Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 32 Surprise

Summary: Zhang Yu found the real meaning of inviting God's possession, and also found a thing that surprised Zhang Yu.

Although Zhang Yu's spiritual power was consumed a lot and her face was not very good, she looked very excited. Originally, she only wanted to come to the peep ceremony because she was a little curious. Maybe she didn't expect that she would see such a magical thing.

Seeing Zhang Yu's expression at this time, Zhang Jian guessed that she must have seen something good. He hurriedly asked, "Sister, what have you seen? Say it and listen to it?"

Although Long Xiang was also curious, he did not make a sound, but looked at Zhang Yu with curious eyes.

"This matter is really not simple. It's completely different from what I thought at the beginning." Looking at the crowd around, Zhang Yu said again, "You can't talk about this here. Don't worry. I will definitely tell you all when I go back." After saying that, she turned her head and looked at the open temple gate, with uncertain light in her eyes.

"Oh, I see." Seeing Zhang Yu like this, Zhang Jian knew that he couldn't ask anything now.

"Let's go, let's go and worship God." After thinking for a while, Zhang Yu decided to go in and feel it in person.

"Go in and worship God, sister, haven't you ever believed these before?" Hearing Zhang Yu's words, Zhang Jian was very confused.

"It used to be, but now it is now." Zhang Yu replied.

"Isn't it related to what you just saw in it?" Long Xiang guessed.

"It's really related to that. These statues are really enlightened, and gods have come here to move in." Zhang Yu thought for a moment.

"Sister, what are you talking about?" Zhang Jian was shocked.

"Really?" Even Long Xiang was shocked when he heard Zhang Yu's words.

"Ye, really, and the gods also blessed the people inside. Even the man surnamed Gong was blessed. Zhang Yudao.

"It turns out that there are really gods in the world who will bless people." Zhang Jian felt very incredible.

Long Xiang also felt that this matter was beyond his understanding, but because he didn't know what had happened, he was a little skeptical at this time.

"Let's go. Let's go in and pray for blessings." After saying that, Zhang Yu took the lead in walking towards the temple.

Zhang Jian and Long Xiang looked at each other and followed Zhang Yu.

When three people came to the temple gate, it was already full of people. Everyone had been waiting outside before, but now after the ceremony, they came immediately. Zhang Yu and the three looked at the current momentum and knew that it would take some time to line up to the three.

Zhang Yu took advantage of this gap and looked at the statue in the temple. She found that after a while, there was already a faint divine light on the statue, which was different from what she saw.

She found that whenever someone prays sincerely, there will be more light on the statue, and the statue will also give back part to those who pray, but the lack of feedback will get one-tenth, so there are more and more divine light on the statue.

The statue has people's blessings and wishes. In addition, when people pray, they are much more sincere than in the past, and the light on the statue grows rapidly.

Zhang Yu remembers that it is recorded in an ancient book that whenever the world is in chaos, it is when ghosts and gods come out and run rampant. The ancients of Z believed that when the world is peaceful, the luck of a country is very stable, and ghosts and gods are inviolable. When the country is unstable, the luck will be chaotic and weak. At this time, ghosts and gods will take the opportunity to run rampant or absorb believers.

So, is it a ghost or a god invited by your village now? If they slowly absorb the power of the villagers' devout faith and become stronger and stronger, is it a curse or a blessing for their small village?

For a while, Zhang Yu's heart was full of thoughts. At this time, she suddenly remembered the sentence that Lotus said to her before she fell asleep: "If you know nothing, you know that there is nothing. If you know nothing, you know that there is nothing. Therefore, I don't respect the outstanding trip without subtle words. She has long been familiar with this sentence, but she has never understood the meaning that the lotus wants to convey to her.

At this time, somehow, this sentence suddenly came to her mind. In ancient times, the story of gods and ghosts is awe-inspiring. So, what should we solve the sentence of the lotus: not respecting the outstanding trip at this time? When he went in to pray for blessings for a while, did he hold awe or a heart of "unrespectable travel"? At this time, Zhang Yu was a little uncertain.

To achieve "a trip without respect", you must complete the previous requirements: "If you know nothing, you know nothing, and if you know nothing, you know nothing." Zhang Yu believes that he can't do this at present, but Zhang Yu doesn't want to worship God blindly.

Time, in Zhang Yu's thinking, unconsciously passed, and it was finally the turn of the three of them to enter. Zhang Yu thought for a moment and settled down. Finally, he decided to follow the words of the lotus. Zhang Yu thought that Lianhua would not tell herself this sentence for no reason. Now that she has said it, there must be a deep meaning in it.

When he entered, Zhang Yu did not pray to the statue, but sent a friendly greeting to the statue with an equal identity, hoping to communicate with the god.

The result is unexpected. She found that the statue was empty, and there was no specific thinking in it. There was only a simple instinct. This instinct was to absorb the pious belief of those who prayed to her, and then responded to this belief. This kind of god was not what Zhang Yu thought.

This kind of god is not like the spirit promoted by the village. Looking at the current appearance, it is not that a god has really come as Zhang Yu began to think, but more like people have shaped a god out of thin air. This feeling is very subtle.

After Zhang Yu scanned all the statues with his own spiritual power, suddenly, a sentence surged into her heart: "Nothing is heaven, nothing is life. Nothing is not divine, nothing is mysterious. If things are like this, how can people be different? Everyone can be called heaven, everyone can be called a god, and everyone can be fatal and mysterious.

Zhang Yu suddenly had a sense of sudden enlightenment. It turns out that people can also be so great. Everyone can be gods, and everyone can incarnate the god in their hearts through prayer. By this time, she had some understanding of the meaning of the steps in the ceremony.

The statue itself is a mortal thing, but it uses red lines to represent the world. The purest ideas of people in the world are input into the statue through some spells, seal these ideas with runes, and slowly nurture them to combine these ideas into one and become a On the whole, it has a certain divinity. In the future, through continuous worship and blessing, the divinity in these statues will become stronger and stronger.

It is more appropriate to say that the whole ceremony is to invite gods than to human beings to create gods. However, Zhang Yu opened the defects of this ceremony at a glance. This method is not very effective in peacetime, because in peacetime, everyone lives and works in peace, and few people come to worship. Even if they come, it contains too many utilitarian elements in it, which is not as religious as in troubled times.

After figured out the joints in it, Zhang Yu relaxed. It turned out that the so-called god was like this. It was not the kind of fairy who had great magical power, profound wisdom and lived for many years.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu couldn't help smiling and felt that he was really deeply influenced by TV and books. I'm scared, but on second thought, if people still often come here to worship in the future, maybe these statues may really evolve to that extent.

However, such a god has a big weakness, that is, he is very limited by people's thoughts. The more people believe in his existence, the more pious he will be, the stronger his power will be. On the contrary, if people don't believe in his existence and no one comes to worship, then he will become weaker and weaker, even , disappear, after all, he is just a product of human ideas.

Zhang Yu understands why all kinds of gods appear in troubled times, and now all kinds of gods have disappeared. The more troubled the people are, the more they suffer and need the sustenance of the soul. Therefore, they began to ask God to embrace Buddha, such as now. In peace, people do not need the blessing of the gods to live well and work in peace. Therefore, all kinds of gods have disappeared.

This is why some temples that used to be rumored to be very effective are becoming more and more invinctive now, because the gods inside have disappeared.

Human wisdom is so great that it can conclude such a set of god-making rituals. Zhang Yu can't help but have deep admiration for the ancients.

After calming down, Zhang Yu began to study the nature of the divine light on the statue. At that time, at the end of the ceremony, several people who presided over the ceremony were blessed by the divine light. The blessing at that time and the energy of people's prayer feedback now are not of the same nature. Unfortunately, at that time, Zhang Yu was bound by previous experience. He was in awe and did not dare to go up to check and missed a rare opportunity.

Zhang Yu guessed that the feedback at that time should be a kind of feedback from the gods to thank those who created them. It was the existence of merit, which would make people protect themselves with merit in the future. She guessed that Gong might have come for this merit.

Zhang Yu slowly concentrated his spiritual power on the divine light and wanted to analyze the nature of the divine light. What Zhang Yu did not expect was that when his spiritual power came into contact with this divine light, this divine light was suddenly absorbed by his own space.

My space was actively absorbing this divine light, which shocked Zhang Yu. She hurriedly explored her spiritual power into the space, which really surprised her.


I have read a lot about ghosts recently, so I wrote down some of my thoughts. I think my guess is quite reasonable. If you think my idea is really reasonable, please help me collect, red tickets, book reviews, and rewards. ^_^