Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 26 Fighting

In summary: Because of human prayers as support, gods and cypress trees have become evenly matched, and it is difficult to win or lose

At this moment, all the survivors outside the temple began to pray. They closed their eyes, clenched their hands, and made a silent wish in their hearts. They had never been so pious as they are now.

Seeing their performance, they were infected by them. Even those who had been cursing before stopped and began to pray, because in a blink of an eye, they had figured out that at this moment, only when the gods finally won the victory, those who were equally cherished their lives outside dared to enter the temple. Only then may I be saved, but once the gods fail, then, those who are now staying in the temple must be dead and can only stay here to become fertilizer.

One advantage of getting along with smart people is that they can easily figure out the context of things without you saying anything more, which is really reassuring.

Now, all those who survived have begun to pray.

The gods have lived up to their believers. They fought together with the cypress trees. In the face of the attack of the cypress trees, they showed no weakness. Although there are two cypress trees, there are several gods in the temple. Although they have not been born for a long time and do not open their wisdom like cypress trees, their strength alone is not much worse than that of cypress trees.

When the thick branches and leaves of the cypress trees kept pulling towards the temple, a transparent boundary enveloped around the temple, resisting the attack of the cypress trees. The two cypress trees are now strongly stimulated. At this moment, they are fighting high. Seeing that their attack is blocked back, they are not discouraged, and they waved their torso more excitedly to attack again.

One attack and one defense on both sides, and the battle for a while is difficult to solve.

With the intensification of the battle, more and more branches waved by the ancient cypress trees. From a distance, you can see a dense area of demons dancing, slowly surrounding the whole temple.

At present, the gods in the temple have not really evolved their wisdom and have not really grown up. Therefore, their abilities are relatively simple and there are no means of attack. However, most of the people in the village usually pray for peace or something. Therefore, the gods are also good at keeping peace. If they are used to fight, they are only good at it. Long defensive ability, so when facing the attack of two cypress trees, you can only open the boundary and passively defend.

The two cypress trees are otherwise. Because of their own racial characteristics, plants are naturally not good at moving. Therefore, after evolution, in order to make up for this deficiency, most of the ability generated is the ability to "move" that they do not have. Therefore, they now focus on offensive aspects. Therefore, after evolution, two ancient The cypress trees can move all over their bodies, and both the branches and trunks on their bodies and the roots under the ground begin to move arbitrarily.

After hundreds of years of accumulation, the various trunks and branches on the cypress trees are very hard and powerful. Now they have the flexibility to move at will. Now with their ability, once waved, they will produce infinite lethality, and the attack power cannot be seen.

At this moment, the waving branches of the cypress trees are different from the previous time when dealing with human beings. In their eyes, human beings are weak and fragile, easy to die and injured, and there is no threat to them at all. Therefore, when dealing with human beings, it They only used the weak parts of their bodies, and at the same time, they were not very strong, but more with a kind of teasing and venting emotions to make their previous actions.

This is not the case when dealing with the gods in the temple. The so-called lions and rabbits also use all their strength. These gods have the same strength as themselves. If they don't use real ones, then they may be themselves who will suffer losses and be hurt, so they attack very hard.

The city gate caught fire and affected the pond fish. After the hard attack of the ancient cypress tree, the people left in the temple were miserable. Up to now, no one paid attention to them at all. Everyone is praying earnestly in their hearts, praying for the emergence of miracles. At the same time, cheering for their gods, while the gods and ancient cypress trees are busy fighting with each other. Therefore, when the cypress tree waved its branches to attack, these poor people who were deeply trapped in it were so affected.

Nowadays, cypress trees use all their full power, which is not the strength they used to tease them at all. Therefore, once they are slightly next to or touched by these branches, they will be greatly injured. It can be imagined waiting for their future. Now, these are all injured and they can't move themselves to An at all. All over the place, so many people died so unfortunately.

Although these people have no future and are not eye-catching, and their deaths have not been noticed by those people outside the temple at all, their death itself has a great impact.

You should know that people's pious faith is the source of the power of gods. If the source of power is lost, the power of these gods will continue to weaken and even die like this.

The power source of the gods in this temple is the villagers of several villages living in Zhang Yu and their village. At the end of the world, the villagers began to die constantly. In order to protect their believers and power sources, the gods opened the boundary and raised their own source of power, but even if Some people still die for one reason or another.

However, the previous death is completely acceptable, and people have become more religious to the gods because of the shadow of death, so the impact on the gods is not great at all, and even relatively relatively good. Because the more pious the believers are, the more power the gods gain.

Later, after the crazy mutation of plants, this situation finally changed. The power of the gods is limited. The boundary opened is just a psychedelic array that can only confuse conscious creatures that rely on their senses to distinguish the environment. Plants are different. Their dependence on their senses is not so great. Their ways are very diverse. They can rely on their own roots under the ground and rely on short Within time, his body covered the earth and so on. There are many ways to expand, so the biggest dependence of Zhang Yu's village failed in the face of these mutant plants.

After the boundary loses its function, the people in the village have to fight against these mutant plants, and there will be casualties in the battle. Therefore, at this time, the power of the gods begins to be constantly weakened.

Because of the contradictions within the village, the village head and the leaders of the poor left the village with a group of people, who accounted for 30% of the villagers. Therefore, the power of the gods was weakened again, and it was severely weakened.

This time, in order to compete for the last pure land of the temple, these survivors had another large-scale suicide, which reduced the number of survivors a lot again. Therefore, there are not many divine believers today. Unfortunately, most of the people here do not know the power of gods at all. The source of them is just thinking about letting the gods bless themselves. They don't know that what they have done before is constantly consuming their own umbrella - the power of the gods.

To sum up, with the above things, the gods are no longer as powerful as before. Now, they are constantly fighting with two cypress trees, depleting their own strength. Therefore, the family backgrounds they have accumulated before are almost empty. The power sources of the two cypress trees and gods are different. Their power comes more from the earth and the sun, so as long as they are rooted in the earth and live in the air, they can get a steady stream of energy and are not afraid of consumption at all.

Compared with the two, the gods can only fight weaker and weaker. Fortunately, at this time, the gods have the prayers of these survivors to support them, so it seems that the two sides can fight at this moment is inextricable.

At this time, because of the impact, those who were seriously injured in the temple kept dying. Now, these people's prayers are supported by gods. Every time they die, the power of the gods is weakened by one point.

These people in the temple were injured in the previous melee. These people ended up like this because of the sudden trouble of the ancient cypress tree. It's really because of the sudden incident, so the number of people left behind is really a lot, which is enough for about half of the survivors today. Therefore, these people are damaged. After the loss, the power of the gods was enough to be weakened by a small part. As a result, the situation of the war immediately changed.

Because the gods are so weak, but the cypress trees have no loss, so the gods become precarious. If they can't find a solution, the failure of the gods is doomed.

Seeing this scene, the survivors became restless.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, the reward is the most love ^_^~~(~o~)~zZ~~ I hope you can continue to support Feitian!!! Thank you!