Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 32

Summary: Getting along with each other at the end of the world makes Liu Wei no longer have a good impression on Zhang Sheng's family, so he plans to cooperate with Fan Yaoyin's sister and brother.

Seeing that he was about to reach his destination, he was stopped by a pair of men and women who suddenly appeared. If they were ordinary people, Liu Wei would have nothing to worry about. Unfortunately, there was a mutant among them, which made Liu Wei have to be cautious.

However, it is very unfavorable for him to continue this stalemate. Now he has so much food on his car, which makes people find out that it is not good. However, although Fan Hui performed very poorly, he is still willing to give way. Liu Wei, who was a little eager, stared at him and finally lost his patience.

Seeing Liu Wei like this, Fan Hui felt that something was wrong. Now, he is at the end of a strong crossbow. If Liu Wei really decides to do it, then their sister and brother may die here today. What should he do? He can't help thinking quickly in his heart.

Human potential is indeed infinite. He immediately thought of a way to deal with it. Although he didn't know whether this method worked, he could only be a living horse doctor.

"Brother, don't be angry. I'll get out of the way right away." After saying that, Fan Hui hurriedly gave way to the side.

Seeing Fan Hui's action, Liu Wei suppressed his anger again. It's best not to do it. Once he does it, it may attract the attention of others.

"This big brother, in fact, we want to cooperate with you." Fan Hui said tentatively.

"We have accumulated a grain before and will soon enter the independent zone. Your strength is so strong that if we can cooperate, we will definitely be able to raise enough food soon. At that time, let's enter the independent zone together. You know, no one knows what the situation is like in the independent zone. If we go in together, we can take care of each other, right? Seeing that Liu Wei had no reaction, Fan Hui continued.

"Have you really saved enough of your share?" Hearing Fan Hui's words, Liu Wei was indeed a little moved, and he didn't have to help them produce food by himself. However, he could consider cooperating with each other, but he didn't know whether what this person said was credible.

"That's of course. Anyway, I'm also a mutant." Speaking of this, Fan Hui seemed very proud.

"I'm about to separate from Zhang Sheng's family. The situation in your independent zone is indeed as he said. I don't know anything about it. After entering, I don't know if it is as promised by the government. If his words are credible, it's okay to cooperate. Anyway, it's not appropriate. At worst, everyone will break up again. That's it." After thinking for a moment in his heart, Liu Wei finally made a decision.

"Okay, you said it's okay to cooperate." Liu Wei replied. Thinking of Fan Hui's persistent spirit before, he felt that he should still be a little angry. Unfortunately, Liu Wei was completely wrong.

Seeing that the other party agreed to cooperate with him and withdrew his aura, Fan Hui took a long breath and sighed that he was lucky. He really couldn't support it. When Liu Wei harvested his aura, he almost couldn't stand.

The tense atmosphere just now suddenly disappeared, and the surrounding space became very relaxed. However, with so much food, Liu Wei didn't want to stay in one place for too long. He wanted to go to the agreed place immediately, which was more hidden and safer.

"I still have something to do now. It's not convenient to stay here for too long. Let's leave a contact information and talk about it in detail when we have time." Liu Wei said it very directly.

"We can understand this, but how can we contact each other next time?" Fan Hui replied with a smile. At this time, he really wanted to unite with Liu Wei. In troubled times, there is a strong partner, so many things will be safer to do.

"..." Liu Wei bowed his head and said nothing. Seriously, he really didn't think about how to contact him.

"Brother, I know there is a safer place for this attachment. Why don't we go there and talk about it?" Fan Keyin said softly that she felt that this was the opportunity to give full play to her charm.

Is that right? Are you familiar with this place? Hearing Fan Keyin's words, Liu Wei hesitated. There would be no trap waiting for him there! There is a saying that the intention of harming others is indispensable, and the intention of preventing others is indispensable. The two sides met for the first time, and at the beginning, they planned to rob themselves.

"It's not too familiar. We also came from other places and just settled here." Hearing the doubts in Liu Wei's words, Fan Keyin hurriedly explained.

"Real?" Go or not? Liu Wei thought about it in his heart.

Look at the appearance of the two of them, they are so embarrassed and only dare to come out to rob at night. Even a weak woman still needs to play, which shows that their strength is very limited. Looking at their current appearance, their life must not be very satisfactory. The probability of setting a trap should not be very high. Do you want to How about going to have a look?

"How many people do you have? If you want to cooperate with me, we should be honest with each other." Liu Wei decided to collect more information before making a decision.

"Brother, we are very sincere. To tell you the truth, we are two people. We are alone. Otherwise, we would not want to enter the independent zone so much. After I heard that after entering, the control inside is very strict. If there is nothing we can do, we don't plan to go in." Fan Hui seemed to have made a lot of determination before he said such a thing.

"Yes, this big brother, we are all poor people. Our family suffered a disaster before, and now there are only two sisters and brothers who depend on each other. I am also a weak woman with no power to bind chickens. My brother also has no choice but to do this for me." Fan Keying also said pitifully and chokingly. In the past, every time she pretended to be pitiful, she could win the sympathy of men, so she also planned to do it again this time.

"Oh, so that's it!" Liu Wei also pretended to be very emotional. What kind of person is Liu Wei? He used to often hang out and look at people's eyes. That's a vicious person. When he heard a stranger speak, he only believed one of them. However, considering the possibility of cooperation with each other in the future, he looks very similar and seems to be very sympathetic.

Fan Keyin felt that Liu Wei seemed to have signs of softening, and immediately began to pretend to be weak and pitiful to make Liu Wei soft.

Unfortunately, it is a vast night, and she is very depressed now. Liu Wei herself is not an infatuated person with women. You can imagine the effect of her actions.

"Okay, since you two are so sincere, I will also disclose my information. As you can see, there is only one person, but I have some experience in doing business, so I can still live for the time being." Liu Wei seemed to be really moved by Fan Keyin and said falsely.

"So that's it! It turns out that there is only one big brother left. It seems that everyone really feels the same way!" Fan Keyin hurriedly approached.

"Hey! Those things are all over." Liu Wei's past is unbearable to look back.

"What is the big brother going to do this time! It feels like you are in a hurry!" Fan Keyin looked at Liu Wei's car with some meaning, but it was late at night, and she was an ordinary person, so she didn't see it.

"Oh, this is a business I've done, because the deadline is coming soon, so it's urgent. You know, doing business is the most important thing, or it won't go on." Liu Wei explained quietly.

"Oh, that's it!" Fan Keyin looked like a sudden enlightenment.

"After doing this business, I can raise enough food. Aren't you going to raise enough soon? Why don't you tell me the stronghold you mentioned before and see you there in three days?" Liu Wei saw that they had almost talked to each other. He thought he could still hold it, so he decided to unite.

Liu Wei has been here for so long. He is afraid that it will change later, so he still thinks it's better to leave here early.

"Good! Then it's settled." Seeing Liu Wei like this, Fan Yaoyin was very happy and felt that Liu Wei had been moved by her charm. She thought that even if the alliance was not successful, it would be enough to solve the crisis smoothly. Anyway, she would not suffer losses. Everything will be seen three days later.

After that, the two sides agreed on the time and place to meet again, and Liu Wei finally drove away as he wished.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~