Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 22 The Change of the Dragon Family

In summary: Today's Long family is not the former Long family.

In order to avoid frightening snakes, Longxiang returned home this time. No one in the Long family knew except Long Zheng. Therefore, when Long Xiang and Zhang Yu both came to the Long family, Long's father and the people of the Long family were shocked.

Seeing the happy look of the dragon father and the gratified eyes of some conservatives in the family, Long Xiang felt very warm. After leaving home for so many years, he finally came back, and he came back with his wife this time, feeling a little proud.

Seeing the unexpected expressions and defensive eyes of those radicals, Long Xiang only felt happy! He just wants to make these people feel scared, let them lose their position and make some inappropriate decisions, so that they can take advantage of it.

Looking at the rampant eyes of some of these people, Long Xiang turned a blind eye and let these people toss for a few more days. Anyway, it won't take long. The more they are doing this now, the more irreversible the situation will be. When the time is ripe, when he cleans up these people, the less obstacles will be.

Long Xiang is very satisfied with the situation caused by his return. Zhang Yu followed silently. How powerful Zhang Yu's spiritual power is now. All kinds of mental fluctuations of these people can't escape his eyes. She felt it at the first time.

Although Long Xiang also told her about the Long family before, Long Xiang was unwilling to mention many things about the Long family. She felt Long Xiang's resistance to these things, and she had never asked questions. Now seeing such a situation, she wisely chose to be silent.

"Dad! We are back to see you." Long Xiang took Zhang Yu's hand and came forward excitedly.

"Ye, just come back." Seeing Long Xiang, Long's father was also very happy. Seeing Zhang Yu beside him, Professor Long was even happier. In the past, he liked Zhang Yu very much, but he did not expect that Zhang Yu would eventually become his daughter-in-law.

Seeing Longfu smiling at him, Zhang Yu also smiled back. In the past, she and Professor Long were quite familiar with each other, but she didn't expect their relationship to be like this. Because she is an acquaintance, she feels a little embarrassed now.

"Xiaoyu, long time no see." Seeing Zhang Yu's appearance at this moment, Long's father said.

"Hm, long time no see! Dad!" After greeting, Zhang Yu whispered "Dad".

Hearing Zhang Yu's name, Long's father was very happy and gratified. His son is now a family, and someone is taking care of him. In the future, he will have less care.

"Come on, let me introduce you to other people in the family." When his son got into a family, the happy father decided to introduce Zhang Yu to everyone immediately.

Hearing Longfu's words, Zhang Yu looked down his hand. After looking at it, she only felt that there were really many people in the Long family, and the Longfu did not introduce them one by one, but simply introduced the more important people to Zhang Yu.

Seeing that these people are either really happy, or smiling, or being on guard, or examining, or full of deep meaning, Zhang Yu only came into contact with the Long family for the first time, and felt that the members of this family were really complicated. No wonder Long Xiang did not like to mention the people and things here.

Looking at the performance of these people andlian xiang Long Xiang's previous attitude, Zhang Yu felt that this trip to the Long family was not simple. Fortunately, she is no longer an ordinary weak woman now, otherwise she really can't cope with this kind of battle.

The people of the Long family have been practicing martial arts since childhood, and everyone's momentum is extraordinary. When they look at you, a little release of their momentum will give people a sense of oppression.

Zhang Yu's spiritual power is very powerful. When people release their momentum, they can feel some of the other party's thoughts. When the Dragon Father introduced her, many people tested her with momentum and suddenly felt the different thoughts of so many people. Zhang Yu's face suddenly turned pale.

"Are you all right?" Looking at Zhang Yu's bad face, Long Xiang took her hand with concern and asked softly in her ear. These days, both of them are actually very tired because they are in a hurry. After all, Zhang Yu is just a woman. As soon as he comes back and hasn't entered the door, he encountered such a troublesome thing. No wonder his face is not good.

"I'm fine. The situation in your family is a little complicated!" Speaking of the situation of Longxiang's family, Zhang Yu couldn't help frowning.

"Yes, it's a little complicated, so I don't know how to tell you." Speaking of his family, Long Xiang also began to frown.

"Ye, looking at the current situation, I can understand." After saying that, Zhang Yu couldn't help holding Long Xiang's hand.

"Now this situation is inevitable. After arriving at home, I will deal with these things. In the future, you don't have to deal with these people so tiredly. At that time, they will come to you, and you don't have to pay too much attention to them." Seeing Zhang Yu like this, Long Xiang couldn't help thinking of his mother.

Because Long Xiang is the eldest grandson of the family and the son of the head of the family, she has been receiving family training since she was a child. Although Long's mother is unwilling, after all, she is a weak woman and can't compete with the rules of the whole Long family at all. In addition, Long's father does not support her.

When Long Xiang was young, although he was also very yearning for maternal love, as an eldest grandson, he could not be weak and show his feelings too much. Although his mother is very good to him, the two of them can't meet often. Long Xiang has endless classes and endless work every day, and gradually becomes more and more estranged from his mother.

Long Xiang knew that his mother was unhappy. He didn't want Zhang Yu to suffer the same thing as himself. He would help her stop all the messy thing without bothering her.

Long Xiang's sudden return caught many people of the Long family off guard, and those who were more fierce before also began to speed up their pace. They were worried that after Long Xiang came back to control the overall situation, they would have no share of the grain.

"Why did you come back without saying a word this time?" After returning home, the father and son sat together and began to discuss business, while the tired Zhang Yu went down to rest.

"I heard about the recent events at home from my brother." Long Xiang explained.

"So, you came back. Didn't I tell you before that I dealt with everything here and asked you not to come to this muddy water again? The dragon father said with dignity.

"So what are you going to do and let them continue like this?" Long Xiang asked, he wanted to know the intention of Long's father first.

"Food is in my hands, and they don't dare to do anything." The dragon father said indifferently.

"Dad, since there are some things that are irreparable, why don't you just let go!" Long Xiang said indifferently that some people were no longer worth saving.

"You let me go. Do you want to let the family fall into my hands?" Hearing Long Xiang's words, Long's father did not show too much anger. What he knew during this period made him very disappointed.

"How can it fall? If the cancer is not eliminated, it will be easier to fall, isn't it? Dad, you should know that there are some things that can be broken. Long Xiang replied.

"Ye, what you said is also reasonable, but our food is limited. If we really give them two points to the family, it will not only weaken the strength of the family, but also have few reserves left." Long's father also has a headache about this.

"Dad, there is one thing I want to tell you, that is, we came here this time and brought a lot of food to our family. After these people left, I will give this batch of things to you." Long Xiang said inexplicably.

"What, did you bring a batch of food?" Hearing Long Xiang's words, Long's father was overjoyed.

At the same time, Long's father also heard the meaning of Long Xiang. After these people left, they gave it to themselves. Is he coercing himself? It seems that his son has really grown up. Long's father is very gratified and suddenly has an indescribable emotion, both happy and faintly frustrated.

"Okay, I know. I'll take care of this." After bowing his head and meditating for a while, the dragon father said firmly.

The Long family has always had martial arts regeneration. Many people have served in the military department before, so they got a lot of materials for the Long family, and there was no problem with the life of the Long family before. However, with the development of the situation, food is controlled by the state, and these people are powerless. No matter how many materials are constantly consumed, they can't last long without input.

As a result, the life of the Long family is getting worse day by day, which makes many people dissatisfied. Even now, they still don't know the situation and still live in their own imagination all day, thinking that Long's father treated them harshly.

In these days, Long's father has been completely tired of what they have done and lost expectations. If what Long Xiang said is true, then split up!


Collection is my duty, messages are love, and red tickets are fate~~ Of course, rewarding is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~(⊙o⊙)