Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 13 Changes

Summary: The variation and growth of plants and the opening of independent zones have led to changes in people's lives.

Without food, it is impossible to guarantee sufficient physical strength and physical strength. If we fight against these mutated plants, the survivors will become more and more anxious over time, because, if it goes on like this, there is only one way to wait for them to perish. Therefore, up to now, the situation of human beings has become It's in danger.

Finally, at this critical juncture, the government stood up again. Today, the government is the most powerful party left by human beings. The current government is composed of a large number of technicians and troops. They need to be equipped with equipment, technology, and a large number of talents. After that, a group of evolutionists have also joined in, so their strength has become stronger and stronger.

During this period, the government has been unbearable, and people outsiders do not know what the government has been busy with during this period, so the government has become more and more mysterious in people's eyes. This time, the government suddenly stood up and issued a statement, which suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

After the melee between organizations and the war against plants, up to this time, all organizations have basically consumed all their strength, and many organizations have been disbanded. The organizations that can persist until now are really powerful. However, nowadays, they can be compared with the government. There is no longer any resistance.

Many people are looking for their own way out in the future, so when the government issued the announcement, these people saw the so-called hope, and many people are eager to try and are ready to respond to the government's call.

In fact, the government's announcement is very simple, that is, the government is ready to open the independent zone again. As long as they are survivors, they can come to the independent zone. As long as they enter the independent zone, the government will ensure their independent zone. At the same time, the government will also issue some tasks, no matter who they are, as long as they have completed the task, There will be corresponding rewards, and these rewards include food, daily necessities, weapons preparation, etc.

Apart from anything else, food alone attracted most of the survivors, so many people are ready to go to the Independence Zone.

Today, most of the surviving independent areas are in relatively large towns. Because these towns are relatively economically developed, they are full of reinforced buildings and cement floors, so there are few plants to survive. After the government closed the independent zone, it has undergone some major transformation, so planting has occurred. After the mutation, this is the least affected place.

The government has its own plant research base, and the plants here are basically controlled by the government, so it does not cause any harm to the people here. Not only that, the safe food researched in the independent zone has achieved a bumper harvest again, so the government is very confident now.

During this period, the government has been continuously studying the mutant plants. Although the government has made some achievements, because there are too many mutant plants, the government has not found a way to target all plants. However, for ordinary plants, the government has found a corresponding treatment method. That's why the government changed to an open independent zone.

When the news was released, the whole Z country began the great migration movement again. Previously, a large number of people poured into the countryside, but now, on the contrary, a large number of people poured into the city.

"The government finally got news, but what we waited for was not what we wanted before." Long Xiang said with some regret. After learning the news, Zhang Yu's family sat together again to discuss countermeasures.

"Although it is not what I wanted before, this result is not bad. At least, after it comes to safety, safety will be guaranteed." Zhang Yu thought the news was good news.

"Unfortunately, the independent zone near us has been taken away. Up to now, there are mutant plants outside, and it is not easy to go to the independent zone. Wang Lin said with some regret.

"I don't know what the people in our village will plan to do. Do you think the people here will give up our village and go to the independent zone?" Zhang Jian asked a little worriedly. He has lived in this village since he was a child. Here are all his memories, sweet and sour. If he really let him leave, he will be very reluctant to leave.

"It's hard to say. Our village is different from other villages. Before, we have always been protected by a boundary. All of them have not been baptized as cruelly as other villages. Many people's families are still here. It is difficult to reach the independent area with their families. Hearing Zhang Jian's words, Zhang Yu replied faintly. After all, most of the emotional animals that make them give up their relatives will not do so.

"That is, now there are mutant plants outside, and it is difficult to go to the independent zone." Hearing Zhang Yu's words, Zhang Yi nodded and echoed.

"Unfortunate, if after a while, even if people don't want to move, it won't work. Now, there is not much food in the village, and it won't last long." Wang Lin sighed and said not optimistically that he didn't know much about the situation in the village, so it was different from what Zhang Yu and others thought.

"Yes, during this period, food consumption is very fast. In addition, several pieces of land have been exhausted. Presumably, after a while, this place will become a completely uninhabitable place. At that time, even if you don't go to the Independence Zone, you will have to find another place to live. At this moment, Long Xiang said.

Although Longxiang has not lived in this place for a long time, he already has a deep affection for this place. He can't bear to see this place become a barren place, but his own power is limited and he can't stop the development of the situation at all.

"What should I do? Do you really want to leave here and go to the Independence Zone? Hearing Long Xiang and Wang Lin's words, Wang Mother asked in a hurry.

"I'm not sure about this. It depends on the people in the village." Long Xiang lowered his eyes and replied.

"This matter depends on the decision of the village head, but we will not go to the independent zone. If everyone wants to leave, our family will move to the residence I prepared before. It's quite safe there. Most importantly, there is a lot of food stored there, which is enough for us to use for the rest of our lives. At this time, Zhang's father, who rarely spoke, opened his mouth.

Zhang Yu's secret is the biggest card of their family. The independent district is the territory of the government, where there are many people. If Zhang Yu's secret is discovered, their family's situation will become very bad. Therefore, Zhang's father does not plan to go to the independent zone.

"Really, did you really hide so much food there before?" Hearing Zhang's father's words, the Queen Mother suddenly became excited. Not only her, but also Wang Lin and Wang's father also looked at Zhang's father excitedly. Although Zhang's father also mentioned this place before, they did not know that there was so much food there.

"Ye�, really. That place is not far from here. If it were just us, it would have been easy in the past, not as far as the Independence Zone. Zhang's father said in a relaxed tone.

Hearing Zhang's father's words, Zhang Yu and others did not say anything, but they actually did not want to go to the Independence Zone.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~