Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 32 Migrating

Outline: Zhang Yu's family settled down at her grandmother's house.

The speed of the collapse of the village was greater than Zhang Yu's expectations. Therefore, after learning the news, the family quickly packed up everything in the house. Then, after looking at their home with nostalgia, they resolutely turned around and left here and set out for their new home.

Although Zhang Yu's grandmother's house is not too far from here, after all, it is a special situation. Nowadays, the outside world is full of mutant plants, and it is not a satisfactory thing to get to a new residence. Nowadays, only Zhang Yu, Zhang Jian, Long Xiang and Wang Lin can fight, Zhang's father and mother can only protect themselves, while Zhang Yi, Xiao Haoyu and Wang Lin's parents can not only play a role, but also need someone to protect them. Therefore, it is conceivable that the road is not very smooth.

For the sake of safety, they did not move fast along the way. Fortunately, Zhang Yu had a strong perceptual ability. Therefore, all those who found powerful mutant plants along the way chose to take a detour and stumbled. They finally arrived at Zhang Yu's grandmother's house at dark.

Zhang Yu's grandmother's house is in the mountains. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and the ground is very hidden. Moreover, the mountains here are all stone mountains, which are not suitable for ordinary plant growth. Therefore, the mutant plants here are very rare. Even if there are, they are in twos and threes. It is not conducive to the family at all. Threatened.

After seeing the situation here, the group was very satisfied with the environment of this new residence. The only shortcoming is that there is no one here, and it is inevitable that living here will be a little lonely. However, it is already very good to have a pure land for them to live in the end of the world. This lack is basically ignored by them.

This journey was very hard. In order to rush, everyone had no rest at all the way. Therefore, after arriving here, everyone was very tired. Now, seeing that the environment here is so good, I can't help but breathe a sigh of relief. This breath of relief and fatigue immediately surged in. So, everyone ate some dry food, cleaned up a clean place, and began to rest.

After the break, everyone's fatigue flashed by and began to take care of their new home. Although it has been renovated before, it has been uninhabited for a long time and the area is full of dust. Not only that, it also lacks a lot of daily necessities. However, this is not a problem. There are so many labor in the family, and these jobs are small problems for them. Zhang Yu also brought almost all the things in the previous family, and there is nothing missing. So, soon, the new home was cleaned up.

"Hey! We were so close at that time, and we didn't know what happened to the people in the village now!" After taking care of everything, Zhang's mother began to worry about the people in the previous village.

"Yes! When we left, the village was full of mutant plants. It was really terrible. Those people were more and less auspicious!" Wang's mother also said with emotion that women of the age of the king's mother had never participated in the battle with mutant plants, so she was really a little scared at that time.

Hearing the emotions of the two of them, Zhang's father and Wang's father remained silent. To be honest, they are not optimistic about the outcome of those who stayed behind, but the two of them have little ability, and they can only sympathize with those people in their hearts!

"Mom, don't think so much. Among the people left, there are several evolutionists. Look at my strength and compare them, and you will know that their ability is not weak, and they can still protect themselves!" Zhang Jian hurriedly comforted him. At the same time, he also deliberately showed off his ability in front of his mother. Previously, although he also participated in the battle, his mother had never seen it. This time, along the way, he looked very powerful.

"However, there are only a few evolutionists, and the others are ordinary people!" Zhang's mother's worries were not reduced by Zhang Jian's words. The expression on his face is not very good.

"Mom, do you still remember the two cypress trees in our temple?" At this time, Zhang Yu spoke.

"Remember! Is there anything special about those two cypress trees? Hearing Zhang Yu's words, Zhang's mother asked doubtfully and looked at Zhang Yu curiously, while several other people who did not know the truth also looked at Zhang Yu curiously, waiting for her follow-up.

"Actually, those two cypress trees have also mutated. Before, they had not changed before. In addition, there was a temple where gods were worshipped, so before, when our villagers cleaned up the plants, they unconsciously ignored their existence. Another point, I want to tell you that the mutation of the two cypress trees is essentially different from the mutations of the previous plants. They are not mutations, but have evolved. Like the evolutionists of humans and animals, they are much more powerful than those ordinary plants. After seeing everyone's expressions, Zhang Yu explained it carefully to everyone.

"It turns out that those two ancient cypress trees are evolutionists, so powerful!" After hearing Zhang Yu's words, Zhang Jian said with emotion. Others also have a sense of sudden enlightenment.

"Animals, plants are different from humans, and their lives are closer to nature, so they are more sensitive and pay more attention to the level. Generally speaking, low-level animals or plants dare not enter the territory of the superior without the permission of the superior, so long as the village If those people stay in the temple, there will be no problem with their safety. Zhang Yu continued to explain.

"Oh, that's it! That's good!" After listening to Zhang Yu's words, Zhang's mother was finally relieved. She thought that if she encountered suffering, the people left behind would definitely seek refuge from the gods in the first place. However, she only expected the beginning right, but the wrong ending.

"Second sister, how big do you think the territory of those two trees is? Is it only a little bit like that temple? The territory is so small that they are definitely not very powerful. Zhang Jian has different views. Generally speaking, what he thinks is always so different from others. Hearing his words, Zhang's mother just raised her relieved heart again.

"I detected before that the power of the two ancient trees is not weak. However, I don't know if their territory is linked to their strength. Hearing Zhang Jian's words, Zhang Yu was stunned. After lowering his head and thinking about it, he said uncertainly. Variant plants have not appeared for a long time, and her knowledge of them is very limited.

"It turns out that they are quite powerful, but the territory is so small. What's going on?" After hearing Zhang Yu's words, Zhang Jian whispered puzzledly.

"I don't know much about plants. Anyway, their affairs have nothing to do with us now. Why do you ask so much!" Seeing that Zhang Jian was still there to find out the bottom, Zhang Yu said unhappily.

Seeing that Zhang Yu was a little angry, everyone changed the topic with a tacit understanding.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~