Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 27 [Black Hole Evolution]

Chenxi looked at his dirt and was speechless. He quickly stood up and ran out of the room, intending to clean his dirt first.

"Oh, Chenxi, what's wrong with you? You didn't fall into the pit, did you?" As soon as Chenxi walked out of the room, Obak saw Chenxi, who was covered in dirt and smelled all over, and took the lead in joking.

"Uh~! No. I don't know what's going on. Maybe I ate the wrong thing in the forest yesterday!" Chenxi was a little embarrassed, but it was difficult to explain, so he told a little lie.

"Oh, it stinks. Brother Chenxi, you'd better wash it first! It stinks." Irene frowned and said with her sister in her right hand.

Olina and Feng Ruyue were also defeated by the stench of Chenxi. Like Irene, they frowned and pinched their noses.

Chenxi knows that they must be smelly just by looking at them. It's really unpopular.

Chenxi quickly walked down the mountain and said, "I'll go down to wash first and come up later."

The well dug at the foot of the mountain is not far away, but in dozens of seconds, Chenxi has arrived at the well.

It's really ugly. Chenxi was embarrassed to stain this well water that everyone wanted to use, so he made a stone bucket with a sword, and then raised the well water with a stone bucket to wash the dirty things on his body.

I used more than a dozen buckets of water in a row and finally washed all the dirt on my body.

After washing all the dirt on Chenxi's body, he found that his skin became very white and clean.

Standing on the edge of the well and looking at the reflection in the well water, Chenxi touched his face and muttered to himself, "Grandma, this has become so white. Hey hey! In the future, you will have food to eat just by relying on this face. In the future, if you run out of money and stand on the street and shout for care, you will definitely be welcomed.

"Oc, this is just an incidental effect of the genetic evolution fluid. Don't be beautiful. It's more important to practice." Babaka said in his mind.

"Ha~! Let's not talk about it. It's important to practice. Babaka, should you teach me Black Hole Evolution now? Chenxi has only been practicing the most rubbish skill. He has been coveted for Babaka's "Black Hole Transformation" for a long time. Just by listening to the name of this skill, you can know that it is a very awesome skill.

There was no time before, but now there is not only time, but also time. Chenxi immediately thought of this skill.

"Yes, there was just no opportunity in the past, but now that there is a time, of course I can teach you Black Hole Transformation!" Babaka replied.

"Okay, let's find a more hidden place, and then you can teach me Black Hole Evolution." Although Chenxi was talking to Babaka, he was not idle at his feet and looked for a more hidden place in the forest near the Great Leiyin Temple.

The speed under his feet is fast enough, so Chenxi didn't take much time to find a cave.

It was a little dark in the cave, so Chenxi lit a torch and went in. When the fire lit, the cave was still flat and there were not many stones.

Fortunately, due to the proximity to the Great Leiyin Temple, there is no undead in the cave, but there is a black turtle in the cave.

The black iron turtle is a four-level earth warcraft. It is meek and slow to move. The turtle shell is as hard as black iron, which is enough to match the defense power of the seventh-level warcraft, hence the name, but the black iron turtle is very rare, and Chenxi did not expect to encounter such a mysterious here. Iron turtle.

The docile black iron turtle seemed to have no interest in Chenxi. He glanced at Chenxi, closed his eyes again, and ignored Chenxi.

Anyway, the black iron turtle is docile and has no threat to himself, so Chenxi ignored it. He was worried about the skill in his heart and sat on the ground in the cave and said, "Well, I have found a place to practice. Please teach me Black Hole Transformation quickly."

"Okay, I'll pass on the method of Black Hole Evolution to your mind, but you may feel a little dizzy later." Babakadao.

"Well, I'm ready. You can pass "Black Hole Transformation" to my mind." Chenxi Road.

When Chenxi finished speaking, Babaka transmitted "Black Hole Transformation" to Chenxi's mind.

Chenxi only felt his brain buzzing, and then fainted.

"This boy fainted well." The "Xuan Tie Turtle" on one side really opened his eyes and seemed to feel a little surprised, but after saying this, he closed his eyes and didn't seem to care much.


"What's wrong with me..." It was five hours later when Chenxi woke up.

But fortunately, after practicing fighting spirit, the demand for food is not so great, otherwise Chenxi would have been hungry long ago.

"You were dizzy just now. I sent "Black Hole Evolution" to your mind. The amount of information is a little large, so you are dizzy." Obak said.


Chenxi tried to sense the information in his mind. Sure enough, there was a lot of information in his mind, all of which were about Black Hole Evolution.

There seems to be a little man in his mind. The little man is transparent. In the little man's body, there is also a black whirlpool that is running. During the operation, the small man slowly absorbs things that seem to be the aura of heaven and earth, and the black vortex in the small human body grows little by little after inhaling these auras.

Chenxi knows that this is the cultivation method of Black Hole Evolution, and there is a lot of information about the cultivation of Black Hole Evolution in his mind, which tells about the cultivation method, and there are some annotations of the cultivation process...

After getting the long- coveted cultivation method of Black Hole Evolution, Chenxi quickly sorted out the information in his mind and practiced earlier.

An hour later, Chenxi finally mastered the entry method of Black Hole Evolution. He secretly said that this Black Hole Evolution was really powerful enough to absorb the aura of the outside world all the time and constantly strengthen the fighting spirit. It is really an anti-sky skill.

No more thinking, Chenxi quickly began to practice according to the cultivation method of Black Hole Evolution.

Chenxi runs the fighting spirit in his body and rotates little by little according to Black Hole Transformation.

Time passed slowly. I don't know how long it took. In the Dantian field of Chenxi, in the center of the fighting spirit, a very small black vortex appeared. Outside is the whirlpool formed by the fighting spirit practiced by Chenxi before. Between the rotation of the small black whirlpool, it absorbed the fighting spirit cultivated by Chenxi little by little and continued to be strong. Big yourself.

Because these fighting spirits were cultivated by Chenxi himself, it was not much difficult for the black small whirlpool to absorb Chenxi's previous fighting spirit, but in three hours transformed all the previous fighting spirits in Chenxi's body into the kind of fighting spirit that formed the black small whirlpool.
