Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 19 Water Search

Summary: Villagers began to look for water sources everywhere. In order not to be eye-catching, Zhang Yu's family also participated in it

The weather in Zhang Yu's hometown is still as dry as before, with the scorching sun, and there is no sign of change at all. Now, most of the crops in the fields have died, but there is still not half a drop of rain.

Seeing this situation, people are getting more and more panicked. Now, there are few wells that come out of water. Needless to say, they are used to irrigate crops. Even the villagers in the village are almost out of water to drink. Nowadays, it is becoming more and more difficult to get water. Every day, people need to queue up to draw water from the well.

On the other hand, Long Xiang was also very worried about the situation in his family. The Long family had become unstable because of the conflict between the two factions before. Later, the grain mutation made the situation of the Long family more dangerous. Although Long's father told Long Xiang not to worry, in fact, the situation there was very not optimistic. Although Longfu hoarded part of the food supplies because of Long Xiang's reminder, and could deal with it in a short time, this is not a long-term solution.

Long Xiang and Long's father knew that the autumn harvest was very critical to their family. However, they did not expect that at this time, there would be a flood and clouds in the Long family. Finally, there was no day, and many crops were drowned. Not only that, because a large number of people in the city poured into the countryside to rob grain and give it to farmers. The village has caused great losses. Nowadays, many fields are no longer under management. The situation of this autumn harvest is not optimistic.

On the contrary, Zhang Yu is exposed to the scorching sun every day. Now the villagers have changed from worrying about crops to worrying about themselves.

The current water source has become very tight, and the remaining well water in the village will not last for too long. If it doesn't rain, the current well will soon be exhausted. The villagers are now discussing going out to find water.

There is a boundary of gods in the village, which is relatively safe. However, when you go out, you will definitely encounter many unknown dangers, so everyone is very cautious about it.

"Sister, I don't think it will take long for the well in our village. Everyone is now discussing going outside to find water!" Zhang Jian said to Zhang Yu that he was also very concerned about this matter.

"Well, if the weather is still like this, if it doesn't rain, it won't work if you don't go out to look for water." Zhang Yu looked at the scorching sun outside.

"Well, but I heard that the drought area here is quite large this time, and there is such a situation everywhere. Now, where can we find water!" Thinking of people's rumors, Zhang Jian said a little distressedly.

"The plain is usually well drilled, and the situation is similar to ours. I think we have to find water in the mountains this time!" Zhang Yu thought for a moment.

"It's very dangerous to go to the mountains now. Haven't plants begun to mutate? Moreover, there may be evolved animals in it. Zhang Jian was very smart this time.

"Ye, what you said is possible, but what should the people in the village do if they don't look for water? Are they so thirsty? Besides, what you said is only possible. After all, the mutation of plants has just begun, and the mountains should not be so dangerous. Zhang Yu replied after thinking about it.

"Sister, what you said makes sense!" Hearing Zhang Yu's words, Zhang Jian thought for a moment and felt that it was true.

"The important thing is that the people in the village don't know that plants begin to mutate, and they don't know anything about animals. They don't understand the danger in it at all. At that time, without water, they will definitely go out to look for it." Zhang Yu sighed. In order not to cause people's panic, the country hid a lot of things.

There are indeed some advantages in covering up the truth of the matter, that is, people will not panic too much and still have hope in their hearts. Therefore, it is better for the stability of the big situation, but it is also harmful to do so. The so-called: ignorance is fearless, people do not know these things, so even if the danger is in sight In the past, he ignored it and often put himself in a dangerous environment without knowing it.

Zhang Yu doesn't know how to evaluate this practice of the country. As the old saying goes: "If you are successful, you will help the world, and if you are poor, you will be alone." Zhang Yu is just a weak woman. Her ability is very limited, so she can only choose the latter. For many things, she can only choose to turn a blind eye to many things, because she is really powerless. Forced.

"Sister, I don't seem to be in a good mood recently. What's going on?" Zhang Jian suddenly thought of Long Xiang's abnormality during this period and asked.

"Hey! The Long family was also affected, so he was in a bad mood and worried about the situation there. Even Zhang Jian, who is very nervous, has found Long Xiang's recent abnormality. It can be seen that the situation in the Long family this time is really serious.

"What, Brother Long's hometown has also been affected?" Hearing Zhang Yu's words, Zhang Jian sighed for a while.

"Yeah, it's exactly the opposite of our side. It's a flood." Zhang Yu said a little helplessly.

"What, there is a flood over there! Why are there any unevenness on both sides!" Zhang Jian and Zhang Yu have the same feelings.

Hearing Zhang Jian's sigh, Zhang Yu didn't hear it. At this moment, she was thinking about what happened to the Long family. If it was just a flood, Long Xiang would not be so worried. Although she also asked, Long Xiang seemed to have her own ideas and did not tell her in detail, just asked her not to worry.

However, how can she not worry when she sees Long Xiang's current appearance? However, Zhang Yu imagined that Long Xiang had thought about it and would definitely tell himself when he made a decision.

Sure enough, the village head convened a meeting to discuss the issue of water.

Water is now less and less. If we can't find a new water source before the current water source dries up, the whole village will not be able to survive. The village head knows this, so now, we must start preparing in advance.

Sure enough, Zhang's father, who came back from the meeting, told everyone that the village had decided to organize people to go outside to find water. The village is safe and there are gods. Don't worry. Therefore, the young and middle-aged people in the village have to participate in this water-seeking plan. At the very least, each family has to come out one person, of course, except for special circumstances.

Because there are springs in Zhang Yu's space, there is no need to worry about water at home. However, this matter must be kept secret. In order not to arouse everyone's suspicion, Zhang Yu's family must also participate in this plan.

After some discussion, the representative of Zhang Yu's family is Zhang Jian, and the representative of Zhang Yi's family is Wang Lin. For the sake of safety, Zhang Yu asked them to take Dahei and Heiyu with him. At that time, they will be responsible for their safety.

As a result, people began a long search for water. At this time, Long Xiang received a phone call from his brother Long Zheng.


Collection is my duty, messages are love, and red tickets are fate~~ Of course, rewarding is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~(⊙o⊙)