Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 20 Under the Temple Battle

In summary: The loss in the village is getting greater and greater, and finally the temple, the safest place, is left

This time, the people who chose to leave were very different from what everyone expected before. No one expected such a thing to happen before, so it surprised the rest of the people and a little uneasy. Unexpectedly, even the very wise village head chose to leave, which made the rest of the people feel a psychological pressure, while some flexible people have a very bad feeling that they have always feel that they have missed something.

Although this matter has left a shadow on the psychology of the remaining people, the reality does not allow people to be too trapped in it. The mutant plants outside will not weaken the attack because of fewer people in the village, nor will they stop expanding because of people's uneasiness. Now, the main warmen have left The rest of these people must fight harder with these plants to achieve the previous balance.

At this time, the rest of the people can't help but miss the previous days. Although the days were also very hard, compared with the current days, it is already very happy. Only now can they feel the hard work of the poor and the poor work so hard. Before, they were in trouble and couldn't help themselves. No wonder they were so angry, but now it's too late to regret it.

"I didn't expect that the village head would leave with these people! If I had known this news before, there would have been more people who would have left. Zhang's mother was very concerned about the departure of the village head.

"Yes, people didn't expect the village head to leave before!" Wang Lin was also surprised. There was no sign at all before, which really caught the villagers off guard.

"Hey! Well, the village head has also left. Let's see if the rest are noisy!" Zhang Yi also said that she was also dissatisfied with what the rich had done before. These people were really too selfish.

"The village head also left. Is it because he is disappointed in our village, or is it a better choice to leave? The man surnamed Gong also followed. It must be like this. Zhang Jian also began to express his own high theory. He had some opinions on the surnamed Gong before, so he inevitably paid some attention to him and knew that the surnamed Gong would not do anything uncertain, so he came to the above conclusion.

"I won't say anything else. Let's pack up quickly these days and make plans to leave here at any time." Things have come to this point, and there is no point in discussing them again.

"I really want to move away!" Although Zhang Yu and Long Xiang have explained the reason clearly before, Zhang Jian is still a little reluctant.

"Let's prepare separately! I'm still optimistic about the village head's decision. Since he has done this, we have nothing to hesitate about!" Zhang's father also supports moving. Besides, if he doesn't move now, he will move sooner or later.

Just as Zhang Yu's family silently packed their luggage, the village began to change quietly.

In the past few days, without the strength of the poor, the workload of these rich people has suddenly increased several times, making them very uncomfortable. Therefore, the various bad habits of these rich people slowly broke out again, and with the intentional release of water of these people, Zhang Yu's village The territory is shrinking, and more and more land has been robbed by mutant plants.

With the continuous loss of the land, the whole village is shrouded in a sluggish atmosphere. The rest of these people did not expect such a thing to happen before. They did not expect to lose the poor party they despise. Their strength is so weak and vulnerable.

In this case, the remaining people have no intention of fighting at all, and many people have even given up fighting, so things are getting worse and worse. In a short time, the mutant plants expanded to Zhang Yu's village, and many houses were swallowed up by them. Up to now, only the house where Zhang Yu and they live has survived.

Although these mutant plants do not have an IQ, they have the instinct to seek good luck and avoid evil. In this place where Zhang Yu and others live, there are not only gods, but also several gods such as Long Xiang. Gods and Long Xiang are both high-level life beings, which obviously suppress these mutant plants at the level, so During the expansion, these mutant plants instinctively avoided this dangerous area.

Of course, the surviving villagers don't know the reason why the mutant plants did this, but they can speculate that anyone who can live to this day is not stupid, so they immediately realized that the plants are doing this because they are afraid of the gods in the village. If it is true Well, the temple is the safest place in the village today.

With such speculation, everyone began to move to the temple for a while. However, the temple was only so large that it could not accommodate all the survivors. Everyone wanted to move in, and everyone did not want to be the remaining existence, so the battle began.

I have to say that human beings are really a wonderful animal. In the face of powerful foreign enemies, they often behave very cowardly, have no backbone, and make people look down on them. However, in the face of their compatriots, their performance is just the opposite. Everyone is very powerful, heroic and murderous. If you set fire, your eyes can be set without blinking. This is a very extreme performance. Although it is puzzling, it does exist like this. As the saying goes, existence is reasonable. Since it is incomprehensible, let them continue to exist.

The battle between human beings and human beings is different from the battle between human beings and plants. Plants have no blood. Even if there is juice, most of them taste is relatively fresh. After being killed by human beings, they will immediately be absorbed and digested by othertong leis, and will soon be covered up by new plants without leaving no trace at all. Human beings are otherwise. With human injury and bloodshed, it will leave a very strong smell of blood, which will lead to the tyranny in human hearts, which will only make the scene more bloody.

The battle for the temple was restrained at the beginning, but with the white heat of the battle, injuries were inevitable. What's more, death began to appear, and violence began to surround here. For a moment, the whole temple was completely free of the purity and peace of the past, and suddenly turned into hell on earth. Like existence.

With the continuous emergence of violent, bloody and other negative emotions, the whole temple began to change, but now, the villagers who have killed their eyes have not found this change at all.


Collection is duty, -- Message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~(~o~)~zZ~~