Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 13 Collection

In summary: For better alliance and defense, many villagers have moved together

After the attack on the village, the sluggish atmosphere in the village lasted for a period of time, but after a few days of observation, Zhang Yu and others found another thing. That is, the spiritual outlook of the villagers has begun to change a little.

This change is polarized in two ways. On the one hand, some people have seen blood. After killing people, their spirit seems to be like a tiger out of the cage, and there is no final bondage at all. The whole person is very wild and has a feeling of lawlessness, which makes people very afraid. On the contrary, they were completely scared by this incident, and there was a group of people who had killed people in the village, and they began to become nervous.

After what happened in Zhang Yu's village was spread, the people in the surrounding village had some ideas about the village at the beginning. However, on the one hand, due to the presence of gods in the village, the past showed that common sense could not be used to measure the things in this village. On the other hand, after they came to this village, they also keenly noticed the changes of some people in this village and felt that it was better to make less trouble.

Seeing the fierce eyes of those people who are not afraid of, then they began to retreat. After all, these people are people who have killed people. They are absolutely cruel people and can't be easily provoked. Therefore, they have all disappeared into the bud with their previous small calculations.

Even if some people in the village look difficult to mess with, many young people in the village have been damaged, and the strength of the whole village has been greatly reduced, which is an unchangeable fact. The people in the village are now afraid that this incident will happen again and feel very insecure.

For their own safety, many people plan to live together with people who have a good relationship and have a good care for each other. However, the choice of where to live has become a problem.

After all, they have lived in their own house for so long and have been used to it. Many people hope that their friends can move to live in their own homes and move to other people's homes. Fortunately, if it is long, there will always be a feeling of being under the shelter of others, which will be very uncomfortable and not as comfortable as their own place.

Although they have a good relationship with each other, they can't make up for this discomfort. As the saying goes, the golden nest and silver nest is not as good as their own dog house, which is the most authentic portrayal of their current life. Home is better than their own home. If you move to live in someone else's house, you will always feel uncomfortable.

As a result, a strange phenomenon appeared in the village. Many people said that they would move together, but it was thunder and rain. They said every day, but they just didn't see their actual actions.

Many things are easier said than done. Since they want to move together, it shows that the relationship between them is relatively good. However, there is a saying: brothers, settle accounts clearly. What's more, they are not new brothers. After moving together, do they want to eat together? How to distribute food, etc., some miscellaneous problems have arisen. .

Although these things are trivial, as the saying goes, it is difficult for officials to break housework. In case they live together and have some conflicts or something, they may bury their decades of relationship with each other. Finally, they will change from friends to enemies. Uncertain.

In a word, due to various problems, this matter, at present, has not entered the substantive implementation stage.

Let's not talk about Zhang Yu's village. After other villagers heard about the attack of mutants, they also began to be desolate. Variants are very powerful, especially among them, there are likely to be powers. The previous bald power has been passed down by people.

What if such a large group of people come to their own village to make trouble, or rob food, their own village, what should they do then? There is nothing to rely on in your village. There is neither the blessing of gods nor martial arts masters. At that time, it will definitely not be able to resist those evolutionists like wolves and tigers.

However, these people are not willing to sit and wait for death. After hearing that Zhang Yu's village people plan to live together, they think this method is very good and worth learning from. Therefore, they also began to adopt this approach.

The situation in their village is different from that in Zhang Yu's village. The people here have nothing to rely on them, and there is no strong backstage. For example, there are such as Long Xiang and Zhang Jian in the village. If those mutants find their village, they will have no power to counter it.

With no way back, nothing is a problem. The people in these villages soon came together in twos and began to live a quadrangle-like life.

After seeing this situation, the villagers in Zhang Yu's village, who were still hesitating, finally began to take action. Zhang Yu's family is unknown how they coordinated the internal rules. In short, gradually, many people in Zhang Yu's village gathered together.

However, as more and more people gathered together, Zhang Yu and others finally found that human fruit is a intelligent life, and their vitality is also very tenacious. No matter when, you will find the best way for yourself.

Why do you say that? Because Zhang Yu and others found that the largest number of people moved here in their home, and people unexpectedly moved to this area. Zhang Yu and others soon understood the truth.

First, because the temple is in this area, people feel that it will be much safer to be guarded by gods. Second, Zhang Yu's family is also in this area. Living with this master, even if the relationship between them is average, they will feel very safe.

Although these people have moved to this area to live together, out of the awe of the masters, they are very smart and do not disturb the life of Zhang Yu's family too much, and Zhang Yu's family has not shown anything unusual about this, so they have acquiesced to the current mode of getting along with each other.

Although this mode of getting along with each other is defaulted, Zhang Yu's family has become more and less like to go out. On the one hand, many people in this place are not so familiar with it. On the other hand, no one wants people to watch it as a rare animal.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~