Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 37 on the Role of Sheep

Susp: Wolves love sheep, and the negotiation is successful.

The two wolves are very smart and good at hiding themselves. After a short period of time, Zhang Yu's family's attitude towards them has changed dramatically. When Zhang Yu and they failed to understand the real intention of the two wolves, this change of attitude is a very dangerous behavior.

How can I know the truth and how can I get rid of the danger brought by these two wolves? Zhang Yu kept thinking in his mind. The family has taken several force measures against them before. Unfortunately, they can predict the arrival of danger and respond in advance. The two wolves are very cunning and slippery, and can't catch them at all. Thinking of their ability, Zhang Yu was very helpless.

"What are you thinking about? I've been seeing you frowning today?" Long Xiang, who felt that Zhang Yu's situation today was different, asked with concern.

"Thinking about the two wolves, through this period of getting along, I feel more and more that they are not simple! They are so cunning that they have never had direct contact with us. Until now, we still can't figure out their true intentions, so I'm a little worried. As you can see, the family's attitude towards them has changed so much that I don't know whether this change is good or bad. In the face of Long Xiang, Zhang Yu did not hide it, and she quickly said her worries.

"This pair of wolves is really not easy, and it's really not easy to deal with them." Thinking of several actions before, Long Xiang also agreed with Zhang Yu's words. The wolf who knows how to think is as smart as a fox. It's really a pity.

"Yes, so I'm also worried about this!" Zhang Yu sighed and frowned again.

"How to deal with them? Deal with them? Yes! Why do we have to deal with them? Our original purpose was to live a quiet life here. Their appearance just broke all this, so we have to deal with them. However, for a peaceful life, dealing with them is only one way. If we think the other way around, we can also attract them! In fact, these two wolves are evolutionists. They are wise, so we can communicate. Long Xiang said excitedly.

Say, their previous thoughts were limited. They only wanted to confront the two wolves head-on, but they forgot that their original intention was not like this, and killing wolves was just a means, and there were other peaceful ways to achieve their goals. For example, on the contrary, slowly pull them over and make friends with them, so that they can also achieve their own goals. Even having these two wolves patrol around and guarding them will make this place safer.

"Yes! Why didn't I think of this before?" Hearing Long Xiang's words, Zhang Yu felt suddenly cheerful and had a bright feeling in front of his eyes.

"The best way to make friends with a person is to do what they like. Now, for these two wolves, what they need most must be food! Nowadays, there are two kinds of things that we can take out and are attractive to them. One is energy-containing food. Those things produced in your spiritual field can improve their ability, and they must like them very much. The other is meat. I remember that you still have a herd of sheep in your space, no Is it?" Seeing that his wife also agreed to his proposal, Long Xiang continued to analyze.

"Yes, these two things are really attractive to them. One can improve their ability and the other can fill their stomachs." Zhang Yu nodded and echoed.

In fact, because those sheep have lived in Zhang Yu's space for a long time, many of them were born directly in the space. Therefore, their bodies also contain faint energy. However, these energies are still a little worse than the food and fruits that grow directly on the spiritual field. Therefore, Zhang Yu directly These energies have been ignored.

At that time, in order to avoid trouble, Zhang Yu put the sheep at home directly in the space. Previously, it had been managed by Dahei. Later, because of the arrival of Zhang Yi's family, in order to keep the secrets of his space, Zhang Yu slowly left the sheep behind and forgot all of them. If Long Xiang didn't mention it, she didn't remember it at all. The so-called raising soldiers for a thousand days has been used for a while, and now, these sheep can finally play their role.

Now, there is nothing to say about the secret of Zhang Yu's space, so she intends to get some of these sheep to improve her family's life. By the way, her family has not had meat for a long time.

"Compared with sheep, it is more appropriate. After all, it is not known whether we have done this or not. If it has no effect, it will improve their ability, which will be counterproductive." Of course, Long Xiang won't do this kind of business that loses his wife and soldiers.

"Ok, tomorrow, I'll get some sheep in my space and let my family open meat by the way! We haven't eaten meat for a long time!" Speaking of this, Zhang Yu is a little greedy. She really wants to eat meat!

Hearing Zhang Yu's words, Long Xiang was very smiling. As he spoke, he ran to eating meat. The woman's thinking jumped so fast! When he just came to his mouth, he was suffoed back.

"All right! Just do what you want. We haven't had meat for a long time. After thinking about it, Long Xiang had to agree. Who let his wife say this?

"How do you think we can negotiate with those two wolves? If you tell them directly to give them sheep to eat, they will definitely not believe it. We have to find a reasonable excuse." Zhang Yu pulled the topic back again.

"I think it's good to use the most direct reason, that we will hire them and let them patrol us around to eliminate the invading enemies. As long as we are not hostile to them, the power of the two wolves will be useless. Long Xiang thought for a moment and then said. Although these wolves have opened their intelligence, they are still animals after all. They let the animals do things and then pay them correspondingly. Although this method is simple, it is very suitable for them.

"Alle! Just do as you said. Tomorrow, I will ask Dahei to negotiate with them. Since they can't be eliminated, raise them! As long as they can eliminate their danger to us." Zhang Yu nodded and agreed.

You should know that the sheep in Zhang Yu's space have a faint energy and taste is very good. She believes that as long as the two wolves have tasted the taste of these sheep, they will definitely not escape the palm of their hands.

The next day, Zhang Yu took out ten sheep in his space. When Wang Lin and the others saw the ten sheep, they were surprised. The mouth was so open that they could stuff a big duck egg. They feel more and more that Zhang Yu's space power is so mysterious that they can still raise sheep in this space! This is amazing.

Although they were surprised, they were also very happy to know that they could eat meat. Zhang Yu was really generous this time. A lot of fruits and vegetables in the space were taken out. Even the ginseng fruit was also very generous. Looking at the increasingly respectful eyes of Wang Lin's family, Zhang Yu felt very happy and couldn't help but feel a little complaance in his heart. You know, the Zhang family has known her ability for a long time, and they will not be surprised by such things, and Wang Lin's surprised performance makes her very useful.

After having a rich meal, Zhang Yu finally began to do business. Zhang Yu began to negotiate with the two wolves. At the beginning, although the two wolves did not believe their words, because they did not feel hostility, their defensive psychology was not so strong.

Thinking of Zhang Yu's conditions, they are a little hesitant. You know, in the end of the world, there are fewer and fewer animals due to the matter of mutant plants, which makes their hunting more and more difficult. Therefore, Zhang Yu's conditions are very attractive, but they think of Zhang Yu and others treating them before. They were very hesitant, but when they heard that Zhang Yu were willing to pay in advance, they finally began to be a little moved.

Looking at the fat sheep from afar, although those sheep are a little far away from them, their strong sense of smell can already smell the extremely delicious smell of sheep. Those smells are the smell of energy! And the fat sheep are also the wolf's favorite food, so after thinking about it, they finally agreed.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~