Apocalyptic Survival

Chapter 46 Settling down

In summary: The village head and several leaders made a simple division of labor for everyone

Before, the village head convened them for a meeting and said those worrying words at the meeting, which made the hearts of several leaders who had heard of it sink. Before that, everyone had been fighting with mutant plants. At that time, life was extremely hard every day, and many people's hearts became numb and there was no superfluous at all. They want to think about the future, because they don't know whether they have a future or not.

At that time, the group took successful entry into the independent zone as their only goal and spiritual sustenance, and fought for it. Everyone kept holding that breath, so they survived. Finally, everyone succeeded. They arrived in the independent zone and owned their own house.

Seeing everything here and the house given to themselves, everyone thinks it's really great to be here! Most people felt relieved. The previous tense will was a little dispersed after arriving here. However, after listening to the village head's words, they realized that reaching the independent district was only the first step. The days in the future are indeed still long. If these people want to gain a foothold here You can't relax. You must continue to work hard.

The most important thing is that after arriving here, they will face many other problems. For example, many people may leave their own group, and those who dare to leave must be capable people. If such people leave, they are bound to weaken the strength of their group. Then, they want to stand firm here. The heel becomes more difficult.

They just came here and don't know everything here. Although what the soldier said before is very simple, they don't know how to take over the task and what the requirements are. There is another very key point, that is, what is the state of the power groups here and whether they will suffer from these. The suppression and bullying of the organization is unknown.

Before, Zhang Yu's village was just such a small village, and there were three power groups. When they arrived here, the personnel were more complex, and the existing organizations were unknown. They wanted to find their own living space here and needed strong strength. However, this time, For more powerful people, their presence is still a problem, which is really a headache!

On this day, when most people were familiar with the new environment and the main person in charge was considering everyone's future, the village head and his son quietly had a secret conversation with several people. After that, he returned to his residence with a blank face.

At the meeting the next day, several leaders finally made a deployment about the future after some discussion. However, the number of personnel at this meeting also increased accordingly, the surnamed Gong, and the three evolutionists who followed everything this time.

The plan for this meeting is as follows:

According to the different personnel, all personnel will be divided into different groups, and everyone will work according to their own division of labor.

Logistics group: Those who have no combat effectiveness or their families in the village will become members of this group, who are responsible for the life work of all people last night, laundry and so on.

Battle Group: With the three evolutionists as the team leader, all effective adult men must join in. These people are responsible for all kinds of tasks and earn corresponding living materials for the whole organization. They will usually have the best treatment to ensure that they have Pei's physical strength can cope with the battle at any time. At the same time, three groups rotated out of tasks, leaving at least one team each time to be responsible for security issues.

Information group: Young people in the village, or flexible people, who bear the burden of collecting all kinds of information in the independent area, the most important thing is to always pay attention to the mission hall and take over the tasks that their own village can do.

Finance Group: led by Gong, this organization is responsible for the management of the whole materials in the village. At the same time, it is also responsible for some external transactions. This position is very important and can be said to be the lifeline of the whole village. Finally, after some discussion, the village head gave up this position to Gong.

Leading Group: As the name implies, it is responsible for the leadership and direction of the whole village. The members are the leaders of all previous organizations, and of course, the village head. When something happens, everyone decides through a meeting.

It took the village chief a whole day to complete the above division and the safety of personnel, and most of the members had no objection to these decisions. Through the village head's explanation, they also understood that they are now in the independent zone, which is different from the previous village. Many people They became nervous. Now, there are relevant people in charge of them, but they feel at ease and rely on them.

At the beginning, people were not used to this management method. Compared with before, they were relatively idle and had little organizational discipline. However, people's adaptability is very strong. After several tasks, after several tasks, everyone gradually became familiar with the environment here. They soon adapted to this lifestyle. Although they have also encountered all kinds of hardships since then, with the leadership of the think tank, the presence of three evolutionists, and the presence of Gong, the organization slowly stabilized their feet in this independent zone.

After that, they developed better and better, people's lives became very stable, and all kinds of living materials were also sufficient. They even began to do business with other organizations. Finally, their organization's reputation also continued to rise, and fewer and fewer people came to trouble them. You know, evolutionists It's not that easy to provoke.

I don't know what will happen in the world in the future, and I don't know what will happen to her. However, when people live, they have to face the reality and live hard. Although the village head's life is very stable now, no one can predict what will happen in the future, so they still I am constantly working hard to strengthen my strength, for myself, my family and their future.


Collection is duty, message is love, red ticket is fate~~ Of course, reward is the most beloved ^_^~~~(~o~)~zZ~~