Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 37 Suffering

Summary: After leaving the stronghold, Zhang Sheng's family lived a very miserable life.

With food, Zhang Sheng's family feels a little comforted. At least they don't have to worry about starving in the future. At present, as long as they can find a safe place to live, they can persist for a while.

The family, who consciously had hope, regained their spirits and continued to pack their belongings. This time, the three of them moved much faster and planned to find their new life with hope.

Soon the luggage was packed, but when the three looked at the large and small packages on the ground, they were embarrassed. How could the three of them bring so many things? Zhang Sheng is the only male laborer among them, and he is not young. He used to be a master who often raised well. His physical strength was not very good. Fan Xiaoya and Zhang Yan are also women with little strength. They can't take away such a lot of things at all.

Unable, the three had to reorganize. As a result, Fan Xiaoya and Zhang Yan were reluctant to look at this and that. The time passed, but not many things were lost, and there was no efficiency at all.

"From today on, you two will be responsible for handling your own things in the future!" Finally, Zhang Sheng, who was impatient, opened his mouth to speak.

"How can this happen!" Hearing Zhang Sheng's words, Zhang Yan didn't follow her. Where has she done these things before?

"Do you want me or your mother to carry it for you?" Zhang Sheng said unhappily.

"You can carry it by yourself." Seeing that her father was angry, Zhang Yan quickly shut up. However, this time she really began to choose seriously. If there are too many things, she really can't hold them herself. At that time, she will still have to throw them away.

Fan Xiaoya was also stunned when she heard Zhang Sheng's words, but she thought about it and didn't need to say anything more. At this time, she also knew that she could not compare with the past.

Finally, the three of them picked and sorted it out and set off. However, at this time, the three of them also carried a lot of things with them, big and small bags, and everyone's hands were full of things. Because there were too many things, the three of them did not walk quickly.

Three people with little experience walked out of the place where they lived for a period of time, but the practices of the three of them were very wrong in this chaotic era. Not to mention that the three people carry so many things, or the old man with two weak women, it is obvious to tell others that I am a fat sheep, and I am not protected. Come and kill me!

So, as soon as they left the house, they didn't go far, and the three were targeted. Poor they didn't realize it. They walked slowly without saying anything. Zhang Yan complained from time to time that the things were too heavy. She held it hard and didn't know that the danger had come at all.

As a result, the end of the three of them can be imagined, that is, they were robbed. Fortunately, these people were not prone to violence or abuse, so they ran away immediately after robbing three people's things. People who often hang out know that the world is not good now. If you rob others now, you may be robbed by others in a blink of an eye. Therefore, they have to hide these things quickly. There is no time for the Zhang Sheng family to cry.

The teacher was unfavorable. Zhang Sheng's family had to return to their original residence and sort out some leftover things. Unfortunately, when people were unlucky, they drank cold water. The three of them were obviously fat sheep. There were a lot of people who stared at them before, but they had so many things. When robing, there is nothing fast or slow, so some people don't grab anything.

Of course, the people who didn't grab it were unwilling, so these people continued to stare at Zhang Sheng and the three people, while the inexperienced Zhang Sheng's family. When they went back, they only knew that they were depressed and didn't pay so much attention to it at all, but went straight back. Therefore, these people followed them to their previous stronghold and robbed the remaining valuable things of Zhang Sheng's family. When the poor three people saw this situation, they only dared to hide nearby and did not dare to stop it at all.

In a blink of an eye, three people are worthless. The spirit of fighting in the morning has completely disappeared. After such a lot of noise, the three people's stomachs began to grunt, but there was no more grain here. Now the three of them feel very scared and feel that the outside world is really horrible to dare not go out at all, so they can only be hungry.

After this battle, the three finally knew that life was not easy and gained some experience. At the same time, Zhang Yan is very grateful that she looks like her father and mother. Although she often complained about this before, otherwise, she can't imagine how she will be treated now. Imagine a beautiful woman without the protection of a strong man, then she can imagine the end of her. The beauty of her daughter in troubled times is a disaster.

Although Fan Xiaoya is very beautiful, she is now old. She has not lived a good life during this period and is often in a state of mental anxiety, so she looks more and more old. Therefore, she also escaped a disaster.

As the saying goes: People are iron, and rice is steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry. In a blink of an eye, it was dark. Zhang Sheng's family had a hasty breakfast that day and never ate anything again. The taste of hunger was really uncomfortable. The three people who were really unbearable finally made up their minds to leave at night to get some food and find a new house by the way. Now, this place has been completely exposed and unsafe, and they must leave quickly.

This time, all three of them went into battle lightly, with nothing on their bodies, and walked tremblingly in the night. Finally, they came to the place where Zhang Sheng hid food before. This time, they acted much more cautiously and carefully checked and found that there was nothing abnormal before they began to get food.

Opening the shields and seeing that the food was still there, the family was so happy that they almost cried. After that, the three took some food and hurried back. The smooth operation finally made the family feel at ease. After a full meal, the tired three fell asleep like this.

In the following days, Zhang Sheng's family went to get food at night and carefully went out to find a new place to live during the day. The three of them lived in fear every day. Within a few days, the three quickly lost weight and looked extremely depressed and pitiful.

However, even so, three people were still targeted by people. The reason is that Zhang Sheng's family's things have been robbed, but after so many days, the three of them have not been starved to death and are still living well. Although they are a little thinner, this makes the robbers who have robbed their family before feel that there must be something strange. Poor Zhang Sheng's family didn't notice this at all.

On this day, the three finally found a relatively hidden residence and prepared to move there in the evening. At that time, if you get that batch of grain, you won't have to go out and don't have to be so afraid. Unfortunately, they don't know that bad luck has been over their heads.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~