Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 33 Stronghold

Summary: Liu Wei finally returned to the stronghold he agreed with Zhang Sheng.

After Liu Wei and Fan Keyin discussed meeting in the future, they drove away in their own car. After that, the journey went smoothly and there were no more twists and turns. He soon came to the place he and Zhang Sheng's family agreed before.

However, Liu Wei hasn't come back for a long time. He was afraid of something wrong and did not drive the car directly. Instead, he found a relatively hidden place and hid all these things. He planned to cultivate his spirit and go to the agreed place after he fully recovered.

The next afternoon, Liu Wei, who felt that his spirit had completely recovered, carefully went to the place where he had hidden before. Along the way, he tried to reduce his sense of existence and sneaked into the previous stronghold. After coming in, he carefully observed the situation around him and found nothing abnormal, but cautiously, he did not intend to appear directly like this.

Liu Wei acted very cautiously and finally came to the shabby house where he and Zhang Sheng had lived before. He carefully inquired about the situation outside and wondered if Zhang Sheng and others still lived here.

"Dad, Liu Wei has been there for so long, why hasn't he come yet?" Liu Wei immediately heard Zhang Yan's voice, but her voice was impatient and a little fearful.

"Do you think something happened to your brother and refused to give us food? I used to tell you that their family is not a good person. Liu Xiaoya said meanly.

"..." Zhang Sheng did not answer.

"Why don't you talk? You have nothing to say." Seeing Zhang Sheng's speechless, Liu Xiaoya's tone became much sharper.

"Mom, can you say less and know how to quarrel all day long! Noisy! Copy! What's so noisy!" Zhang Yan said impatiently.

"How can you talk to me? Am I wrong?" Hearing her daughter's impatient voice, Liu Xiaoya said loudly.

"Since you know that they are not good things, and you still ask your father to ask their family for food, why don't you contact your uncle's family? Didn't you say how many uncles there are? I remember that in the past, he came to our house to ask for something. Zhang Yan replied unwillingly.

"Isn't there also difficulties in your uncle's family?" Speaking of this, Liu Xiaoya's voice weakened.

"Yes, my uncle's family is in trouble, so he doesn't care about us, and he doesn't even answer a phone call. This is my good uncle who you hangs all day long!" Zhang Yan said sarcastically.

"Yes, your uncle is not good, but your Liu Wei is fine, but he is just a gangster. I have told you many times before that you don't want to deal with him again, but you just don't listen. Now you still have no message." Hearing her daughter's words, Fan Xiaoya was also angry and began to confront her daughter.

"What does it mean that there is no message? He obviously went back to his hometown to get food. As you know, there is no way to contact him now." Zhang Yan argued.

"What does it mean that there is no way to contact him? I think he has run away. Previously, he said he didn't want you, but now he still mentions talking. What's the use?" Liu Xiaoya broke Zhang Yan's mind without mercy.

Who is Liu Xiaoya? Although she is mean, some things can still be understood. Zhang Yan has been spoiled since she was a child. She is both delicate and a young lady's temper. In the past, although Liu Wei was very good to her in her hometown, she was not so infatuated with her. Later, everyone lived together, and many previously invisible shortcomings were presented one by one.

In this way, it is inevitable that there will be a lot of friction. Zhang Yan is a delicate person with a bad temper. In the past, she was better when she was in a small county, and the Zhang Sheng family was also counted. However, after arriving at the big city, a lot of rich people were caught. Her little pride was hit and angry. The bigger it is, the bigger it is. After all, these personalities and tempers have followed her for so many years, and they can't be changed overnight at all.

She often gets angry, not to mention Liu Wei, even if Zhang Yan's parents can't stand it.

When Liu Wei arrived here, he saw so much. In addition, Zhang Yan lived a bad life here. He knew that he would lose his temper all day long and felt that people here looked down on her, so Liu Wei didn't pay much attention to her. In Liu Wei's eyes, women are not the most important, but the most important thing is power and strength, which are what he pursues.

After getting along with him for a period of time, Liu Wei began to be impatient with Zhang Yan, who often lost his temper, and Fan Xiaoya herself was a very snobbish person. She disliked Liu Wei very much and felt that he was a gangster. He was idle all day long and often blew the pillow wind in Zhang Sheng's ear. Zhang Sheng was a very independent person and often His daughter and his wife wavered, and his attitude towards Liu Wei was the same for a while.

Everything about Zhang Sheng's family made Liu Wei feel bored. In fact, if the infection in the small county was not too serious at the beginning, Zhang Yan would have come over and insisted on leaving with him, he would not have moved here with their family.

In this way, slowly, the little affection between each other has been exhausted, but just when Liu Wei decided to leave Zhang Sheng's family, all kinds of things began to break out one after another, so the matter of leaving was delayed again and again, and finally stranded.

At the end of the world, it is not easy for everyone to live. Liu Wei remembered the kindness of the past and stayed to take care of their family. However, some people still behaved high every day when they saw the ruthless situation. They felt that what Liu Wei did was a matter of course. Liu Wei felt more and more disgusted by the family.

Although Liu Wei is relatively good at fighting, he is just an ordinary person after all. Finally, once, when he was grabbing food from others, he was seriously injured and fled back alone.

However, when he came back staggered, what Liu Xiaoya saw was not the injury on his body, but his empty hands. Instead of helping Liu Wei deal with the injury, he said coldly there, and Zhang Sheng only cared about his wife not to be angry. Zhang Yan was still Liu Wei was angry with her about the breakup and ignored him.

At this moment, Liu Wei understood and felt that his previous behavior was too ridiculous. He silently walked back to where he lived. After simply dealing with the injury on his body, he could no longer support it and fell into a coma. He was seriously injured this time. There was no medicine and no one to take care of him. It can be said that he died, but he finally survived.

After this incident, Liu Wei finally got a new life and became a mutant. However, at this time, he felt that he had died once and had nothing to do with Zhang Sheng's family. He still clearly remembers that during his injury, only Zhang Sheng fed him some water at the beginning. After that, seeing that his injury was so serious that there was no chance of healing, the family No one has taken care of him. It's good not to throw him out.

After Liu Wei's injury recovered, he got the news that the government is going to establish an "independent zone". However, if he wants to get in, he needs a lot of food. Unfortunately, these days, the timid Zhang Sheng family around him has never gone out to look for food. Now, the food here has been eaten by him. They are almost exhausted, not to mention entering the independent zone, but it is a problem to fill their stomachs.

However, seeing that they are a little pitiful now, Liu Wei has no sympathy at all, because if they are in the opposite situation, the family will not sympathize with them at all. When he was injured before, he had deeply realized this. Such people are not worthy of his sympathy at all. They are different from the brothers he had been with before. They can't be treated with normal people's thinking at all. After looking at the family indifferently, he planned to leave here.

However, at this time, Zhang Sheng, who had always been a little weak, stopped him and said that he had something to say to him. After carefully looking at Zhang Sheng, Liu Wei lowered his head and thought about it. Finally, he stopped and planned to listen to what Zhang Sheng was going to say to him.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~