Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 29 On the End

In summary: The cypress tree and the gods temporarily coexisted because of their defeat

After the gods and the cypress tree exploded all their strength, they only got a losing end.

The whole temple has completely collapsed, and the statue inside is still strong, but the light on the statue has become very dim, and there is no longer the sanctity of the past or the solemnity of the dust. It can be seen that this time it has hurt its root.

Although the gods suffered a lot of damage, the cypress tree did not get a good end and also suffered great damage. The temple was full of the remnants and leaves falling from their bodies, and the whole trunk became bare, leaving only a few large trunks still alive, and the others All of them have been broken, and obviously they are also greatly damaged.

has suffered such a great damage and is dying. Up to now, there is no emotion, leaving only the happiness for the rest of his life after the disaster. Therefore, the two cypress trees returned to their normal state and became very peaceful. They did not make any extreme actions, but silently absorbed the energy around them and recovered their injuries.

Unfortunately, the energy around this village has been almost consumed, so I don't know how long it will take to return to the peak state. It seems that these two ancient trees can only be in a state of cultivation for a long time.

The survivors were very happy after seeing the tragedy in the temple, because they could finally continue to live! Not only that, the mutant plants around them have also disappeared. Without these foreign enemies, they still have a lot of food and a short life. Don't worry about it.

Now, these people no longer have to compete for temples, because now there are many houses for them to live in, so the state of hostility between them has disappeared. Everyone looked at each other, and suddenly, a feeling of living and dying together surged into their hearts. For a moment, everyone's relationship was much closer. Although not long ago, everyone beat you to death.

The happiness of these people is in sharp contrast to the depletion in the temple, where these people are smiling, but the temple is full of broken arms, countless blood, corpses, a breeze, rolling up a strong smell of blood, which makes people feel very creepy. The whole temple is like a person. It's hell.

After observing, after confirming that what they saw was true, these survivors couldn't help taking a breath, and then began to thank the gods. After witnessing the power of the gods with their own eyes, their belief in the gods had reached the level of fanatical.

After testing and finding that there was no danger, these people slowly walked into the temple and began to deal with the aftermath. First of all, they found various substances they brought from their homes. Although these things have been made everywhere now, these people still find their own things one after another. Of course, they didn't let go of the things of those who died, and now, these things are also theirs.

Then, these people collected the bodies of those who died. After all, these people are familiar with them in the past, and it is still possible to arrange simple afterths for them. However, because many people have been divided into many pieces, it is difficult to distinguish who is who, so the survivors collect everything together and plan to have a big joint burial.

After cleaning up all these things, the survivors came to the only statue and knelt down devoutly. They prayed silently and expressed their gratitude in their hearts. Previously, these people have discussed that after they settle down, they will build the temple and offer the best tribute to their family. They hope that from now on, the gods can continue to bless them and support the last pure land in the end of the world.

These people don't know the light of the gods and don't know how to invite God. Therefore, they don't know how to find them back because the gods were destroyed in this battle. Therefore, they plan to double the worship of the only god left today. , to show compensation.

The pious prayers of these people have slightly enhanced the divine light of the statue, but now believers, it is difficult for the gods to restore their former strength, just like the two cypress trees!

The god on this statue has not evolved a complete intelligence, so when its believers pray for peace, it has returned to its former peace. Now it has lost too much divine power and its ability has become a low-priced state. Even if the believers have any big request at this time, it is incompetent. Powerless.

Two cypress trees are really intelligent high-level lives. The reason why they suddenly became difficult this time is because they were affected by too many negative emotions. Now, after they have calmed down, they quickly figured out the cause of their abnormality. As the saying, they hurt a thousand enemies and lost 800 themselves. Therefore, they feel that fighting with others will only be detrimental to their future evolution. They will definitely avoid this kind of stupid thing in the future.

The two of them are not competitive. This fight has left a deep impression on them. They plan to live a low-key life from now on, no longer easily fight with others, and strive to restore their strength.

For hundreds of years, they have been used to a peaceful and quiet life. Now they don't like this bloody and dilapidated temple very much, which makes it difficult for them to adapt. Therefore, they began to use their own roots to suck all the blood stains on the ground into the earth and turn them into fertilizer to nourish the earth.

The earth is a hotbed of plants. At the same time, plants can enrich the earth. They are not blindly asked for it. Only in this way can a perfect cycle be formed. The mutant plants outside are an imperfect evolution, or even a deformed evolution. Therefore, they ask for more from the earth than feedback. During this period, they often make the land barren land in order to expand and excessively ask for it.

However, this practice is wrong. If they go on like this, all the land will be absorbed by them, and they will no longer find a suitable place for them to survive until the end, they will perish themselves. Cypress trees know the truth, so they live together with the earth.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~