Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 25 Greed

Summary: Human greed is the original sin. Long Xiang and his son are ready to use this to track down the black hands behind the scenes.

After visiting Zhang Yu's space and knowing that these grains could be continuously released, Long's father was finally relieved and had no scruples, so they began to discuss some follow-up matters.

After discussion, that night, Zhang Yu and the other two went to the Long family's warehouse together in a low profile and quietly put this batch of grain into it in the dead of night.

After the grain was put away, Long's father told several elders in the family so that they could rest assured that the grain was now in place and put it in the family's warehouse.

Is the food in place?

The elders of the family didn't believe it at the beginning, but when they went to the warehouse to check it in person, they found that it was true. Although they were very confused about it, they saw that the Dragon Father did not intend to explain to them. They were smart and didn't ask much. Now, as long as the things are in place, Nothing else matters.

Several elders have experienced a lot of ups and downs, and they can see everything. They can ignore it and ask nothing about it, but it doesn't mean that all the Long family don't care. This magical thing was accidentally leaked out and has slowly spread in the Long family privately.

"Have you heard that there are a lot of materials in our family's warehouse suddenly out of thin air, among which there must be a reason." The younger generation of the Long family is knowledge-seeking.


"Ye, I've heard about this too! However, with this batch of food, we can survive this flood. The younger generation of the Long family is rational.


"I heard that someone saw only a few patriarchs go in that night." The younger generation of the Long family, gossip type.


Soon, all kinds of rumors began to spread below. However, most of the people who said these words were the younger generation in the family. The older generation had a lot of experience, and they would not act rashly when things happened. Even if there were, they would not be obvious and imperceptible.

"Although we have predicted this situation before, I didn't expect that things would spread so quickly. Who spread this matter?" Hearing the comments from the people below, Zhang Yu was very angry.

"There is nothing we can do. Originally, Xiao Qing was not clean this time. Whether his father left or not was voluntary. Some people were behind the scenes, but they were not cleaned out. At this special time, my father doesn't want to completely break with them. After saying that, Long Xiang frowned. Sooner or later, these people will stay and it will be a scourge. As the saying goes: domestic thieves are difficult to prevent.

"Well, if these people stay, sooner or later they will still have trouble." Hearing Long Xiang's words, Zhang Yu was a little worried.

"Yes, these people are very good at playing with people's hearts, especially the younger generation in the family. They are young and easy to be incited by interested people, and these young people are just the hope of the future of the family, so they must be treated with caution." Speaking of this, Long Xiang couldn't help thinking of his younger brother Long Zheng. In those years, Long Zheng was also easily incited and exploited by people with intentions because of his youth. Therefore, Long Xiang has always hated these people.

"So, what should I do about this?" Zhang Yu has not experienced these complicated things, so he was a little at a loss after hearing Long Xiang's words.

"Don't worry, my father and I will deal with these things." Seeing Zhang Yu's at a loss, Long Xiang patted her hand and comforted him that it was his long-cherished wish to deal with these people for many years.

"Ye, I know." Hearing Long Xiang's words, Zhang Yu replied in a low voice. She really couldn't help these things, and she didn't want to help because of her ignorance, so she simply decided not to do anything.

Zhang Yu is a very rational person and dares to admit his shortcomings and ignorance. If he knows that he can't do it, he still wants to force himself to intervene. As a result, it is the most irrational and pathetic way to do bad things with good intentions. Zhang Yu has read so many ancient books. She knows this truth well, and of course she will not commit it knowing it.

After that, in order not to cause trouble to Long Xiang, Zhang Yu always lived a simple life, and Long Xiang was happy to see this action for her in order not to protect her and not to be involved in this storm.

Long Xiang and his father and son often talk about what they are plotting together. Zhang Yu has never intervened. However, after the two father and son discussed, they did not take any big moves. Many things are like this. The more you care, the more energetic people will be and entangled. But if you behave If you don't care at all, people will slowly stop. Longfu is an old man and knows this kind of thing like the back of his hand.

He believes that this matter will slowly subside after people's interest, and only those who have intentions will continue to pay attention to it. At that time, their fox tail will be exposed. And it is also because of this that when this matter spreads, he will not do anything and set a long line to catch a big fish, right?

After so many years of accumulation, the Long family has a profound background and a lot of resources. Although now, because of the end of the world, the family's things are consumed, the so-called thin camels are bigger than horses. How can those radicals be willing to leave so easily?

Before, the people who left were just the front troops. Maybe there are really a few core figures among those who left. However, Long Xiang and his son believe that the real core must remain in the Long family. How can these people be willing to leave the whole family to the conservatives they despise? They will definitely keep Digging the corner of the dragon family, they won't stop until the whole dragon family is hollowed out and there is an empty shell left.

The greed of people's hearts is a kind of original sin, and Long Xiang and Zhang's father knew this and planned to take advantage of this to achieve their previous actions.

The practice of Zhang Yu and Long Xiang bringing a lot of material to the family was originally a good thing, but some people are like this. If you give them something, he will feel that you will definitely leave more for yourself, so they will become more greedy. They have not even thought about it. It's just to support you, but you want to pull them out because you know they have something.

is insatiable and repays virtue with resentment, but that's all, but most people are too greedy, and his results will not be too good.


Collection is my duty, messages are love, and red tickets are fate~~ Of course, rewarding is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~(⊙o⊙)