power outage and knowing the pain of lack of electricity, the government quickly increased the protection measures for various lines and strengthened the intensity of maintenance, finally making the city bright again.

However, such a strong maintenance intensity has caused a great burden on the maintenance workers and cannot be so for a long time. Therefore, the government began to restrict the power supply. In a day, electricity can only be used within a fixed few hours. Even so, people calmly accept it. Nowadays, people are becoming more and more tolerant.

That day, during dinner, Zhang's mother suddenly raised a question, that is, she wanted to send some food and heating to her brother's house. It turned out that Zhang Yu's uncle's family was relatively small. At the time of the disaster, he did not dare to go out for safety. Therefore, during the summer harvest, a lot of food was not recovered in time. Although it had been hoarded before, there is not much food now.

"In the early winter, when we called, I asked him if he still had food. He said that there was still food. I also thought that life was peaceful now, and I didn't have to worry about the food problem, so I didn't insist on sending some to them, but now that the door can't come out. What should I do?" The more Zhang's mother thought about it, the more worried she became.

"Mom, you said uncle's house. Didn't he say that there was still food at home last time?" Zhang Jian said something strange.

"What do you know? As soon as I heard his tone that day, I knew that there must be not much food in his house. Before, I didn't care much about it, but I didn't expect that today, when I heard someone next door came to borrow food, I remembered this. Zhang's mother will look very annoyed.

"We have food at home, but in today's weather, how can you send it to his house? With such heavy snow, you can't drive at all. Zhang Jian is very embarrassed.

"But how can people survive on such a cold day if they don't have enough to eat?" Zhang's mother is very worried.

"Mom, don't worry, let's figure it out again!" Seeing that Zhang's mother was so worried, Zhang Yu quickly comforted her.

"Yes, think about it, but it can't be delayed for too long. I'm worried."

Next, the family began to discuss countermeasures. Unfortunately, after discussing for a long time, they failed to come up with a result. In the end, they had to finish it.

The next morning, when Zhang Yu got up early in the morning, he was about to go downstairs. Suddenly, he saw a man on the road dragging a thick door panel with some old furniture and other sundries on it. At a glance, Zhang Yu knew that this man collected these things for heating.

There are a lot of things, but this person does not seem to be difficult to pull. Looking at it, Zhang Yu suddenly came to his mind. I went downstairs with great interest.

"Dad! Dad! I came up with a solution." After seeing Zhang's father, Zhang Yu said excitedly.

"What's the idea?" Zhang's father was puzzled by Zhang Yu's headless words.

"That's what my mother said last night about sending food to my uncle's house. I have a way now." Zhang Yu explained.

"Oh, what's the solution?" Hearing Zhang Yu's words, Zhang's mother, who was beside her, hurriedly asked.

"It's just making a sleigh. We put things on it and pull it away."

"Sled?" Zhang's mother is puzzled.

"Yes, making a sled can be pulled by Dahei and Xiaohei. Although the two of them are not sled dogs, there is definitely no problem for them after evolution." Zhang Yu explained.

"This is a good way." After hearing this, Zhang's father agreed.

"We can just use the door panel to make a simple sleigh, only if it can carry people." There is Zhang Yu's portable space, and the size of the sled is so big that you don't have to care much about it.

"This is very simple to do, but it's so cold outside. There is no problem with big black and small black. People can't stand it." Zhang's father was a little hesitant when he thought of the weather.

"I have also figured this out. I can set up a shelf on the door panel and surround it with unventilated plastic cloth."

"Good, that's a good idea. That's it." Zhang's father replied.

After the decision was made, the family began to start construction. Sure enough, it was very fast. It didn't take long for a simple sleigh to be ready.

Zhang Yu sat on it and let Dahei and Xiaohei try it. The effect was quite good. In the past two days, after evolution, the dog was infinitely powerful and as light as a swallow. Even if he pulled a sled, on the thick snow, he acted like walking flat on the ground, which was very stable and fast.

After seeing that there was no problem, the family was finally relieved, and Zhang's mother urged them to send food to Uncle Zhang Yu's house today.

Of course, Zhang Yu and Zhang Jian are both evolutionists. Not to mention their physical fitness, Zhang Yu is responsible for carrying food, and Zhang Jian is responsible for safety on the road.

Although he knew that both of them were relatively cold-resistant, Zhang's mother was still worried. After they sat down, they took two more quilts and let them surround them before they set out.

The sister and brother sat on the sleigh, pulled by the two dogs and ran on the snow. Looking at the surrounding scenery constantly retreating, they felt very exciting and made people forget the cold for a moment.

To the surprise of the two, it snowed so heavily, but there were no pedestrians on the road. These people mostly come out to cut firewood nearby. The way they transport dry firewood is similar to that of Zhang Yu. They also make a board to drag on the snow. Unfortunately, they don't have the good luck of Zhang Yu. They have to walk in the snow with their own sleds, which is very difficult.

The speed of Zhang Yu's sled is very fast. People often see it and brush it. It flies past their side. Heavy snow flies, and there are sheds on the sled, which makes it impossible to see the inside of the sled.

They went all the way to their uncle's village. After entering the village, they found that the roads and houses in the village were also covered with snow. No one came out to clean them at all. The surroundings were white. Without the usual eye-catching signs, Zhang Yu and others took a lot of effort to find their uncle's house.

Yan Hu was very surprised by the arrival of the two of them. After knowing their intention, he was very moved.

Zhang Yu's "sled" is very rich in food, as well as some durable cabbage and radishes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc., as well as a bag of charcoal, as a lot of dried meat, sausages and so on. Yan Hu was very moved to see so many things.

I was also impressed by the two dogs that can pull so many things, and I think it's really difficult for them. He praised the two dogs very much.


Where's the red ticket? What about the collection? Come here!!! I really need you!!! Everyone, please support the flying sky.