Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 42 Decisive

In summary: The dangerous unknown is disturbing. After some thought and discussion, everyone finally made a decision

Time is never transferred by human will. The more you care about it, the faster you will feel it passes. A great man once said, "Life is like a dream, a hundred years in a blink of an eye." For Zhang Yu's family, although it would not be a hundred years in a blink of an eye, a few days passed in the blink of an eye, and at this time, the Zhang Yu family still did not make a decision.

However, in the past few days, the family has not been completely wasted. Zhang Yu went to Zhang Yi's house and told her about this unknown and dangerous thing, so that she could also discuss some plans for the future with her family in these days.

Long Xiang called his family and brother separately, asked about the recent situation there, and asked if the animals there had any abnormal behaviors recently.

Unfortunately, the identity of the two is not ordinary after all, so they have not paid attention to these small things at all. Hearing this result made Long Xiang very worried, so he selectively described the matter here.

Long Zheng trusted his brother very much. The last time he was asked to store grain, although the reason sounded also ridiculous, the result was the best evidence, so this time he immediately believed it. Professor Long was skeptical of the information about this matter, but at the constant request of Long Xiang, he also promised to pay attention to this matter.

That's all Long Xiang can do so far, and the final result has to wait for a reply from there.

At this time, several animals with a stronger and stronger premonition began to be anxious, and Dahei also began to signal to Zhang Yu frequently, and there was not much time left. On this day, Zhang Yu had to discuss this matter again.

"There is little time left. Let's talk about your opinions and decisions!" Seeing the silent people, Zhang Yu had to speak first.

"I don't think it's better to move out of this place like those animals? Moved to a big black place where they can't feel the danger. Zhang Jian thought for a moment. He felt that since those animals have moved away, it means that they can avoid danger, so his family can follow suit.

"We can't move out yet!" Hearing Zhang Jian's words, Zhang's father and mother had a tacit understanding and objected at the same time.

Zhang Yu understands his parents' thoughts. There are still some things here that make Zhang's father and mother unable to give up, that is, Zhang Yu's uncle and Zhang Yu's uncle.

Zhang Jian was scared by Zhang's father and mother's posture, and immediately withdrew his head and stopped expressing his opinions.

So, the family began to be silent again.

"Long Xiang, can you ask your brother about the recent situation of my uncle's father and son?" After thinking for a moment, Zhang Yu turned his head and said to Long Xiang.

Sure enough, when it comes to Yan Hu, Zhang's mother's attention was suddenly attracted and she looked at Long Xiang.

"Yes, but it will take some time. As you know, so many things have happened during this period, and many industries have been affected. My brother also asked others for help through relationships, so it's a little troublesome to connect." Long Xiang explained that in fact, he had already asked about this matter when he contacted Long Zheng before.

"Then when can I get the news?" Zhang's mother hurriedly asked.

"I'm not sure about this. However, Mom, don't worry, I have told my brother to pay attention to this matter. Seeing Zhang's mother worried, Long Xiang assured.

"Oi, then worry more and thank you for your brother." Zhang's mother thought about it, and that's all she can do.

"Ye, please relax!" Long Xiang replied.

Zhang Yu saw Zhang's father, who was also full of worries, but she chose to ignore that if a selfish person like her uncle's family contacted them, she was afraid that there would only be bad things and even trouble in the family. Zhang Yu was not stupid.

"Well, let's get back to the story. Let's talk about each other's thoughts. Seeing Dahei's sign, Zhang Yu hurriedly pulled back to the topic.

When Zhang Yu said this, everyone fell silent again. For a moment, the atmosphere seemed a little depressed.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Yu can predict that this meeting will fail again. Seeing the anxiously waiting animals next to her, Zhang Yu suddenly turned her head and looked at them. She decided to listen to their opinions.

"Dahei, have you guys also discussed it with each other?" Zhang Yu asked tentatively.

"Wow...Wow..." Dahei gave a positive answer and nodded at the same time.

"Oh, what do you think of this matter? Do you have the same intention as those creatures that left before?" Zhang Yu continued to ask.

Hearing Zhang Yu's question, Dahei was silent.

Zhang Yu thought it was a very easy question to answer, but looking at Dahei, it was not like this at all. For a moment, Zhang Yu couldn't understand.

"What on earth do you guys think? Say it and let's refer to it together." Zhang Yu tilted his head for a moment and continued to ask.

"Wang...Wang..." Hearing Zhang Yu's words, Dahei stopped, looked at the black feathers, and finally talked about the discussion process of them.

How to put it, wisdom is a good thing, but things are often two-sided, and wisdom also indicates troubles.

If they do not evolve or their wisdom has not improved, they will act more according to their instincts, just like those animals that have left before, they will also choose to leave. However, now that they have a lot of wisdom and learn to think, their instinct is less influential for them. They will consider the rationality of various situations and so on. Therefore, sometimes, decisions are often the opposite of instinct.

There are two voices in their bodies, one is to follow instinct, and the other is to learn to look at things rationally. Therefore, their heads are down and they don't know how to do it.

This time, the same thing happened. One voice kept shouting and asking them to leave here quickly, but another voice kept reminding them that they must stay with their masters and could not leave their masters. Therefore, several of them failed to make a decision in the end. Now, they can only Waiting for Zhang Yu and others to make a decision.

After listening to Dahei's words, Zhang Yu was speechless and asked was equivalent to not asking.

"Since everyone can't make a decision yet, let's put this matter go first." Seeing the silent family, Zhang Yu suddenly said.

"When the disaster comes, before everyone makes a decision, they all move to my space to live. However, everyone can't waste any more time. Take time to help build the house in the space, or there will be no place to live at that time." Zhang Yu plans to build a house.

"Well, okay, let's decide first." At this time, Zhang's father was very positive.

"You guys, go in and see where you want to live, especially Skynet. You have so many subordinates, you have to think about how to arrange them." After saying that, Zhang Yu put them all into his own space.

After doing this, when Zhang Yu turned around and wanted to say something more with his family, the call of Dahei suddenly came from the space. Zhang Yu was very surprised and summoned Dahei again.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Zhang Yu asked doubtfully.

Dahei did not answer Zhang Yu's question at the first time, but suddenly closed his eyes and felt it. Zhang Yu, who felt strange, did not disturb Dahei's behavior at this time.

After waiting for a while, Dahei opened his eyes, but he looked very confused.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Wang...Wang..." Dahei expressed his doubts to Zhang Yu.

It turned out that as soon as Dahei entered Zhang Yu's space, the feeling of anxiety suddenly disappeared. Suspicious, he immediately said his feelings. Unexpectedly, Hei Yu and others felt the same as it, so he called Zhang Yu.

After Zhang Yu took it out of the space, it felt it again for the first time, and the feeling of anxiety appeared again. So, now it is a little confused.

"That's it." Zhang Yu stroked his jaw. This shows that my space should be able to isolate this danger. It seems that as long as you stay in my space, this danger will not endanger everyone. Zhang Yu said thoughtfully.

After coming to a conclusion, she immediately told her family members who had not yet dispersed. After hearing the news, my family suddenly felt at ease. Staying in Zhang Yu's space can isolate the danger this time, so does it mean that the family doesn't have to move and move directly to Zhang Yu's space?

So, the meeting continued, and the decision was finally made.


Leave a message is duty, collection is love, and long comment is fate~~ Of course, it's still red tickets and rewards~~~