Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 15 Miracle

Summary: Because of people's constant prayers, powerful gods responded and miracles appeared.

Just when Zhang Yu decided to withdraw his attention to the statue, something unimaginable happened.

The miracle happened!

During this period, the villagers kept praying, so the statue in the middle of the temple gradually had a certain idea, and now its power is getting stronger and stronger, so it gives the villagers a response.

This response is a miracle in the eyes of ordinary villagers!

Why is it a miracle? Because the degree of response is really too great, and the way is really amazing.

Recently, many people have come to the temple for peace, hoping that this village can become a paradise in chaos and a paradise outside the world, avoiding those mutants and making the villagers live safely.

And the response of the statue is to surround the whole village with the divine light boundary. In the future, only those who protect the body or their own village can find the location of the village. If the visitors do not meet these conditions, then, even if the village is close to him, he Unable to detect.

However, after all, the power of the gods is limited, and they can't protect the village too strongly. They just add a simple magic array outside, but this is already very amazing.

Originally, this kind of divine light boundary could not be seen by ordinary people, but Zhang Yu's strong spiritual power made her find this change at the first time. So, she was very surprised!

"Do you feel it? The open boundary around the village? Zhang Yu asked Long Xiang beside him.

"Well, in this way, the safety of the village will be more secure." Long Xiang closed his eyes and felt it for a while and then replied.

"Yes! If I had known this, I shouldn't have often gone to the temple to absorb the divine light of these statues. Zhang Yu's voice was full of regret. In that case, when this boundary appears, it will be much earlier, so that nothing will happen in the village.

"Don't blame yourself. You don't know such a thing will happen." Long Xiang comforted him.

"Anyway, I'm responsible for this matter." Zhang Yu replied in a low voice, looking a little depressed.

"If it hadn't been for the mutant attack on the village, the villagers would not have made such a prayer at all, and this boundary would not have appeared. Many things, only when they happen, do people know the right and wrong of the previous practice. Long Xiang enlightened Zhang Yu.

"What's more, we don't know what these gods would have done in the past. If, on the contrary, what it is doing now is harmful to the village, then what you did before is to save the village. Moreover, haven't you decided that you will never absorb the divine light from the statue from now on? That's enough." Long Xiang comforted softly.

"Ye, I know." Hearing Long Xiang's words, Zhang Yu slowly became energetic.

"Nowadays, everyone in the village has a divine light to protect the body. When do you think everyone will be able to notice this change?" Zhang Yu, who was in a good mood, asked Long Xiang curiously.

"Who knows this? Anyway, you will definitely know in the end." Long Xiangdao.

"Ye also, but we must inform our parents first." Zhang Yu thought for a moment and said again.

"That should be!" Long Xiang replied.

So, Zhang Yu's family quickly learned the news and were greatly surprised by it.

Skynet, who learned the news, turned his eyes and planned to gather all his men. When there was no one at night, he would also go to the temple to ask for a divine light protection. Or, in the future, if they can't find their village, it will be troublesome.

Not to mention Skynet's plan, Zhang Jian was very surprised when he heard the news. In the past, although he knew about the gods from Zhang Yu's mouth, he couldn't see those divine lights, an ancient martial artist, at all, so he didn't have a deep feeling. This time, it was different. He really wanted to see it.

"Second sister, let's see it!" Zhang Jian said a little excitedly.

"You are from this village. At that time, you will definitely be able to see the village, so you will feel no different from usual. Fantasy array, only those who have never seen it will be confused. You said that you grew up here, how can you be confused. Zhang Yu is not interested in his proposal.

Ah? How could this happen!" Zhang Jian was very frustrated after hearing this.

"Originally, this kind of thing is used to defend against outsiders. If even your own people can't get in, what's the meaning of the existence of this boundary?" Long Xiang explained on the side.

"Yes, what I said makes sense." Hearing Long Xiang's words, Zhang Jian nodded and echoed.

"That means that the people in our village still feel the same as before." Zhang Jian curled his lips and continued.

"Yes, it feels the same as before, so we will tell you about this matter, or you will definitely not find out about it." Zhang Yu explained.

"Oh, so that's it. It's a pity that those who come to worship God in other places in the future. This is a loss for our village. Zhang Jian thought about it and said a little unusually.

"This loss is nothing compared with safety." Zhang's mother said.

"Mom is right. Now this result is the response of the gods to the prayers of the people in our village, which shows that people are most concerned about safety at present." Hearing Zhang's mother's words, Zhang Yu replied.

However, the follow-up development of the matter is not as Zhang Yu speculated before, and all the villagers quickly knew about it.

Sure enough, if the gods have simple thoughts, they will do some unexpected things. If they have thinking, there will be uncertainty. The protection boundary is the same, and so is what happened later. This time, the method is also very unexpected. The gods let the villagers know all at once through a wide range of dreams. .

The villagers who knew about this matter didn't believe it at first. Later, as soon as they communicated with each other and found that it was so magical that the whole village had the same dream at the same time, coupled with the spirit of the statue, so the villagers finally believed it.

The excited people decided to go to the temple immediately to pay their vows, so the villagers worshipped again and shouted "mights"!


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~