Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 55 Disappointment

Susp: People work very hard, but they have never been able to get water out of the well.

After the village head announced the results of the meeting, although people were still talking to each other in twos and threes, the crowd had begun to disperse, and Zhang Jian and Wang Lin also returned to their home with the crowd. After that, the whole family gathered, and Zhang Jian told his family what happened at the meeting one by one.

"If you want to drill a well in the temple, it's a good thing if it can really come out of water. It's good. I think it's a good idea. Anyway, it's not us who contribute." After listening to Zhang Jian's brief description, Zhang's mother first expressed her supportive opinion.

"Yes, it's a good thing. Anyway, we don't have to work hard, so try it!" Zhang Yu's mother-in-law and father-in-law also expressed their support.

"In terms of the current situation in our village, drilling a well is indeed a good idea, but at the current level of drought, the groundwater level must be very deep. With the existing simple equipment in the village, it is not easy to come up with water!" Zhang Yu frowned and analyzed.

As for drilling the well in the temple, there will be the blessing of gods and the saying that it will definitely come out of water. Zhang Yu, who knows the essence of the so-called gods, is not so optimistic at all. In her opinion, it is better to find a random one in the existing well in the village and start construction on the basis of this well. Maybe do it like this. The effect will be faster, and the probability of water coming out will be greater.

However, on second thought, if the water really comes out, considering the management problems related to well water in the future, it is indeed a good choice to put the location in the temple. However, in this way, everything has to be done from scratch and it will take a lot of effort.

"Although there is no well-related equipment in our village at present, all the participants this time are evolutionists and their physical fitness is guaranteed, so it is still possible to succeed. I have decided that I will also participate in it at that time." Zhang Jian took a very positive attitude towards this matter, and his mind began to heat up.

"This time the participants are all evolutionists! So far, I don't know how many evolutions we have here. Hearing Zhang Jian's words, Zhang Yu sighed for a while. She had no problem with Zhang Jian's words that he was also going to drill a well.

"Evolutions are so powerful that I think the efficiency of letting these people find water is definitely better than the current group of people. Who knows if it is useless to do wells!" Zhang Yi has different opinions on this.

"Water is not so easy to find! I also think it's good to drill a well!" After listening to Zhang Yi's words, Wang Lin, who had participated in the water search team, retorted.

Is that right? Is the water source really so difficult to find? Didn't we find several places in our village at once? Zhang Yi asked.

"I found a few places, but either have a master, or the location is too dangerous. In addition, even if you find a suitable water source, you have to go out to fw water. You don't know that it is very unsafe outside now. Although our village is usually quite calm, that is because we have a boundary of gods here. Well, now, there are still a lot of people coming in from the city wandering around. Speaking of things outside, Wang Lin sighed a little.

"Hey! What a sin!" Zhang's mother said with a little emotion.

Hearing Wang Lin talk about things outside, the family suddenly became a little silent. After that, everyone also had a tacit understanding not to mention this topic.

Long Xiang and Zhang's father did not express any opinion on the matter of drilling the well, but looking at the two of them, they also have a supportive attitude towards this matter, because if it really comes out of the water, it is indeed a good thing for their own village. In view of the current situation, it is a good thing. The way out.

For Zhang Yu, who is not short of water, doesn't care much about the result of the well drilling. However, she showed great interest in the evolutionists mentioned by the village head before, so she decided to take a look at these people in person after the start of work. Among them, Do you know someone?

Zhang Yu has always been concerned about the animals in the surrounding villages. After all, most animals have no wisdom. Even if they become evolutionists, after all, they are innately insufficient. Even if they learn how to think, most of them are careful and smart. If you have the heart, you can still pass through some spiders. It can be detected, but human beings are different. The greatest advantage of human beings is wisdom. If they have the intention to hide, it is generally difficult to find.

Zhang Yu has known very little about the evolutionists in several villages around her. Therefore, after hearing that all the people digging the well this time are evolutionists, she has developed a great interest in it. She plans to observe these people closely when she starts work.

Now, it is a special period, and most of the villagers' lives are very unhappy. Therefore, many things have been dealt with simply. Now, although they are praying for blessings, the offerings are very simple. Among them, most of the tributes are still received by the news, and the villagers of other villages are collectively accurate. After all, everyone is now on the same front, and the drinking water problem is the top priority now. Even if the people in Zhang Yu's village have nothing to say, the people in other villages living here have to say something.

Although the offerings and so on are a little simple, the people in the village attach great importance to this blessing in their hearts. On this day, almost all the people who had nothing to do came to the scene. When they arrived at the scene, they saw a sea of people here surrounded a small temple, and Zhang Yu Several also relied on their strong bodies and squeezed into the front row.

Before the ceremony began, Zhang Yu couldn't help but look at several statues in the temple. Some time ago, she went out with Long Xiang. After that, because of some unpleasant things, Zhang Yu has been staying at home with Longxiang, so she did not have a chance to come here to have a look. At this time, she found that the energy on the statue in the temple was much stronger than before.

Now it is a troubled time, and the gods in the temple are so spiritual. Before, many people went out to look for water. For their own safety, they worshiped more diligently and prayed more piously. Therefore, during Zhang Yu's absence, the lights on several statues have been enhanced a lot, except for the one in the middle. In addition to the faint fluctuations of thinking on the statue, the remaining statues are still as usual.

Zhang Yu wanted to continue to observe carefully, but the ceremony over there was about to begin, so Zhang Yu had to give up.

Although the ceremony is simple, it looks very solemn. First, the offering is placed, then the sacrifice is read, and then the incense is prayed.

Although it was very simple and old-fashioned, people followed the rules. After that, almost everyone went to worship, and Zhang Yu and others were no exception. Unfortunately, Zhang Yu's wish has not been fulfilled. She originally planned to observe those evolutionists. Unfortunately, today is only a ceremony and the construction will not officially start tomorrow, so Zhang Yu has to come again tomorrow.

The next day, Zhang Yu and Zhang Jian, who was going to help, came to the temple together. At this time, she officially saw the so-called evolutionists, which was unexpected by Zhang Yu. After coming to the scene, Zhang Yu unexpectedly saw eight evolutionists at once. Zhang Yu did not expect that there were several small villages at once. With so many evolutionists, the probability is really not low.

However, what makes Zhang Yu a little disappointed is that none of them are familiar to her. Now that when drilling wells, everyone is also doing manual work, so Zhang Yu can't specifically distinguish whether they are mutants or powers. Well drilling is boring work. After observing for a while, Zhang Yu feels bored. Recently, Long Xiang has always been in a low mood because of his brother's affairs. Zhang Yu was a little worried, so he took advantage of the fun and returned.

After Zhang Jian joined, a total of nine evolutionists were digging wells. If this matter is put in peacetime, it is a little useless. However, now, it seems so natural, and Zhang Yu also knows the progress of digging the well from Zhang Jian's mouth every day.

There is no equipment, all relying on manual and simple tools to dig wells. It is easy to say, but it is not easy to implement, especially with the deepening of the depth of the well and the thin air. Even if these people are evolutionists, the daily progress can only get slower and slower. Now, the well The depth has exceeded all the wells in the village now, but there is still no water in the well.

In these days of digging wells, the reorganized water search team has set out, but until now, there is still no news of new water source, and fewer and fewer people go out to fend water in and out of the village every day.

Slowly, a feeling called "disappointment" began to envelope the village.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~