Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 10 Plant Wars II

Summary: Ethnic disputes between plants are also the reason why many plants have to expand to other places.

There is an old saying: It's not that you don't report it. When the time comes, everything will be reported. Previously, when human beings had the ability and dominated, they thought that they were the masters of the whole nature. Therefore, they acted recklessly and arbitrarily invaded the territory of animals and plants and destroyed their homes, thinking that they were obstacles for their own expansion, low-level existence, but they were at random mercy, but now Human beings have become obstacles for plants to occupy nature and become the manipulated side. This change is really ironic. This may be the so-called retribution.

The causal cycle, the retribution is unpleasant, and many things in the dark cannot be explained clearly by the science that human beings have now mastered. Most of the time, human beings are trying to deny its existence, but if it really doesn't exist, it is not so. Often, its shadow can be found in many things. However, some causal relationships can't be found in a short period of time because they last for a very long time and human beings are in it.

Nowadays, the nirvana of the whole nature is the cause of the malicious destruction of human beings before, which has the result of today.

However, the current rapid expansion of plants is not entirely due to plants wanting to occupy the whole world, but also for some other reasons. Buddha's saying goes: wisdom and troubles, all kinds of sufferings in the world are born from wisdom. No matter what kind of creature, once they have wisdom, there will be differences, and these differences will lead to disputes. If there are disputes, there will be success or failure, and the outcome of the losers is often tragic.

When plants evolve, the same is true in the plant world. If many species can still grow together harmoniously before they have wisdom, then once they have ideas and learn to think, there will be racial differences between them, and they will compete for better living space. In the battle, the weak had to migrate out of the territory of the strong and find them to survive. Therefore, losers have to leave the place where they lived before and begin to expand into human territory, otherwise they will be ruthlessly eliminated by the strong.

The strong people of plant species have eliminated the weak, and these weak people are unwilling to withdraw from the stage of history, so they show their fangs to human beings.

However, plants themselves have some very strong weaknesses, which cause them to expand very slowly. One of the weaknesses is that they are inconvenient to move. Even if they can move, they are very slow. Another weakness is their growth, which is very environmentally affected by climate and environment.

The strength of plants is directly related to the amount of vitality contained in their bodies. The stronger the vitality, the more time it takes to accumulate. However, in the years of accumulation, these powerful plant individuals are often very large, but the larger the individual, the more nutrition they need. In order to absorb these nutrients, they need a huge root system. Therefore, powerful plants are often very well-developed and staggered, and often inseparable from other plant roots around them. They have many concerns and are also extremely difficult to move.

The so-called: pulling a hair and moving the whole body is a portrayal of the living conditions of these huge plants. At this time, plants with weak vitality often have more advantages when they migrate, but their weak vitality indicates the weakness and the expansion of the weak. Of course, it will be very slow to get up.

When people face life and death, the cause of the war, the helplessness of both sides, and everything becomes less important, because at this time, only the winner can get the right to survive. If they can't survive, the reason is not important at all, and human beings are often accustomed to I'm used to summarizing lessons and summarizing the causes after the event. It has the demeanor of Zhuge Liang after the event. At this time, it is often the general trend and can only drift with the tide.

Now most surviving human beings only know that plants have mutated, and the food they have finally planted has begun to mutate. Not only that, almost all the plants around them have mutated, and their future food sources are gone. At the same time, plants want to rob human beings now. The living space has also begun to attack human beings. They want to occupy the land where they are living now and become big masters.

In order to survive, human beings can do difficult things. Therefore, in the face of the pressure of plants, people began to fight with plants and strive to eliminate these plants that have changed. However, the vitality of plants is very powerful. Even the weakest grass, once it goes crazy, will cause huge losses to human beings.

Wildfires can't burn out, and the spring breeze blows again. Many plants, even if they are temporarily destroyed by human beings, are given a short time, they will thrive again like bamboo shoots, and human beings are not. Once killed by plants, it is real death, and their power will continue to be cut off. At the same time, human beings need a lot of food to maintain their combat effectiveness, but human food storage is limited, while plants can directly absorb nutrients from the earth. The logistical supplies of the two are also unequal.

"I really didn't expect that once the plant went crazy, it would be so terrible!" Zhang Jian said feebly. During this period, Zhang Jian and the villages in the village have been constantly cleaning up the plants around the village. However, after mutating, these plants grow very fast, often growing again not long after cleaning up, which is simply endless, making the villagers tired of dealing with them.

"Yes! They are just like immortal cockroaches, and their vitality is too tenacious. Wang Lin also sighed. During this period, almost all the people in the village went out to clean up the surrounding plants 24 hours a day.

"If these plants can't be eradicated, they will be so endless that we can't find effective solutions. If we go on like this, it won't be a long-term solution at all!" Even the powerful Longxiang is a little at a loss at this time. His face was full of fatigue and his spirit was also depressed. During this period, everyone has been really tired.

"Oh, I didn't expect that the weeds that had not been taken seriously before would be so difficult to deal with once they went crazy." Zhang Yu also said with emotion. Once large plants die, they are basically finished, but those small grasses are not. As long as the roots are not completely destroyed, they can regenerate infinitely. Because of the extremely large number, it is almost impossible for them to completely remove their roots. It is often the people here who clean them up. Almost, but as long as there is a little fish that is missing, they will soon appear in front of people again.

"Well, there is no other way now. If you stick to it, you will always succeed. Didn't there be a piece that was completely cleaned up before!" Seeing that everyone was so negative, Zhang's mother quickly comforted her.

"We are using the stupidest method now, which consumes the physical strength of the villagers and the power of the land. The reason why the previous area was completely cleared is that the land there has become completely unsuitable for any plants here. If it goes on, even if these plants are repelled by us, the land here will become grassless. I don't know how long it will take to cultivate it. Hearing Zhang's mother's words, Zhang Yu couldn't help sighing. If it goes on like this, the village will become a barren land and no longer suitable for human survival.

Hearing Zhang Yu's words, everyone's heart was very heavy. Although people temporarily won the victory, the price of losing land and survival resources was too high.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~